The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London






When talking-about your faith, how often do you hear the “Yes but” response?

The most common I hear are:-

‘Yes but’… ….. .

  1. Society has changed – Transient, international travel, inter racial, family breakdown is acceptible, single parent families, laws have changed etc.
  2. Science and knowledge – Evolution, creation, archaeology, mobile phones, planes, trains, cars, IT, Space, etc.
  3. The Church – Lost touch with society, set in its old ways, traditions, the Bible doesn’t apply to today, etc.
  4. No need for God, we have what we want – Money, health care, food, exotic holidays, we can buy at the press of a button, etc.
  5. We look after ourselves – Hedonistic, insular, ‘me me me’, Christianity doesn’t apply to me, etc.
  6. Problems with religions – Wars and strife caused by religion, etc.
  7. How can God allow all the suffering – God has the power, then why doesn’t he use it to stop famine, wars, corruption, disease etc.

I’m sure there will be more but these I hear the most.

Maybe because some people just like to throw a spanner in the works thinking that one of these ‘Yes buts’ will take up too much time answering, so let’s talk about something else.

Some people are interested but are so brainwashed by the media and the uninformed points of view bounced around in society they become unable to accept the rational Christian reasoning for their doubts.

Sometimes so called Christians are not even able to answer these objections themselves (especially when they don’t understand God’s Word), casting more doubt in the minds of the non-believer.

In answer to these ‘Yes buts’ the most important thing always to remember is, man has not changed. He still has a soul, a conscience, he loves and hates, he thinks and considers the future, he tries to improve his situation etc.

  1. Yes, Society has changed 

We are less dependent on one and other and less interested. Most of the World is at our reach and we are at the reach of the world. All races and societies are accepted, seen  and understood, the good and the bad, and society is much more open and vulnerable to outside pressures.

Society is less united and more State influenced.

Caring and responsibility, fair play and doing the right thing is unimportant.

What does the Bible say? Romans 1 : 18 – 31

  1. The World does not stand still, with Science and Knowledge increasing at an incredible rate of knots, what’s new yesterday is history tomorrow!

There is no comparison between man’s knowledge and understanding in the 21st century and that of 2,000 years ago, but, the amazing thing is rather than denying and exposing the Bible as a hoax it’s validating much of the Bible as true fact. Archaeology and anthropology are corroborating the historical significance of the part Israel played in the vast regions of Asia-minor and Europe.

  1. The Church

I don’t want to give the Church a bashing but unfortunately the Church is inflicting its own wounds and is playing right into the hands of the anti-Christian lobby, which must be jumping for joy.

With the ongoing scandal in the Catholic Church over child abuse and paedophile priests, the ordaining of homosexual ministers in the Church of England, I’m not surprised the laity are leaving the church in droves. How many churches are preaching the true meaning of the Bible (if they even know it themselves) or do they hide behind the ‘politically correct’ banner!

Millions of people have a spiritual need to fulfil, a soul that is crying out for God’s presence but unfortunately they become disillusioned very quickly with the empty banter they receive in church.

A couple of my children are involved with these new more open evangelical churches which do a lot of Christian work within their local communities, encouraging young people, families and the spiritually starved to experience the true love of the Lord and be part of a caring Christian family.

Well you can’t ask for better than that and they will be blessed and multiply as long as they hold fast to all the teachings of God’s Word.

So take heart, what does the Good Book tell us: – 2 Timothy 3:5-8 / 2 Peter 2:1-3

  1. The Bible was written for another age, we have everything we want

Yes , there’s a ‘hollow’ element of truth about that; we have world travel with planes and cars etc. Medicine is coming up with ‘cures ‘ for all sorts of illnesses, plagues and diseases, (often caused by man). Instant communication through IT and mobile phones. Space travel, OK if you’re an astronaut. Drugs, alcohol and porn is readily available. Buy anything at the press of a button with ready plastic money. Deeper in debt!

