The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London






Courtesy of  “Look Up”

This article was written in 1998 -years before the Tsunami of Christmas 2004 and hurricane Katrina that nearly destroyed New Orleans!!

DURING July 1998 an enormous “tidal wave” (so called) struck the northern coast of Papua-New Guinea wiping out several towns and killing some 2,160 inhabitants. The killer wave struck during the night when most were asleep, and for many victims it was sudden death. To survive from a wall of water reportedly 15-20 metres high and travelling at hundreds of miles per hour would be nothing short of miraculous. The immense weight and velocity of water on the move is very fearful indeed. One has only to encounter normal ocean beach surf and be tossed helplessly around like a cork, to respect the humanly irresistible force of a big wave.

An earthquake under the sea (or a “seaquake”) was undoubtedly the cause of this killer wave. It must have been located close by or other coasts and islands would have reported great damage and loss of life.


We may well ask the question, “were these natives of Papua-New Guinea worse sinners than others in that country, that they had to be removed from the scene in such a sudden and spectacular manner by this act of God?”

To answer this reasonable query, we should refer to Luke 13:1-5, from which I quote a portion:

“Or those eighteen of whom the tower of Siloam fell and slew them, think thee that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. “

It is clear that our Lord was warning them that violent death was coming to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem at the close of that particular age, (circa A.D.70), if they did not repent.

Jewish historian Josephus recorded the terrible massacre of that generation. Violent death came to 1,100,000 inhabitants of Jerusalem during the seven year war of the Romans, A.D.66-73. However; those who did heed the warning of their Messiah, did escape. May you and I in these last days do likewise, repent and serve our God and King in humble obedience.


Natural catastrophes such as killer waves, earthquakes, floods, fires, volcanic eruptions, etc. are increasingly frequent and severe with high death tolls. It should be unnecessary to quote official figures that abundantly prove this assertion, we have all read that elsewhere. However; there is one aspect that I feel is neglected and therefore we should consider in this little study; that is our Lord’s warning in Luke 21:25- 26.

“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon; and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, THE SEA AND THE WAVES ROARING; men’s hearts failing them for fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth,” (why?) “for the powers of heaven will be shaken.” (NKJ).

We need to realise that the five items in this grouping of phenomena listed here are closely interrelated; (a) definitely causes (b), resulting in (c), which in turn causes (d); and all this because of (e), which refers back to (a).

Like so many other Scripture passages, we find in these two verses a fascinating structure, which we can give the name “symmetrical repetition.” This strange phenomenon is apparently unique to God’s Holy Bible; it occurs frequently throughout the sacred Scriptures as another confirmation of Divine inspiration.

Consider this example in Luke 21:25-26.
a) astronomical signs (a)
b) nations distressed (note (d)
c) sea and waves roaring (inverted (c)
d) nations distressed (repetition (b)
e) astronomical phenomena (a)

We want to consider the neglected central items here: “sea / waves / roaring.”

All round the world, every day and every night the restless sea pounds away at rugged coastlines and sandy beaches. This continuous action and noise of surf does not alarm us; and certainly does not cause nations to be “distressed” or “perplexed” by it, nor to cause “heart failure”

So – there must be something very unusual and terrifying here on a worldwide scale, threatening the very existence of civilisation and the lives of large, national populations. No ordinary booming of surf on ocean beaches could never constitute a warning sign of the close return of “The Son of Man,” which event is the topic of the very next verse (27).


If we consider this passage using the very helpful markings in the Newberry Bible, (KJV), we find that the expression “waves roaring” in Greek is actually singular! Could this therefore mean an extra big wave, a “tsunami,” a killer wave like the Papua-New Guinea one of last July, which wave was caused by a seaquake? Certainly big earthquakes will increase to a crescendo at the close of this present age and will assuredly be triggered by the extra close encounter with some wandering asteroid or comet threatening to strike the earth. This scenario I believe, is highly probable – some prophecies indicate it. However, in this passage of Luke 21 our Lord is referring to something distinctly different as far as the sea is concerned. You see, a tsunami wave gives very little, if any warning, because it strikes with treacherous speed and virtual silence. It travels across the ocean as a low wave only a foot or two in height in deep waters, and at the amazing speed of 400 to 500 miles per hour. As it enters shallow waters surrounding the land it suddenly has to rise, and as it reaches the shore may then be towering fifty feet high or more! You can appreciate that such a high-speed killer wave gives you no time to evacuate your seaside cottage, and any roaring that is heard will be too late to give you a helpful warning!


