The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





The visible church, whether Established, Free, or Rome does not have exclusive possession of all the truth. Every ecclesiastical system believes that it has! However, when we consider the great variance on fundamental issues, it is obvious that they cannot all be right! The purpose  of  this article  is to put  under  the  spotlight the Established  Church of  England  and  Rome. The Established Church took stock of its theology following the Reformation. This was the ideal time to evaluate core beliefs, and as a consequence, the Authorised King James Bible of 1611 came into being. Not only this, but also the Apostle’s Creed, the Athanasian Creed, The Thirty Nine Articles’ of Religion, and the Book of Common Prayer. The Established Church was now on a sound footing, and for some three hundred years all appeared to be going well.

Rome, ever watchful, was busy with the Counter Reformation, and the seeds of destruction within the Established Church were taking effect. John Henry Newman, a Church of England minister converted to Rome, and was responsible for the Tractarian Society, 1833-45. These tracts caused a serious division within the  church,  and  the  rush  back  to  Rome gathered momentum. Also at the same time, German theologians were having a field day in destroying the literal truths of Scripture. This had a profound effect on the ordinands who accepted their teaching. Today, it is hard to find a cleric who accepts Scripture, both Old and New Testaments. Add to this the fact that the Prayer Book was replaced by ‘Common Worship’ in 2000. Thus the march back to Rome continues apace. Common Worship has quietly disposed of the 39 Articles of Religion as baggage not wanted on voyage.

Although the King James Bible of 1611 is still available, the majority of Christian Bookshops stock more and more of today’s modern perversions. Although it is not the purpose of this article to compare them, it must be mentioned that many of them have radically changed texts to make them almost unrecognisable. Even worse, The International Version has missed out some verses altogether. As has been mentioned many times in The Ensign Message, there is a lack of good, solid Biblical teaching in many parish churches today (see Hebrews 5:11-14). They have possession of revealed truth in tradition, the Bible and the Creeds. However, the church remains silent in warning the nation of the great dangers we face in these last days. As a result of the Reformation, she possesses the whole body of revealed truth as given to the prophets. Deuteronomy 29 and verse 29 tells us The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever. Thus, the nation and the church have a Divine right to all that the Holy Spirit has revealed to His servants the prophets. Note incidentally, that the Lord has many things which we have no right to know and understand at this present time. The time will surely come when those who have overcome the world will be granted a truly amazing gift whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust (II Peter 1:4).

Until that day, the Lord has allowed us sufficient knowledge and understanding in order to be used as His instruments of blessing. Thus, the Established church has all the necessary means to guide the nation through these dark and evil days. Sadly, she has, for the most part, abrogated her appointed task.

Now, we will consider the claims and teaching of Rome. A church which never loses an opportunity to strike when her enemies are asleep. The Established Church actively encourages Rome’s advances. This then is the time to see what she has to offer to those who are prepared to be caught in her web. We can do no better than to quote from her Catechism. For the sake of brevity only a selected few of the questions and answers will be reviewed.

On the supposed authority of Rome;

Question: How are you to know what God has revealed?

Answer: I am to know what God has revealed by the testimony, teaching, and authority of the Catholic Church. Notice her threefold claim 1) Testimony. 2) Teaching. 3) Authority. Her testimony is her evidence, demonstration and declaration of all that she propounds so as to establish her legality. Notice that she refers to herself as the Catholic Church; thus she has proclaimed for herself that she alone is the only church. The word catholic simply means universal. By implication, all other churches and belief systems are automatically excluded. Rome claims that the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, is the visible head on earth, the Vicar of Christ. This claim is directly opposed to what Scripture so clearly states, He (i.e. Christ) is the head of the body, the church; who is the beginning, the first born from  the dead; that in all things he might have the pre­ eminence. For itpleased the father that in him should all fullness dwell (Colossians 1:18-19). No human being has the right, or the authority to make any claim that takes away, or diminishes the authority of Christ. Again we are told, And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body, the fullness of  him  that filleth all in all (Ephesians 1:22-23.)

Question: Is the Pope infallible?

Answer: The Pope is infallible. The Pope cannot err when shepherd and Teacher of all Christians, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole church. Paul speaks plainly of those who exalt themselves above God thus, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God (II Thessalonians 2:4). Matthew also has a word to those who teach doctrines and make claims which defy the Scriptures But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (Matthew 15:9).

The Catechism continues,

Question: ‘Can the Church err in what she teaches?

Answer: The Church cannot err in what she teaches as to faith or morals, for she is our infallible guide in both’. This again is a presumptuous claim which overrules the clear teaching of Scripture. Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye (Mark 7:13).

Question: What is the Holy Mass?

Answer: The Holy Mass is the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, really present on the altar under the appearance of bread and wine, and offered  to God for the living and the dead.. Paul has a strong word of condemnation  against those who endeavour to recreate our Saviour’s supreme sacrifice and make it into a public spectacle. This not only goes against the clear teaching of Scripture, but also magnifies the office of priest.

Hebrews 10:11-14 state, And very priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God’s Throne henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Romans 6:10 states, For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. It must be mentioned here that the High Church of England is just as guilty as Rome in this regard, shame on them!

