The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





[Reading: Revelation 17:1-6]

WAS there ever a more treacherous act than that experienced by Jesus on the night of his betrayal by Judas Iscariot? Judas, part of the elite circle of disciples, for monetary gain sold his soul to Satan and made known the location of Jesus and his disciples to the Jewish authorities; knowing full well the extent of his actions. As if that wasn’t enough to betray a close friend, Judas kissed Jesus as a sign of identification. This kiss was the kiss of death for it was the beginning of the process that ended in the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today we are experiencing a similar betrayal by the leaders of our Protestant Churches. Not only are they willing to come under the authority of Rome but they move heaven and earth to take as many with them as they can.

The Reformers and great Christian leaders of the past identified the Roman Church as the Church of Antichrist. Antichrist they believed was to be found in the succession of Popes. The term ‘anti’ in this sense meaning ‘another’. The Popes therefore, each in turn were Antichrist, or in other words Another-Christ. C.H. Spurgeon said,

“It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against Antichrist… and as to what Antichrist is no sane man ought to raise a question. If it be not the Popery in the Church of Rome there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name”.

Revd Dr Ian Paisley spoke of Rome in these terms;

“Come into my parlour says the spider to the fly”.

If you have observed the way a spider catches its prey you will have noticed it spends considerable time making its web. It makes it strong to withstand the elements; and concealed that it is not easily to be seen. Yet when it is, what a magnificent construction and feat of engineering would be observed. The beauty of which is sufficient to lure any unsuspecting visitor. When complete the spider hides and waits. It does nothing that would cause alarm and though it waits long it never runs out of patience. Yet when its time comes and the unsuspecting is firmly caught then it pounces with speed securing the victim and administers the kiss of death.

Rome like the spider has taken centuries making its web strong and so wonderful to behold. Rome is patient and does little to reveal its deadly character until that time when the victim is unable to escape. There can be no fellowship with Rome: for once the Protestant Church is entangled in the web there is no escape, for sudden destruction will come upon it. Jesus came to give life, but Antichrist Rome administers the kiss of death.


Who would have thought some 40 or 50 years ago that the Church of Rome would be such a threat to the existence of the Protestant church today? In my youth while attending our local Methodist church, union with other denominations was inconceivable, and links with the Roman Catholic Church were beyond the far reaches of the imagination. The only link with Rome that I remember is that one of the ladies in the church had a husband who was a Roman Catholic: and even that was treated with disdain by some of the other lady members. Yet the process of ecumenism is centuries old and no surprise to the Roman church, for this baby was conceived in the Vatican. It is part of the Jesuit Counter-Reformation plot to cause the downfall of the Protestant church and to bring the whole world under the domain of the Pope. For the Reformation was such a deadly blow to the apostate ‘Mother Church’ of Rome.


This Mother Church is so well portrayed especially in chapter 17. Can there be any doubt from the description who this “woman” might be? Is there a church or system more fitted for the description given, than that of the apostate Church of Rome?

Here in this chapter the woman is described as a “great whore that sitteth upon many waters”. Alternatively she may be described a great idolater controlling many people, and nations, which is a good description of the Roman Catholic Church.

Verse 2 tells us she has “committed fornication” with the “kings of the earth”. In fulfilment of this prophecy, how the leaders of the world line up to visit the Vatican: Catholics and Protestants alike. President Bush and his wife and daughter have all visited the Pope; our Queen has been four times; and not least President Tony and Lady Cherie received a special welcome, no doubt because of their dedicated work for the cause.

One-week last Thursday 16,000 pilgrims packed at Peter’s Square in Rome to mark the Silver Jubilee (25 years) of Pope John Paul’s pontificate. They included presidents and politicians.

Last Sunday 300,000 people attended a Mass conducted by the Pope. This included prime ministers and royalty. Among the VIPs attending was Queen Fabiola of Belgium and President Jacques Chirac’s wife Bernadette. The occasion was the beatification ceremony of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

“The Pontiff, aged 83 and suffering from Parkinson’s disease… is known to have looked forward to the day since he helped to speed up Mother Teresa’s cause for beatification – the first main stop on the road to sainthood – five years ago.”

