The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





“And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.”  – ISAIAH 30:25

ON September 11, 2001 the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City were destroyed by terrorists who had hijacked airliners, crashing them into these towers. Since that time the question on everyone’s mind has been: What should we do about it?

One of the first Christian ministers to be interviewed was Revd Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham. His advice was to seek out those responsible and bring them to justice, even if we had to kill innocent people to do so. The news commentator appeared quite shocked at his strong language. News commentators later interviewed Revd Jerry Falwell, whose words were even stronger. In both cases, their solution was based upon hatred and revenge in the guise of justice.

I heard just one commentator come close to the truth. He said, “No one is asking the real question: What has America done that would motivate people to hate us so much that they would give their very lives to attack us in this way?” It seems that nearly everyone assumes that America has been sitting here minding her own business, and terrorists hate us for it.
Christians tend to understand that we are hated because of our support for “Israel,” and since it appears to be our Christian duty under God to support “Israel,” we are in the right. Therefore, the terrorists have attacked us unjustly, and we need to respond in like kind.

How should overcomers respond? John 7:51 says,

‘Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth?’

If justice is to be done according to God’s law, then we ought to find out why they did what they did. Even if their actions and motives are wrong, it is not right for Christians to respond with vengeance in our hearts. We expect vengeance from those who follow Judaism and Islam, because their religions are based upon this, and they speak of it all the time. But Christians have no such right. In fact, we are commanded to return good for evil. Unfortunately, not all Christians are overcomers. Many want to strike back and kill even innocent civilians without so much as an investigation.

I have done a little investigation over the years and have some suggestions:

During World War One, Lawrence of Arabia earned the great respect of the Arab world. Promising the Palestinians independence if they would help defeat the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey), the British government sent Lawrence. He and Prince Faisal led the Arabs in a successful revolt against the Turks. According to Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedia, “Lawrence participated in the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, but was unsuccessful in his efforts to gain Arab independence.” He and the Arab world learned that you cannot trust the promises of the British government. Palestine remained under British rule. Lawrence died an embittered man in 1935 in a motorcycle accident, probably by suicide.

The British government squandered the high esteem that the Arab world felt for them as a result of their tremendous respect for Lawrence. If they had not lied to the Arabs and then betrayed them, the Arab people would have forgiven and forgotten the Christian Crusades of past centuries and would have become staunch allies and friends.

Zionist Jews also wanted to establish an independent state of their own in Palestine, rather than live in peace with the Arabs under British rule. So various terrorist organizations sprang up, such as the Irgun Gang, the Stem Gang, and the Palmah, and they began assassinating British soldiers, policemen, and others. Nearly all of the Israeli prime ministers of the past 50 years got their start as Jewish terrorists in the1940’s. Most of their pictures were on “wanted”posters in those days. They were wanted for murder. In the Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 13, under the heading “Rabin, Yizhak,” we read:

“He joined the Palmah when it was founded in 1940 and participated in the Allied invasion of Syria in 1941. In 1944, as second in command of a Palmah battalion, he took part in underground actions against the British Mandatory regime, and on June 29, 1946 — ‘Black Sunday’ — he was arrested and imprisoned in the Rafah detention camp for six months. In 1947 he was appointed deputy commander of the Palmah.”

Prime Minister Shamir’s biography was reviewed by The Globe and Mail for August 6,1994. It says:

“Shamir took part in the decision to kill Lord Moyne and he helped plan the bold and complex operation [i.e., terrorist assassination]. The experience was to serve him well later. During his years with the Mossad, Israel’s security and intelligence service, he reportedly directed a squad of assassins. Shamir says he also ordered the execution of a Lehi member, a fanatic who threatened to disrupt the organization. How many other killings he ordered, he does not say. Shamir insists he has no regrets about his actions.”

Why is it that the assassination of Lord Moyne was “a bold and complex operation,” rather than a terrorist act? And was the murder of a Lehi member justified on the grounds that the man was a “fanatic”? The Christian view should be that Shamir is an unrepentant terrorist assassin and has no right to be a statesman. If we do not see that, then we have no moral right to punish Arab terrorists.

On November 29, 1947 the United Nations passed a resolution to establish Palestine as a Jewish Homeland. That is, Jews would be free to immigrate there and live as citizens with other Palestinians under the mandate of the British government. The British were to withdraw slowly over a period of a few years in order to allow a new government to form that included all
Palestinian citizens.

But then, to avoid further bloodshed at the hands of the Zionist terrorists, the British suddenly capitulated in 1948 and withdrew from Palestine. This allowed those same terrorist murderers to seize the reins of government on May 14, 1948, where they were promptly baptized by the Church as “statesmen.”

Terrorist tactics worked so well for the Zionist Jews in 1948 that some Arab countries decided to do the same later. The Zionists, of course, being experts on terrorism themselves, understand that this could be their worst nightmare. They object to Palestinians fighting back, especially when they use the same tactics that the Zionists used in the 1940’s. They were not
opposed to terrorism until it came to their doors”.

Today we are being told that we should declare war on terrorists. That would be fine if we did not distinguish between Jewish and Arab terrorists. But when we support Jewish terrorism and reward them for their efforts-and then condemn Arab terrorism when they fight back-we lose our moral standing in the eyes of most of the world. Do Jews have the inherent right before God to be terrorists? Is it our Christian duty to support Jewish terrorism but fight Arab terrorism?

The foundations of the Israeli state were built upon terrorism and murder from the beginning. They did not lay Jesus Christ as their Foundation. In Ezekiel 24:9, God says of the old Jerusalem “Woe to the bloody city!” Judgment must come, because God is no respecter of persons. And now Judgment is coming to America as well, because we have supported Jewish terrorism. The British government also is implicated, because they lied to the Arabs during World War One and did not give them the independent state promised to them for their support. God does not condone lying-even if men think it is for an overall good purpose. Jacob had to learn that lesson in Genesis 27:24. The ends do not justify the means.

The Arabs have some legitimate grievances that have yet to be addressed by Christians and by western governments. Until that happens, God will remove His divine protection from us. Meanwhile, the fall of the towers is also a sign of the soon-coming “raid” of the Holy Spirit, as well as the destruction of Jerusalem. This is the meaning of Isaiah 30:23-33. The solution is NOT
to “go back to Egypt by trusting in horses” (modern tanks) to resolve this issue. The only true solution is to repent and turn back to God. See Isaiah 30:1, 2 and 31:1-3, and compare with the law in Deuteronomy 17:16. The terrorists are not our main problem. We must deal with God, who has raised up terrorists to cause us to repent (Amos 3:6). Selah.

{ Compliments of Foundation for Intercession }