The purpose of the Communion Service is simply to remember our Lord’s supreme sacrifice, and has no magical powers. Our Lord’s simple instructions are surely clear enough. And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave it unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you; this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you (Luke 22:19-20). Jesus was simply pointing out to His disciples that the bread merely symbolised His body, and the wine, His blood. There is nothing to suggest that the bread suddenly became His body and the wine His blood. The service is simply a reminder of His suffering and supreme sacrifice, and nothing more.

Question: What is confession?

Answer: Confession is to accuse ourselves of our sins to a priest approved by the Bishop. Here again, Rome has taken upon  herself  power  and  authority which was not given to any man, church or organisation. Not only does the priest allegedly suddenly have  the  power  to  forgive,  but  also  to  appoint punishment. There is nothing in the Scriptures to support this. James instructs us in 5: 16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray  one for another, that ye maybe healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. There is nothing here to suggest that the penitent confesses his faults to a priest. It clearly states one to another, in other words, two people  come  together and discuss their faults, or sins, and pray for  each other; but the priest acts as judge and jury, but does not  confess  his  sins to the penitent!

Question: Has all mankind contracted the guilt and stain of original sin?

Answer: All mankind has contracted the guilt and stain of original Sin, except the Blessed Virgin, who, through the merits of her Divine Son, was conceived without the least stain of original sin.

Yet again, Rome  has seriously digressed  from  the Scriptures. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.Where is the authority for Rome to add ‘except the Blessed Virgin?’ There is no such authority! Mary herself was under no illusion on this point. This is made clear in Luke 1:47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour (please read verses 36-48). Mary was shown that all generations shall call me blessed which indeed she was, but there is nothing to suggest that she should be venerated and prayed to as a saint. She knew that she was a sinner, and rejoiced in God her Saviour.

Question: What is the chief prayer to the Blessed Virgin which the Church uses?

Answer: Hail; Mary, full of grace: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour  of  our death.

This answer is clearly stating that Mary has the Divine authority to act as mediatrix. Again, this is not in accord with Scripture For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (I Timothy 2:5). The Roman Church has taken upon itself the office of Jesus Christ. Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec (Hebrews 5:6). He and He alone is mediator forever.

It is hoped that this article will help those who have no concept that they are part of a vast organisation which continues to deceive millions through the centuries. If only they checked out for themselves the truth, or otherwise of what they believe, then the Church of Rome would not continue on its path of  deception.

There are millions worldwide who are taught to accept that their salvation, their future; their very lives are in the hands of the church. When we think about it, the church is a man-made institution. Whether it be Protestant, Free, or Rome, all are man-made. Each has a modicum of truth, but have overlaid that truth with tradition and part truths. This then begs the question what is the true church? The answer to this vital question was fully expressed by the late J.C. Ryle DD, Bishop of Liverpool. We can do no better than to quote from his essay which can leave no doubt in the minds of the reader.

Where is this one true Church? What is this one true Church like? What are the marks by which this one true Church may be known? You may well ask such questions. The one true Church is composed of all believers in the Lord Jesus. It is made up of all God’s elect-of all converted men and women-of all true Christians. In whomsoever we can discern the election of God the Father, the sprinkling of the blood of God the Son, the sanctifying work of God the Spirit, in that person we see a member of Christ’s true  Church.

It is a Church of which all the members have the same marks.

They are all born again of the Spirit, they all possess “repentance towards God, faith towards our Lord  Jesus Christ “, and holiness of life and conversation. They all hate sin, and they all love Christ. They worship differently, and after various fashions; some worship with a form of prayer, and some with none; some worship kneeling , and some standing; but they all worship with one heart. They are all led by one Spirit; they all build upon one foundation; they all draw their religion from one single book * that is the Bible. They are all joined to one great centre – that is Jesus Christ. We all even now, can say with one heart, “Hallelujah; ” and they can all respond with one heart and voice, Amen and Amen.

It is a Church which is dependent upon no ministers upon earth, however much it values those who preach the Gospel to its members. The life of its members does not hang upon Church membership and Baptism, and the Lord ‘s Supper – although they highly value these things when they are to be had. But it has only one Great Head – one Shepherd, one chief Bishop – and that is Jesus Christ. He alone, by His Spirit, admits the members of this Church though ministers may show the door. Till He opens the door no man on earth can open it – neither bishops, nor presbyters, nor convocations, nor synods. Once let a man repent and believe the Gospel, and that moment he becomes a member of this Church. Like the penitent thief, he may have no opportunity of being baptised, but he has that which is far better than any water baptism , the baptism of the Spirit. He may not be able to receive the bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper, but takes it by faith every day he lives, and no minister on earth can prevent him. He may be excommunicated by ordained men, and cut off from outward ordinances of  the professing  Church, but all the ordained men in the world cannot shut him out of the true Church.

