The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London






Long before Our Lord was born in Bethlehem, His coming was expected, known about  and  eagerly awaited. The canon of the Old Testament records faithfully the anticipation of the Prophets of old. Likewise in this Sceptered Isle , there dwelt those of the Druidic faith of the early migrants from Biblical Israel who kept the Laws of God and awaited the birth of Yesu, the Saviour of the World. It was this same Druidic faith that merged so serenely with the new Christian epoch that was to become rooted in Erin and Albion.

The most sacred sites of the Druids were the holy mounds, known as Gorsedds. These were their temples and fortresses combined, where mingled the streams of earth and Heaven. Many were known by the name Winton, Win meaning white or holy and ton a sacred mound. The most easily recognisable of these is the old British city of Winton, or as we know it now, Winchester, once capital of Wessex, under our great King Alfred. Winchester was founded by the great Lawgiver( interpreter of God ‘s Law) King Molmutius. It became known as the White City. Similarly, the Tower of London (White mound or White tower) was also built on a Druid Site, originally known as Bryn Gwyn. In the area of South­ West England, both Silbury Hill (in Wiltshire) and Glastonbury Tor were sites for a Gorsedd (Welsh for great seat or throne).

However, the most prominent and well known site of a Gorsedd in this country is Win-de-Sieur the White or Holy Mound of Sieur or Lord Windsor, upon which stands that regal castle, so beloved by our present Queen. It is the only Gorsedd which in unbroken historical continuity has literally fulfilled its Celtic title as a “great seat or throne of the monarch”, from the sixth century to the present day. It was surrounded by one of the greatest Royal forests in the land, consisting mainly of oak and beech.

This Great Seat owes its fame entirely to two of our most illustrious kings, the noble Arthur, first of the three most Christian worthies of the World, and the romantic warrior king Edward 3rd of Windsor (1327-1377). The round Table of legend was in fact the reorganisation of the Druidic Order along Christian lines. From Froissart, the Court Chronicler of the time, we learn that it was a romantic pilgrimage Edward made with his young Queen Phillipa to Arthur’s grave at Glastonbury, which determined the Plantagenet monarch to refound the British Order, revive the Round Table Assemblies and once again make Windsor the centre of European Chivalry.

In 1908, The Olympic Games were held in London, and although they bore little resemblance  to the ones we are now accustomed to; for instance, there was no Olympic torch, this being introduced at the Munich Olympics of 1936, at the direction of the Nazis the Marathon was one of the events. Originally to celebrate the distance run by Pheidippides from the plains of Marathon to Athens; this was extended, so that the race could start in the grounds of Windsor Castle, and still finish in the White City stadium. In fact the starting point was extended so that the race began under the window of Princess May. Thus was the distance of 26 miles and 385 yards fixed, and after 1921 became so, for all time adding to Greenwich, an internationally recognised British measure.

Both Arthur and Edward 3rd refused the advances of Rome and by so doing caused the Chapel of St George of Windsor to be declared a ‘free’ chapel (now under the jurisdiction of our Queen and not the Church of England), free from Papal authority. This royal chapel may, therefore, claim to be the keystone of the Reformation. We must not confuse St George’s Chapel with St George’s Hall, which was badly damaged by fire in 1992, and where foreign dignitaries were entertained, personages not necessarily our friends.

In other more recent times, the ancient landmarks have been desecrated by modem usage. On Sunday October 4th 1987, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), whose patron is or was the Duke of Edinburgh organised a “Creation Harvest” liturgy in Winchester Cathedral, which included readings from Bahaism, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism and Taoism. This in the Battle Abbey of the British Empire. In 1991, just prior to her “annus horribilis”, the Queen rejected a petition by 77,000 Christians respectfully requesting an end to multi-faith services in our Churches and Cathedrals, which had been held since 1984.

Now, it was necessary for the ancient Gorsedds and other holy sites to be made accessible to travellers. And so Molmutius, the Law giver, (who was also a roadmaker) created several highways, especially with regard to Winchester and London. The Sam Wyddelin was the high road from Dover to Holyhead (later corrupted to Watling Street), the Sam Ikm (Ickneild Street) led from London northwards and the Sam Achmaen which connected London with St David’s are among the best known. A law was made throwing open these roads to all people. There, along with the rivers and places of worship, no weapon could be used against you. Thus were the major roads to become known as the King’s Highways. No doubt this is why such as Dick Turpin and other highway robbers were so despised and railed against.

The Druids were precursors of the Christian faith, and their laws were the essence of Divine justice. Their Triads are world-famous and include the following:

“There are three things that require the unanimous vote of the nation; deposition of the Sovereign, introduction of novelties into religion, and the suspension of Law”. It can be argued that our Queen was deposed in 1992/93 by the enactment of the Maastricht Treaty which reduced her to a mere citizen of the European Union. And this with no vote let alone a unanimous vote to  authorise  this treachery. Thus the Maastricht Treaty is by this fact alone invalid and anyone seeking to uphold this so-called treaty is a traitor to the Kingdom of Britain.

Prior to Molmutius, the Common Law of Britain (Prydain) had already been established. It was known as the “Cyfreithiau” in the Welsh language. It is our sincere and blessed hope that our British Civil Rights will be restored to us in the not too distant future.

Acknowledgement given to “Prehistoric London” by E.O. Gordon dated 1946 (revised) for much of the historical information which appears in this article.