What nonsense, whatever we think of Mother Teresa. Who gives the Pope authority to make saints? It is certainly not scriptural. Those who are ‘born again’ of the Spirit of God from that moment are regarded as saints. The poor woman has been waiting 5 years up to now, and even then may not qualify under the system of Rome. The whole process is a sham and totally false.

The woman in verse 4 is “arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls”. Are not these the colours of the church and a true description of the splendour of this mighty institution? The appointment of 31 new cardinals last Wednesday all clothed in scarlet confirms this description. Jack Chick in his book Smokescreens, which I would recommend for your reading, makes this quote from a book by Avro Manhattan:

“The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe”.

A fitting description of the harlot Mother Church of Rome can also be found in verses 5 and 6:

“And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH, and I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus”.

When we remember the origins of this church, from as far back as the tower of Babel in Babylon; and the countless idolatrous and blasphemous satellite churches of Rome; and those millions of Protestants that have been tortured and slaughtered by this same church, is there need to say more?


“We do not regard the Church of Rome as a Christian Church”, it says, “because it preaches salvation by works, something on which God the Holy Ghost, speaking by the mouth of the Apostle Paul, places a double anathema (Gal. 1:8,9). Such an ‘ecclesial body’ (to borrow a term from Rome) is not Christian.” The author accepts “there are a few converted people in Rome” though goes on to say, “it is despite the system not because of it”.


Let me remind you at this point of the narrative in Ezekiel 23 of the Assyrians and Babylonians and that of the two sisters Aholah, representing Samaria capital city of Israel and Aholibah representing Jerusalem the capital of Judah. The two women “daughters of one mother” doted on the Assyrians and Babylonians and committed whoredom with them, while rejecting the Lord God their lawful husband. This fascination led to the destruction of both nations, for God alienated himself from them and gave them over to their own lusts and desires. The relationship as we know ended in disaster, with the destruction and transportation of both nations to Assyria and Babylon.

An up-to-date example of the attraction of evil is the fascination of our leaders with Europe and their willingness to sacrifice the independence and self-sufficiency of our great nation as they lust for power in the forthcoming Superstate of Europe. We Israel-Britain have lost so much due to this moment of madness, and much like Aholah and Aholibah have turned our back on the source of our greatness, Almighty God, as we yield ourselves to the political beast system of Antichrist. May God on this occasion have mercy upon us for the folly of our ways and not cast us off as before time.

As our politicians are transfixed with the political manifestation of Rome, that of Europe, so our church leaders are enchanted with the ecclesiastical manifestation, the Roman Catholic Church. This great edifice of unimaginable wealth, pomp and splendour has caused so many of our church leaders to capitulate to the grandeur and influence of this mighty satanic institution. What power and authority could be theirs if only they bow the knee to Papa.

Haven’t we just witnessed this crawling to Rome of our present Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams? He just the other week in his attempt to promote ecumenical relations knelt before the Pope and kissed the ring on his hand as the Cardinals present chuckled with delight at their moment of triumph. There was the representative of the Protestant Church of Great Britain submitting himself in subservience to the Antichrist. What shameful behaviour: if ever a man deserves to be removed from office, it is he. The treachery of such an act is unbelievable considering how his predecessor Archbishop Cranmer was burnt at the stake at the hands of this same church. Where were the voices of condemnation within the Protestant Church, and the calls for his resignation for this and other issues that have brought disgrace on the church and dishonour to the Lord?


Protestants these days want to be called Christian, and raise their hands in horror if the word Protestant should be applied to them or any organisation they associate themselves with.

Recently I was told by a lady who is very active in the Methodist Church,

“I could not come to your meetings”, this she said is “because they are Protestant”. She said she had too many friends that are Catholic and was not wanting to cause them offence. Yet presumably she would be quite happy for her friends to call themselves Catholic.

I am told by some in our meetings that they can’t give out our British-Israel posters because they contain the forbidden word ‘Protestant’. They are not happy to give them out and the people in the churches are not happy to receive them for the same reason.

When I asked one of the ladies who once came to our meetings if she would like to come along to a prayer meeting, she lit up with delight. When I explained it is Protestant there was a lifeless “urr” and no further comment.