It is a Church whose existence does not depend on forms, ceremonies, cathedrals, churches, chapels,  pulpits,  fonts,  vestments, organs, endowments, money, kings, governments, magistrates, or any act of favour whatsoever from the hand of man. It has often lived on and continued when all these things have been taken from it; it has often been driven into the wilderness or into dens and caves of the earth, by those who ought to have been its friends. Its existence depends on nothing but the presence of Christ and His Spirit; and they, being ever with it, the Church cannot die.

This is the Church to which the Scriptural titles of present honour and privilege, and the promises of future glory especially belong; this is the body of Christ; this is the flock of Christ; this is the household of faith and the family of God; this is God’s building. God’s foundation, and the temple of the Holy Ghost. This is the Church of the first-born, whose names  are written in heaven; the purchased possession, the habitation of God, the light of the world, the salt and the wheat of the earth; this is the  “Holy Catholic Church” of the Apostle ‘s creed; this is the “One Catholic and Apostolic Church” of the Nicene Creed; this is that Church to which the Lord Jesus promises the gates of hell shall not prevail  against  it, and to which He says, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world (Matthew 16:18; 28:20).

This is the only Church which possesses true unity. Its members are entirely agreed on all the weightier matters of religion, for they are all taught by one Spirit. About God, and Christ, and the Spirit, and sin, and their own hearts, and faith and repentance and necessity of holiness, and the value of the Bible, and the importance of prayer, and the resurrection, and judgment to come – about all these points they are of one mind. Take three or four of them, strangers to one another, from the remotest corners of the earth; examine them separately on these points; you will find them all of one judgment. This is the only Church which possesses true sanctity. Its members are all holy. They are not merely holy by progression, holy in name, and holy in the judgement of charity; they are holy in act and word and deed and reality and life and truth. They are all more or less conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. No unholy man belongs to this Church.

This is the only Church which is truly catholic. It is not the Church of any one nation or people: its members are to be found in every part of the world where the Gospel is received and believed. It is not confined within the limits of any one country, or pent up within the pale of any particular forms or outward government. In it there is no difference between Jew and Greek, black man and white, Episcopalian and Presbyterian – but faith in Christ is all. Its members will be gathered from north, and south, and east, and west, in the last day, and will be of every name and tongue  – but all one in Jesus  Christ.

This is the only Church which is truly apostolic. It is built on the foundation laid by the Apostles, and holds the doctrines which they preached. The two grand objects at which its members aim, are apostolic faith and apostolic practice, and they consider the man who talks of following the Apostles without possessing these two things to be no better than sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.

It is the only Church which is certain to endure to the end. Nothing can altogether overthrow and destroy it, though its members may be persecuted, oppressed, imprisoned, beaten, beheaded, burned; but the true Church is never altogether extinguished; it rises again from its afflictions; it lives on through fire and water. When crushed in one land, it springs up in another. The Pharaohs, the Herods, the Neros, the Bloody Marys, have laboured in vain to put down this Church; they slay their thousands, and then pass away and go to their own place. The true Church outlives them all and sees them buried each in their turn. It is an anvil that has broken many a hammer in this world, and will break many a hammer still; it is a bush which is often burning, and yet is not consumed.

This is the only Church of which no one member can perish. Once enrolled in the lists of this Church, sinners are safe for eternity ; they are never cast away. The election of God the Father, the continual intercession of God the Son, the daily renewing and sanctifying power of God the Holy Ghost, surround and fence them in like a garden enclosed.. Not one bone of Christ’s flock shall ever be plucked out of His hand.

This is the Church which does the work of Christ upon earth. Its members are a little flock, and few in number, compared with the children of the world : one or two here, and two or three there – a few in this district and a few in that. But these are they who shake the universe, but these are they who change the fortunes of kingdoms by their prayers ; these are they who are the active workers for spreading the knowledge of pure religion and undefiled; these are the lifeblood of a country, the shield, the defence, the stay, and the support of any nation to which they belong. This is the Church which shall be truly glorious at the end. When all earthly glory is passed away then shall this Church be presented without spot before God upon earth, then shall come to nothing; dignities and offices, and endowments shall all pass away; but the Church of the first-born shall shine as the stars at the last, and be presented with joy before the Father’s throne, in the day of Christ’s appearing. When the Lord’s jewels are made up, and the manifestation  of the sons of God takes place, episcopacy, and Presbyterianism, and congregationalism will not be mentioned;

This is the true Church to which a man must belong, if he would be saved. Till you belong to this, you are nothing better than a lost soul. You may have the form, the husk, the skin, and the shell of religion, but you have not got the substance and the life. Yes; you may have countless outward privileges; you may enjoy great light, and knowledge – but if you do not belong to the body of Christ, your light , and knowledge, and privileges, will not save your soul. Alas, for the ignorance that prevails on this point! Men fancy if they join this Church or that Church, and become communicants , and go  through  certain forms, that all must be right with their souls. It is an utter delusion; it is a gross mistake. All were not Israel who were called Israel, and all are not members of Christ’s body who  profess  themselves  Christians. Take notice, you may be a staunch Episcopalian, or Presbyterian, or Congregationalist, or Baptist, or Methodist, or Plymouth Brethren – and yet not belong to the true Church. And if you do not, it will be better at last if you had never been born.