If people nation-wide and worldwide are to be perplexed, distressed and having heart failures over impending doom, accompanied by a shocking roar it is because of something much more unusual than a tsunami, something much slower in its approach, and something much noisier. However not to the extent of a world flood like Noah survived, for we have the rainbow promise that such a gigantic flood will not occur again. (We can also dismiss with contempt the political propaganda about the greenhouse effect and global warming of a mere fraction of a degree, with the ocean level rising a few centimetres!)

Various translations indicate that it is a “roaring sea” that causes confusion and perplexity of whole nations, consequently I think the singular here is to be applied not to “wave” but to the word “roaring.” According to the “Concordant Literal New Testament” the word “wave” is simply not there. It reads, “…
nations in perplexity at the resounding of the sea and the shaking… “

Ferrar Fenton translates: “..upon the earth nations in despair, as when in terror of the roaring and raging sea: men expiring from fear, and apprehension of what is coming upon the world… “

George Lamsa translating from the original Aramaic manuscripts reads in full: “And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; and on earth distress of the nations and confusion because of the roaring of the sea; and upheaval that takes life out of men, because of fear of what is to come on earth; and the powers of the universe will be shaken.”


‘The powers of the heavens shall be shaken” obviously refers to astronomical phenomena which earth’s inhabitants can actually see and feel. Such things did occur at the Exodus and at the conquest of Canaan. Falling stones, (a hail of meteorites) accompanying the remarkable and astounding claim that the sun and moon “stood still” in the sky; these were the astronomical weapons God used against Israel’s enemies to destroy the Amorites, (Joshua 10:11-13).We must believe the prophecies: this will happen again on a big scale, mark my words.

But how can the sun and moon possibly stop still in their orbits? The point is they don’t. This effect can be produced by a sudden change in the earth’s rotation. When sun and moon appeared to stop still, there was a brief shifting of the earth’s axis away from the normal north and south pole location. For a period of “about a whole day” the operating axis of the Northern Hemisphere was located in the land of Canaan, thus halting the apparent travel of the sun and moon across the sky. In nearby countries the sun and moon would appear to slowly describe a small circle overhead; while on the far side of the globe an extremely long night would occur.

To achieve such a weird effect probably a very large asteroid, comet or straying planet would swing very close to the earth, thus altering its rotation, and then move away again to allow it to resume normal diurnal/nocturnal movement.

Such a large rocky planetoid body would likely be accompanied by a retinue of much smaller rocks and stones, as indeed was the hail described in Joshua 10:11, which hail of meteorites killed more of the Amorites than Israel’s army was able to slay!

There is a further interesting account of this in Habakkuk 3:10-13. Please note it combines both the historical past event (referring to the Exodus and conquest of Canaan) and also prophecy which we may even see and experience in our own lifetime during the next ten to thirty years. Furthermore, notice that the prophets often forecast future events in the present or past tense because they have already seen them in vision before writing them down. With God himself, our future has been done, accomplished and fulfilled, for God is not bound by time (for example, see Numbers 23: 19; note His astonishing statement in verse 21(a), and get the explanation in Isaiah 45:25 with Romans 11:26, 32).


So what did happen and especially what will happen according to Habakkuk 3:10-13 (NKJ)?