A fellow Christian who attends our Protestant Prayer Fellowship was quite indignant on one occasion regarding a poster advertising the meetings. “Could we not just say Christian instead of Protestant. Protestant will put Christians off from coming to pray” he said. My attitude to this comment is, if Protestant puts them off, let them stay away; that is not the type of Christians we have need of in our meetings.

A booklet by Pastor Alan Campbell is entitled Proud to be a Protestant. That is where I stand, for it is a great privilege to be Protestant. ‘Christian’, though good, yet in these days is not distinctive enough. The Protestant Church is becoming meaningless, it is losing its uniqueness and stand for the truth. The drive for unity at the expense of truth is killing the Protestant Church. There must be no compromise with Rome, and no appearance of compromise. That is why it is important for those of us who are opposed to Rome to use that name Protestant to show which side we are on.


In an article by Michael de Semlyen called Rome and Islam is the following quote:

“The poor Church of England stands on an inclined plane. Her very existence as a Protestant Church is in peril.. I hold, for one, that this Romish movement ought to be steadily and firmly resisted. I regard it as a most mischievous, soul-ruining and unscriptural movement. To say that union with Rome would be an insult to our martyred Reformers is a very light thing; it is far more than this: it would be a sin and an offence against God! Rather than be re-united with the idolatrous Church of Rome, I would willingly see my own beloved Church perish and go to pieces. Rather than become Popish once more, she had better die! Unity without truth is useless. When Rome has repealed the decrees of Trent and recanted her false and unscriptural doctrines, when Rome has formally recanted image-worship, Mary-worship and transubstantiation; then, and not till then, it will be time to talk of reunion with her. Till then I call on all Churchmen to resist to the death this idea of reunion with Rome. Till then let our watchwords be, No peace with Rome! No communion with idolaters!”

Ecumenism is the most destructive force in the church today. It is killing the church. Yet there is no sense of danger from the members, nor concern. They have no understanding of what is happening, nor do they seem care.

Jack Chick says,

“The Christians of today are like little blades of grass, growing up in the sunshine, and there’s a big lawn mower coming toward them – and it’s singing hymns! It’s the Roman Catholic Institution.”

Roman Catholics he says believe with all their hearts that their church is the Church of Jesus Christ. They also believe that the Pope is the vicar or the representative of Jesus Christ on this earth; and as such, in line with their teaching regarding temporal power, should control every person on earth, their property and religion. Chick says,

“The Jesuits are pushing for this temporal power which means a world-wide dictator. They believe this is the only way to go, and those who oppose them are the enemies of the gospel.”

In my youth there was a distinction between Protestants and Catholics and there was no crossing over the line. Many Christians recognised the Catholic Church for what it is. Today Christians have lost their perception and have opened themselves to the lies and deceit of Rome, to the pending destruction of the Protestant Church. They have lost their vision and the truth of God’s word has become meaningless and expendable.

Let us be faithful witnesses toward Catholic people and others that are carried along by deceitful and deadly satanic organisations and institutions. Let us be diligent in prayer that God will be merciful toward them that the light of the gospel might shine in their lives and dispel all darkness and falsehood.

Let us also pray for, and warn Christians within the Protestant Church to shun the works of darkness and the institutions of Satan no matter what holy guise they appear to be shrouded in.

Let us warn them especially regarding the deceitfulness, error and darkness of the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church; and those organisations such as the World Council of Churches and Churches Together that seek to bring about unity with this Satanic institution.

Babylon, we read in the book of Revelation will fall due to the judgement of Almighty God: and we are told to rejoice when it does. The Roman Catholic Institution, the Ecclesiastical Babylon, is doomed. Let us be diligent to warn those who are lured into its web to take heed of the scriptural warning from 2 Corinthians 6:14-18:

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an Infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I WILL DWELL IN THEM, AND WALK IN THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE. WHEREFORE COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, AND BE YE SEPARATE, saith the Lord. AND TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN THING; AND I WILL RECEIVE YOU, AND WILL BE A FATHER UNTO YOU, AND YE SHALL BE MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS, saith the Lord Almighty.”
