The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London






There used to be an England

Where truth and peace prevailed.

But where is England in these days?

It’s gone, the nation’s failed.


Well that is what appears to be the case, for according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, England no longer exists as a political or social entity. I was speaking to some friends about this and how we should celebrate England’s national day, St George’s Day. One innocently asked, why celebrate it? In former years this day was celebrated by all the schools. All uniformed youth groups would parade in their respective uniforms, the flag would be raised and we would give thanks to God for our land.

Political traitors have betrayed and destroyed our great nation and its glorious Christian heritage. Today the spineless leaders of England are cow-towing to their peers in the EU a Roman Catholic dominated organization, whilst here at home they bend over backwards to placate all that is unholy, including pagan religious systems. These politicians, along with the idiotic politically correct brigade, do not give a single thought to the principles that once made this nation great. They do not care for the great Christian heritage of England, they are blind leaders of the blind.

For nearly 2000 years England has had a good Christian heritage. The true Gospel came to these shores in the first century A.D. long before Augustine the Roman Catholic emissary, arrived with another gospel. As long ago as the second century A.D. England was known as a Christian land. Later under Alfred the Great, the laws of the land were prefixed with the Law of the Lord. Despite the dark days of the Middle-Ages when false religion had the upper hand, the underlying truth of the Christian faith remained imprinted in the souls of Englishmen. The sixteenth century Reformation restored England back to its proper roots. Many of the institutions, including education, medical care, social welfare, things we take for granted, have their origins in Christian thought and action.

The great biblical principles that brought these into being have all but been lost today. We have mass murder in the abortion clinics, alcohol abuse and binge drinking, pornography and sodomy. These powerless and useless politicians, rather than standing by our historic and biblically based principles, have weakly succumbed and legislated in favour of these evils. Moral filth, drug abuse and corruption, in all its naked vileness, has defiled this once great country. The great heritage that is rightly ours and our children’s has been defiled by ignorant politicians and, dare I say it, Church leaders.

What is the answer? I am convinced that only God in His great mercy has the answer, and that is Revival, bringing both Church and State to its knees in repentance and breaking the hold that Europe has over the souls of our leaders.

“Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.”

England is a nation in sin, rejecting and forfeiting this great heritage.

There used to be an England

Of which l once was proud.

But now it is a godless place

Where sin and vice abound.
