The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London






Too many Christians are going nowhere because they believe in the word of man rather than the Word of God. They are subtly being misled, relying upon their own personal emotions and the opinions of others which sound spiritually convincing but are a disguise for their own selfish desires. In other words, they are putting their trust in hearsay!

Other people poo-hoo the teachings of the Bible when they are not taught the truth in the first place, often the whole story is kept from them, creating conjecture and doubt. When at one time the Scriptures were taught verbatim, (as it is), now it’s become opinionated if taught at all. Gradually the Word is eroded because the truth is suppressed and its power diluted, becoming another book of fables, fantasy and questionable facts, open to criticism and ridicule.

If you think I’m being a bit harsh then ask fellow friends, or other Christians and maybe the odd non- believer, what thoughts they have on the Bible and what it means to them? Possibly the truth may be revealed.

In this day and age, more than at any other time in our history we are experiencing the worst dilemma possible, we are on the precipice of destruction, lost and all at sea whilst attempting to weather the storm, with our rudder broken, taking in water and floundering and no land in sight. The storm isn’t abating in fact it’s getting worse, and in our directionless state we are panicking, fear of the unknown is subduing our rationale. Once, we were confident we had it all under control and now look at the sorry state we’re in. Christ was with us and still is, but when we made it clear that things were fine, and His presence wasn’t required He politely took His leave and went off to the bow of the ship for a sleep.

Hadn’t we better wake Him up, otherwise we’ll all die. Where is our faith?

I’m not trying to gain mileage by expressing my thoughts on our present predicament which is painfully obvious to all truth believing like-minded Christians.

Let’s just stop for a moment, take a step forward into 2022 and ask anyone what they think about what is happening within our nation and throughout the world at this present time. We can categorise by war, famine, disease, finance, industry, society, natural disasters, religious persecution, politics and so on if required. It is important to recognize that the world population is expanding at a staggering pace, where once we were talking in millions, now it’s billions and communication is instantaneous, so the suffering of many yesterday is front page news today. Most people will have something to say about all these subjects, and even more maybe, and the general consensus of opinion being, we’ve experienced all these before over the centuries, but not as bad as this and definitely not one after another or all together.

I agree with their responses and tell them I knew about what is happening now ten years ago. Ten years ago, I couldn’t put an exact date on the world’s present dilemma, but it was imminent, and I can prove it beyond a shadow of doubt. They then say, ‘well how did you know that then?’ And I reply, ‘the Bible told me so’.

So, they think I’m a religious freak, a Bible pusher or a Holy roller; that may be, but they can’t get away from the fact the Bible is spot on in TRUTH. The facts are all there to see.

So, I give them this article and dare them to deny or disprove what the Bible is telling us all, and to go away and tell others that they spoke to a ‘religious loony’ who actually had something relevant and truthful to say!

That moment of justification comes when we compare our present situation and the dilemma the world is in with just two ‘texts’, one from Matthew 24, (also Mark 13 and Luke 21) and the other from 2 Timothy 3 v 1 – 9.

Let’s compare: –

Matthew 24 v 1-14, Christ prophesies.

The Apostles ask Christ when He will return in the future. Christ explains the things that will happen prior to His return and what to expect; although the destruction of the Temple was a short-term prophecy that they could witness in their lifetime and add credence for what to expect!

  1. The temple in Jerusalem to be destroyed.

The Romans flattened the temple forty years later.

  1. Many shall come in my name saying I am Christ.

Many religions profess a belief in God or worshiping another new ‘Christ’; which becomes misleading, confusing and turning people away from the truth of our lord.

  1. Wars and rumours of wars.

 In the past twenty years there have been an abundance of wars and military aggression, even as we speak the world is on edge over the Ukraine !

  1. Nations rising up against nations and kingdoms against kjngdoms.

The industrial and economic power some nations have to control and dominate smaller and lesser nations. China immediately jumps to mind.

  1. Famine.

There are billions of people starving through lack of nutrition and food, because of drought, war, money and disease.

  1. Pestilences.

Disease and viruses are affecting and killing many millions throughout the world, and no one is exempt, both rich and poor. We can’t get away from it because it’s of Pandemic proportions.

  1. Earthquakes.

This is the Biblical term for all natural disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes, flooding, volcanoes, earthquakes, fires and drought which are constantly on the increase causing billions of pounds/dollars’ worth of devastation and death worldwide. (Some of these disasters man has brought upon himself, by his abuse of the planet.)

Now let’s turn to 2 Timothy 3 v 1- 5, Paul prophesies the end times preceding the return of Christ and warns us to beware of the general apathy of people within our society and nation who are conditioned by a dissolute underlying undercurrent of moral degradation and a non-confrontational existence; in preference to a Christian disciplined lifestyle maintained by a fair and law-abiding society.

Who can argue with what Paul has to say on this subject which has now become reality as it unravels itself before our very eyes and what has become the norm for many of us: –

Lovers of themselves, Lovers of money, Boasters, Arrogant, Abusive,

Disobedient to their parents, Ungrateful, Unholy,

Implacable (Relentless), Slanderers, Profligate (Licentious), Brutes,

Haters of good, Treacherous, Reckless,

Swollen with conceit, Lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God,

Holding to the outward form of Godliness but denying its power.

That just about sums up our present situation!

Do we wonder why the world is in so much confusion and on the brink of destruction? maybe not if you are a Christian who believes the teachings and prophecies in the Bible of what was foretold two thousand years ago and is coming to fruition. But we have to consider the many people who may have a good all-round attitude to life and have the essence of a Christian spirit, but don’t believe in the Bible and the love of our Lord who gave His life for them.

Lord, shake the scales from their eyes and open their ears to the most obvious catastrophe which is confronting Christendom and the world as we speak. People have to be challenged and made to think that there is a modicum of truth to what the Bible is ‘crying out from its pages’ and we must be ready to respond to any thought provoking replies or questions they may have. When they realise the truth and the power of the Bible, that modicum of understanding will light a fire of spiritual passion in their hearts that only Our Lord can embrace the moment they step over the Heavenly threshold into the Kingdom of God.

So, we’ve tried all kinds of government, social reforms, legislations, changing the basic structures of law and order to satisfy the, ‘fence sitting liberals’ and bowing to the minorities, allowing free will, free speech and free whatever you like to run riot whilst ignoring the wishes of the law abiding majority and the fundamentals of discipline, respect and kindness to prevail; then wondering why chaos and anarchy are taking hold of our nations. Can anyone deny this is not the case, or am I a washed out miserable old pessimist hankering for a bygone age of fair play and common decency; then to be told abruptly that not all was perfect fifty, a hundred, or two hundred years ago, just society has changed and the problems have been modified; and what is more, as they point an accusing finger in my direction to be told, you had your fun back in the sixties and seventies, now it’s our turn.

No, I don’t want to ruin anyone’s fun; get out there and live life to the full, but it was common decency and Christian values lurking in the background which undermined our re-actions and responses as carefree and foolish as we were.

I can only generalise on society as a whole without specifying every minute detail and the pros and cons of every situation known to man. When our consciences are tempered with a Christian spirit there lies tolerance and a regard for fellow human beings, not that all was fair and equal in the past when considering the position of women in society, other nationalities and the lower and working classes, then social reform would be attained with understanding and forbearance to justifying an acceptable reflection on a caring society.

When we can look at our nation and realise that by simply asking our Lord to influence our lives and decisions, then and only then, will peace of mind unite our peoples. Be assured this is not a figment of my imagination or a pipe dream; it’s possible, it’s practical and it’s the only way. Thanks be to God!

