The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





Bible chronology is important for understanding the predicitions of the prophets. Jeremiah, for example, said

“In  those  days the house of  Judah shall  walk with  the  house of  Israel, and  they  shall  come together out of the land  of  the north to the land that  I have  given  for their  inheritace unto your fathers”. [Jer 3: 18)

Jeremiah was saying the whole of Israel (all twelve tribes)  will live again in a new land (Since Jeremiah lived after the fall of both  houses during the captivity of Judah in Babylon, the prophecy would have to be unfulfilled still if Bible  evidence, archaeological research, linguistic and  historical links did not prove that the nations of Europe are in fact the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel  and  Judah. The “land of the north” out  of which the  tribes were to come are  the Caucasus Mountains, from which the name Caucasian to describe the  white European nations derives. There are many other Bible  evidences  to prove  the Caucasians are  the Israel  of the Bible.

If the  prophets’ predictions are  invalid, the  Bible cannot be true,  and  Christians delude themselves in believing it. But we find the Bible is a perfect account of the  origin  of the  nations of Europe because  they alone have  every mark characteristic of Israel,  and no other people come close to satisfying the requirements.

A pure  remnant of Israel,  mostly  from  the tribes  of Judah and Benjamin, remained in  Palestine, surrounded by mixed races, during Jesus’ ministry. Jesus’ disciples were Israelites descended from  this remnant of Israel,  and  the  “Gentiles” to whom the disciples preached  the  gospel were also  Israelites settled  in Europe after centuries of migration. Gentile is an English word  derived from the Latin word  gens; it meant tribe. The Greek word  for gens was ethnos; it also meant tribes. The New Testament confirmed the identity and  future  of Israel. At Jesus’ birth  the angel of the  Lord declared:

“Thou shalt  call his name  JESUS: for he shall save his  people  [Israel] from their  sins.”  (Matt. 1:21.)

Jesus as  heir   to  the  united kingdom of Israel, which he came to restore and  make holy even  as he brought Israel redemption from Adam’s sinful nature. Jesus said:

“Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.” (Matt. 10: 23; cf . John 10:16.)

All Europe and  the  Caucasian world will receive the  gospel before Jesus returns to  establish  his kingdom. Jesus told his apostles:

“When the Son of  man  shall  sit in the  throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon  twelve thrones, judging  the twelve tribes  of  Israel.”  (Matt.  19: 28; cf. Luke 22: 30.)

So the  Apostles understood the  identity of Israel and   their  rightful  heritage. They  could think  of no better question to ask Jesus before He ascended into heaven than:

“Wilt thou at  this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1: 67.)

They  knew they  were to preach to Israel. James addressed his letter to “the  twelve tribes  which  are scattered abroad” (James 1:1)

The  identity of Israel  was  not  lost  over  the  ages. Ancient geographers, astronomers, explorers, and historians such as  Sharbo, Pliny, Tacitus, Ptolemy, Herodotus, and   others gave  proof  of  the  Israelite origins of the Scythians and  other European peoples. The Puritans and the Pilgrims saw themselves as Israel under a  covenant by  the Providence of God.  King James, who commissioned the  King James Bible, claimed God  had  made him  king  over Israel. On a coin  with  an  image of his  head was  inscribed the words, “I will make  them one nation” (Ez. 37: 22) Other  British monarchs also were informed they held a throne for Christ’s return.

The famous London attorney and  historian Sharon Turner (1768-1847) listed  hundreds of Anglo-Saxon words he  believed were derived from  Hebrew and others held  a  belief  that  the  British  and  American peoples are  part  of the  ten  supposedly lost  tribes of Israel, sometimes known as Anglo-lsraelism. Because the belief is actually Biblical,  no individual can  claim credit for its origin, but some modern historians have favorite theories.  Douglas and Cairns in  their Dictionary of  the Christian Church (Zondervan Publishing House, 1978)  say, “The idea probably originated with  John Sadler (Rights of the Kingdom, 1649), but  in  its  modern form  it dates from  John Wilson’s book  Our Israelitish Origin  (1840). The first Anglo-Saxon Association was founded in England in 1879. British Israelites vary in their  views,  but  the following is typical. The kingdom, though  promised to David’s seed in perpetuity,  failed to survive in Israel so that we must look for its continuance elsewhere. The connection with England  is through Zedekiah’s daughters (Jer. 41:10), who  escaped death in Egypt (Jer. 44: 12-14) and took root elsewhere (Isa. 37: 31 ), that is, in Ireland, one of the ‘isles of the sea’ (Jer. 31:10), to which they sailed in a ship with Jeremiah. From Ireland  they or their  progeny  reached England  and became a royal house. The common people reached England  after  much   continental wandering, being ‘sifted  through  many nations’ (Amos 9: 9), but some remained in western Europe. Many Old Testament prophecies about  Israel are said to have been fulfilled in the history  of the British Empires, e.g., that Israel would lend and not borrow, would  possess the gates (such  as Gibraltar, Singapore, and Hong Kong) of her enemies; that Joseph’s branches would  run over the wall (Gen. 49: 22), which means that the Pilgrim Fathers  belonged to the  tribe  of Manasseh, but left their  Ephraimish relatives behind in England. The Great Pyramid is said to enshrine these  truths. British Israelites do not form a separate sect, but belong  to many   churches.”  Douglas and   Cairns list  H. W. Armstrong’s The United States  and  British Commonwealth in Prophecy (1967) as a supporting reference.

The true identity of Israel  is actually the most essential Biblical issue  of the day. To Israel belong  a covenant and  a kingdom with  God  that  will shape current events. Christ  has  put  His name upon  His people, and  they are properly titled Christian Israelites. In  the  United States there have   been outstanding representatives of the Christian  Israelite message, such as Destiny Publishers, headquartered in Merrimac,  Massachusetts. The  Congregations of Israel,  headquartered in Round  Hill, Virginia, has its own  ordained pastors and  services for those  who seek  national blessings along  with Christ’s  salvation by grace. Its international newsletter The  Virginia Christian Israelite spreads the  revitalizing true Israelite message abroad.



PO Box 177, Merrimac,  MA 01860-0177- USA

