There was a time that almost every family had at least one Bible in their home. Many times it just laid there gathering dust and was hardly ever opened. Many felt that they were getting the Word by attending church and Bible school every Sunday. Regardless of the many errors contained therein, I still use the KJV that is 1,600 pages long. If you were seen reading the Bible and someone were to ask you what the Bible is all about, how would you answer him? After reading and studying the Bible for over thirty years I would give him the following book review.
From Genesis one to Genesis 12:3 it tells of the creation of the heavens and the earth. No one can tell how many thousands of years passed before the creation of Adamic man. Genesis 5:1 says, “This is the book of the generations of Adam”, and not the book of any other race on earth. Then he goes on to tell us of Noah’s time and the tower incident at Babylon. It could have been eons that passed between Genesis 1 and 12.
In Genesis 12:3 is when God called Abram to bring about the plans he had in mind for us laid down from the foundation of the world. From this point on to the end of Revelation the Bible becomes a story of one man’s family, Abraham and His children. There is a reason that Abraham is mentioned 66 times in the N.T. God has always had a people, the same people he had from the beginning, as he never had to go to any other people on earth to follow Him and fulfil his plan for the ages. Every writer of the Bible was an Israelite and it was addressed only to Israel. I feel that it is important to mention Deuteronomy 4:8
“And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day”.
This is one of the greatest gifts he gave us, the same gift that thousands of today’s preachers attack with fervor as they prefer man’s laws. His laws should never be looked down upon as a curse or burden to us. There are dozens of things I would like to mention in this paragraph, but we’ll go on to the next subject.
The Bible is also a tale of two cities that runs from Genesis to Revelation, ancient Babylon and the old city of Jerusalem. In the N.T. they are called Mystery Babylon and the New Jerusalem. Mystery Babylon is not a city or a geographical spot on the globe, but  a political, economic and religious system that controls the world, also referred to as the beast system. In I Chronicles 17:9, when Nathan told David while standing in Jerusalem
“Also I will ordain a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, and they shall dwell in their place, and shall move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness waste them any more , as at the beginning.”
 This was important enough to repeat it in II Samuel 7:10. The old Jerusalem is out of the picture now as Christ said it will be as Shiloh where His spirit would no longer dwell. No preachers like to mention or comment on these two verses as it would give the lie to their eschatology. It appears that America was the last place that we moved to and our early Americans referred to this land as the New Israel. When reading the prophets it describes this land as well as the people that are repeating the same things our ancestors did. These were not ignorant people that felt that way, as Thomas Jefferson recounting the life of George Washington, wrote in a letter to a Dr. Walter Jones, ended his letter with these words
“I felt on his death, with my fellow countrymen that a great man hath fallen today in Israel”.
The pastors today have done a great job by hiding things in plain sight. There is much more that I could add to this but I’ll go onto another part of this review.
The Bible is also a story of two brothers that also runs from Genesis to Revelation, The brothers of course are Jacob and Esau. It’s the story of the primal birthright that Esau is doing everything he can to get it back. At this point in time Jacob-Israel is in bondage and under the control of Esau-Edom, trying to bring in their counterfeit kingdom , called the New World Order. The good news is that they will fail. It is amazing how so many of today’s pastors cannot identify the descendants of Jacob-Israel or Esau-Edom. These two brothers have played a tremendous role in what has happened to us over the last one hundred years. Again there is much more to be added to this  also.
There is a national message to Israel that runs through the entire Bible that is never to be mentioned in our pulpits today, as everything is directed at the individual. That brings us to the doctrine of redemption. If you check your Bible, the terms “redeem”, “redeemed”, and “redemption”, always refers to Israel. It is not a synonym for salvation. We have not been redeemed yet as it is still in the future. We are now under the debt bondage of the cursed us ury, but He says We will be redeemed without silver or gold, which means those debts will all be cancelled by Him. At the end of the age we are to Look up, for our redemption draweth nigh. This has not happened and we have not been redeemed yet.
Last , but by no means least, it is the story of Christ from the time of Moses to the end of the Bible, and His plan for our salvation that is manifested throughout the Word. As Matthew said in 1:21,
“He shall save His people from their sins.”
As you can see, this does not seem to be a Universal statement. I will not spend time on salvation as it has been exploited behind over 100,000 pulpits almost every Sunday along with TV and radio stations from coast to coast. Some of these ministries have made millions by just concentrating on it. It has gotten to the point that many feel that it is the only reason we have the Bible as they now feel that there is no responsibility on their part for the rapid decline of our once great Christian nation and they are no longer the salt of the earth as the Christians of just a few hundred years ago. Many there are that feel that “I’m saved”, and “I’m going to heaven” and that’s all I need to know. It’s no wonder our nation that has adapted and follow the new beliefs of Judeo-Christianity is on a fast track to hell in the last hundred years.
In short, the Bible is the story of one man’s family, a tale of two cities, the age long battle for the primal birthright between two brothers , and Christ’s plan of both redemption and salvation for His people . Everything else in the Bible touches on one or more of the things I have listed, with the exception of the personal issues addressed to us, especially in the N.T. The Bible contains all the answers as to why we are no longer under God’s blessings as we once were, when we followed His absolutes.
I can see a plot that runs through the entire Bible, but intentionally concealed by our shepherds to make it appear that the Bible is lacking a consistent theme.
If anyone feels he can come up with a better answer to the question, What is the Bible all about? and thinks he can explain it better in two pages, I would like to hear from him.