‘Hollow ‘, because on the surface for many of us it’s there, but once you scratch below the surface you expose an empty void. Constant gratification within an increasing hedonistic society. Peace of mind is of a bygone era, it’s not obtainable when we search for  constant  pleasure, it’s a fact some of the richest are some of the loneliest and lost.

The moment we can soul search our tentative existence and evaluate our being is the moment we can look round and consider how best we can share …….!

The Bible is the most powerful document in a Christian’s armoury, it’s our Sword to be held up and never fall. Our Lord will give us the understanding and knowledge we require to progress through life when He decides we are ready to take the next step along the path He has prepared for us. Prophesy can be very convincing when you are fighting your Christian corner because it’s factually true and the truth invariably rises to the top.

Just think of this day and age when you are reading what Christ tells us in,

Mark 13 or Matthew 24, do bear in mind the earthquakes refer to natural disasters, and nations rising up against other nations in not only military power but economic and industrial power, then read Paul’s words in 2 Timothy 3, where we are left in no doubt of our present situation.

  5. Problems with Religion

Yes, if you’re looking at retribution, punishment, mass murder and control by fear, then this is true.

No , if your heart is crying out for a new start in life where kindness, love, tolerance and forgiveness is the norm then the only answer is our Lord Jesus Christ who died for each and every one of us so we may have this wonderful opportunity to share His love which is freely given to us all and the promise of entering into His Kingdom with all our fellow Christians.

  6.Does God allow all the suffering?

God’s Word, the Bible, gives us complete sustenance for a healthy Christian life. It is important to understand the Word, healthy, as being, spiritual, mental, physical, social and national; in other words the Bible is our code of life at whatever level we need direction and wisdom the answers are there, just prayerfully study the Word of God and our Lord will direct your thoughts and your heart.

But if we think we can ignore God’s Word for whatever reason and go our own ways we will lose His love and protection, then we become vulnerable to the powers of this world, the powers of evil, hate, confusion, destruction and suffering. We can’t then turn round and accuse Christ of allowing suffering when we’ve rejected and ignored Him.

Anne Graham Lotz, Billy Graham’s daughter so rightfully said, since we’ve rejected Christ and banned Him from our schools, our government and our business, we’ve lost His blessings and protection. So when disaster strikes we’re on our own and at the mercy of the power of this world, the Devil. Nationally we are not showing the right examples to other nations which look to us for guidance on how to govern and manage their own affairs in a proper democratic way and for protection against aggression and suffering. Needless to say we have lost that sense of fair play and a Christian spirit, which unfortunately has so often become a thing of the past.

Beware:- Galatians 6:7

This power is the very power that Tempted Jesus.

The Temptation of Jesus Matthew 4 / Luke 4

When Jesus was tempted by Satan, Satan takes Jesus up into a high mountain showing Him all the kingdoms of the world. Then says Satan to Jesus, ‘All this power will I give Thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If Thou therefore will worship me, all shall be Thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.’

Jesus recognised the power of the Devil in this world, but Jesus was above it, opposed it and overcame it for us to have this wonderful opportunity to share in the glory of His kingdom.

This is what I’m talking about………The moment you turn to the Lord and ask Him into your heart, ‘the slate is wiped clean’ your life starts afresh.

When you turn to the Lord you turn your back on your past life, Christ’s spirit enters into your heart, there’s no turning back.

From now on life is a challenge, sometimes it seems like an uphill struggle, but the Lord shook you free from the grasp of the Devil and the Lord is never going to give you up. Life may be tough but the reward is unbelievable. Your faith and trust will be tested, sometimes to the extreme but with the Lord on your side you will win. Talk and pray with the Lord and He will open your eyes and ears to the full message of His Word, the Bible.

He guides us from the front, beside us He is our loving companion and He protects our backs against the arrows and daggers of evil.

‘Oh! What a friend we have in Jesus.’