“The mountains saw you and trembled”

Mighty earthquakes will be caused, also volcanic action by the exceptional, lopsided pull from the strong gravitation of a visiting heavenly body swinging close to the earth. Some astronomers are specialising in nearby space scrutiny in order to locate and plot the course of wandering asteroids, most of which orbit the sun in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Some Asteroids wander outside this belt and are a distinct collision hazard for the earth. Only a tenth of space has been so far examined in this way so no one knows what dangers the remaining nine tenths may hold for our planet! So far at least, one very large asteroid has astronomers very worried. Collision with such a large one could destroy all life on earth. This asteroid is expected to come very close to the earth, possibly closer than the moon, on October 26, 2028; barely 30 years away. Of course, another asteroid may be destined to brush with the earth much sooner, one that has not yet been discovered.


Not only earthquakes are triggered by the pull of a visiting planetoid but also the oceans. Think of the moon’s pull causing the tides. If this tidal effect is exaggerated by the additional attraction of another extra moon the tides would be really phenomenal to an alarming extent and woe betide our coastal communities!

Look at the next few words, pregnant with meaning:

“The overflowing of the waters (plural) passed by. The deep uttered its voice, and lifted up its hands on high”

Add that description to our Lord’s warning in Luke 21:25 about the roaring sea terrifying whole populations. Australia’s coast-bound population will be experiencing some highly exciting and uncomfortably wet entertainment some few years ahead!

We notice in the above quotation three important points:

a). The sea level is suddenly raised to be “overflowing” the land.

b). There is a “deep roaring” of the flooding billows as they invade the inhabited shores smashing down houses, buildings and destroying civilisation before them with irresistible power.

c). What does the sea “lifting up its hands on high” mean?

Have you seen pictures of waterspouts caused by cyclonic hurricanes whipping up the seawater hundreds of feet into the sky?


Obviously, at this time of global catastrophe the earth’s atmosphere has to be greatly and violently disturbed, with wild winds raging and roaring across land and sea. We read in Psalm 42:7, “Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of Thy waterspouts!” Very awful and frightening, these funnels of fury!

Consider now these remarkable words from Zechariah 9:14,

“And the Lord shall be seen (by ‘the pure in heart’) over the enemy, and His arrow shall go forth as lightening; (meteoric bombardment) and the Lord God shall blow the trumpet, (the seventh trumpet?) and shall go in the whirlwind of (or to) the south.”

As you know, Jeremiah is the great prophetic book of “latter day” events which specifically tells of the new covenant God makes with Israel: (Chapter 31:31-34). In fact, verse one of this chapter promises a spiritual marriage reunion between God and Israel: i.e., “the wedding supper of the Lamb,” (Saviour), referred to in the parable of the ten bridesmaids, (Matthew 25:10 and Revelation 19:7-9). Immediately preceding Jeremiah 31:1 are the last three verses of Chapter 30; and these four verses belong together as one paragraph. Verse 22 of Chapter 30 and verse 1 of Chapter 31 are the loving promise to Israel, the outside of the “sandwich” Verses 23 and 24, the “sandwich filling,” tells of Gods violent wrath on the wicked involving the use of a furious whirlwind; and, “in the latter days ye shall consider it.” (you and me, right now!) So you can see how our present subject of meteorological violence fits into our magazine article of July/August 1998, ” Will 5 + 5 = 5?” That is, just before Matthew 25:10.

Now to save space copying four long verses, would you look up Jeremiah 25:30-33? Notice the words “roar,” “noise,” “all inhabitants of the earth,” “a great whirlwind raised up from the coasts of the earth” resulting in an enormous slaughter worldwide, with bodies scattered like dung on top of the ground.

Finally, Jeremiah 23: 19-20:

“… a grievous whirlwind shall fall grievously upon the heads of the wicked, (lawless ones, plural) … In the latter days” (right now!) “ye shall consider it perfectly.”

Yes, we do well to consider it!


Returning to our basic study in Habakkuk 3:11,

“The sun {and} moon stood still in their habitation” (the sky).

Think, not only of Joshua’s long day, but of the future short day of Amos 8:9.

“And it shall come to pass in that day, says the Lord God, that I will make the sun go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in broad daylight.” (NKJ).

A very dark and gloomy day is also prophesied in Joel 2:2, 31. Also six hours or so, on the opposite side of the earth the day may be extended to 18 hours. Clearly the earth’s axis will suddenly change to produce such a startling scenario! However, I personally think “the dark gloominess” will be caused by prodigious clouds of dust and ash belching from a multitude of suddenly awakened volcanoes.


If the earth’s axis were to permanently alter so that the position of the north and south poles were radically moved to new locations, then a profound climate transformation would take place. The polar ice caps, suddenly plunged into warm climates would start melting. Conversely the new poles would accumulate fresh ice. Which would be faster, the melting or freezing? It is hard to say; but we are told that if all the enormous quantity of ice (thousands of cubic miles of it) stored at the Antarctic continent were to melt, all the world’s oceans could rise 200 feet higher! All the seaports on earth would be destroyed; Australia’s coastal populations would be depleted and most cities inundated. I would therefore recommend every reader to locate his or her home well above 200 feet altitude, if you want to survive such a cataclysm.

Standing on your front veranda located high on the Adelaide Hills, Darling Range or Blue Mountains, etc., one day, you are attracted by the ominous, distant, thundering roar and the strange white appearance of the ocean horizon. You are transfixed in horror-stricken awe and terror as the mighty, roaring ocean billows flood in, overwhelming and tumbling over factories, sky scrapers, thousands of private homes, surging across the plains below you, reaching ever further inland towards you. You remember the strange prophecy of “the roaring sea which causes our hearts to fail” and “men expiring from fear and apprehension of what is coming upon the world.”

But, you say, it’s impossible: the freezing of the new polar areas, especially if located at sea, may keep pace with the melting of the old polar caps with little alteration to the sea level. Sorry! There is another big factor, which will stop the new ice forming, and speed up the melting of ice caps!


Continue right on with Habakkuk 3 reading and observe the latter half of verse 11.

“At the light of Thine arrows they (sun and moon) went at the shining of Thy glittering spears” (plural according to Lamsa).

Sun and moon fade out in the dark day, and rival lights shine from “arrows” and “glittering spears.” So what are these arrows and spears but death-dealing weapons of God’s wrath direct from His munitions factory in space! On Joshua’s long day a hail of rocks (meteorites) fell, destroying Israel’s enemies. That is nothing compared with the millions of meteorites that will fall worldwide on God’s day of wrath and judgment! Such a mighty display of “shooting stars” will be without precedent. Read the opening of the sixth seal in Revelation 6:12-17. These are the Almighty’s incendiary bombs to destroy the wicked. As the rocks hurl through the atmosphere the friction from air resistance heats them to incandescence. Who knows how long this terrific bombardment will continue? It may well be instrumental in temporarily stopping the new polar areas from freezing and may also speed up the melting of former ice caps, consequently causing a rise in sea level.

Verse 12 describes the meteor shower as though God was marching over the land in indignation, “threshing” the heathen (nations) in anger.

Will these heavenly incendiary bombs hit you and me? See the next verse, 13,

“You went forth for the salvation of your people,” (to rescue the bride for the wedding).

His bride will not be wiped out by meteorites or by ocean flooding; but those who don’t heed the warnings may be destroyed with the wicked. His advice is as follows:

“Come, my people, enter though into thy chambers, and shut thy door about thee; hide thyself as it were for a litde moment, until the indignation be over past. For, behold, the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain, “(Isaiah 26:20-21).

This great slaughter will enrich the soil with millions of dead bodies – organic manure. Erupting volcanoes spreading lava, pumice, ash and dust together with a tremendous rain of meteorites from space will bring roasted rock, mineral-rich fertiliser, top dressing on a vast scale to revive the worn out soils of our planet! Be jubilant you farmers and gardeners!

Now to calm and encourage yourself, I do suggest you carefully and slowly, (with the topic of this study in mind), read Psalms 46 and 47 which describe much of these things ahead of us and how to relate to them.

