The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





The Coronation Stone – “Jacob’s Pillow”

An object closely associated with the Royal House of David in these Islands is the Coronation Stone. The Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (1924) stated: “Whatever was its original form, whatever the origin of the sacredness attached to it in the minds of men, this stone is surely, the most venerable and mysterious object now to be seen in the Abbey”. And yet, it is of no commercial value!

Naturally, we concern ourselves with this venerable  and mysterious object; inasmuch as we know it to be the focal point of all coronations of monarchs of the house of David from time immemorial. The stone is sandstone, measuring roughly 27 x 17 x 11 and weighing about 458 lbs We declare it to be the Witness Stone of Bethel, or, as it is popularly called, “Jacob’s pillow”.

The story of Jacob’s dream is recounted fully in Genesis 28, but we must confine ourselves to the passages relating to the stone pillar which Jacob erected the morning after:

”And Jacob rose up early in the morning , and took the stone that he had put for his pillow and set it up for a pillar, and  poured oil upon the top of it”. Genesis 28:18.

This anointing immediately set it apart as a special stone, or a pillar of witness, for it was to witness a most solemn vow on the part of Jacob:

“… If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way, that go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, so that I come again  to my father’s  house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:” Genesis 28: 20, 21. “And this stone which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house”:

Genesis 28:22. This declaration in the presence of God and an anointed witness specifies a particular stone which was to become God’s house if  Jacob were provided  for, and  brought  back  safely  to his  father’s house. Every part of that vow made by Jacob has been fulfilled, so that we can expect  this important stone of witness to become God’s house .

Many years Iater, Jacob was commanded of God to return to this same place, Bethel, where God confirmed the Abrahamic Covenant.  (Genesis 35:1), and we are told, he “set up a pillar… poured a drink offering  thereon, and  he poured oil thereon” (verse 14). At this time Jacob’s name was changed to Israel.

The next reference to a specific stone is at the time of Jacob’s death when he called his twelve sons together to tell them what would befall them in the last days. Singling out Joseph he said:“… from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel” Genesis 49:24.

The phrase “from  thence”  means out  of  that place, namely, Bethel, and we now know that Bethel became part of Joseph’s inheritance. The stone of Israel is the  stone Jacob anointed on two occasions at Bethel as a witness. It was part of Joseph’s birthright and if it were of such importance as to become in the last days, something unique, then we may be sure that it would be safeguarded. We believe it to have been taken with Israel on their journeyings through the wilderness, for a specific rock is mentioned:

“Speak ye unto the rock before their eyes: and it shall give forth his water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock .. . “ Numbers 20:8.

Referring to this and to similar instances, St. Paul says: “and all our fathers were under the cloud passed through the sea . . . were baptised . . . did eat the same spiritual food, and did all drink the same spiritual drink, for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them and that Rock was Christ” 1 Corinthians 10: 1-4.

To Paul this anointed Rock was Symbolic of the Christ he preached: the Rock that followed – the abiding Presence!


How and when did this Stone come to these Islands?

There is no actual statement of its arrival but if it was an important heirloom to be associated with the crowning of the kings of Judah, then it must  have been possible to have it transferred to Tara from the Near East. From about the sixth century B.C. trading routes existed between this  country and  the  Near East, so that the merchants of the house  of Judah were involved in trade, and undoubtedly  this served as a means of assisting the removal of the  House of David to these Islands.

The following quotation from Irish history indicates that the Stone was at one time in Ireland, and that it was associated with Tara:

“Fergus Mor MacEarca was unanimously elected and chosen as king as being of the blood royal by his mother. Fergus sent to his brother who was then Monarch of Ireland for the Lia Fail or Stone of Destiny to be crowned thereon which happened accordingly, for he was the first absolute king of Scotland of the Milesian race, so the succession continued in his blood and  lineage ever since to this day “.

O’Hart’s Irish Pedigree’s, 4th Edition , Vol. 1.

The Coronation Chair

This stone remained in Scotland until the reign of Edward I, who was responsible for its removal to Westminster in 1297 A.D. The pedigrees of the Royal House may be followed  with ease back  to Fergus Mor MacEarca.

We submit that the Coronation Stone did come to these Islands with the Royal House of David, and has been a witness at every coronation service – a witness that all the promises God had  made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, were fulfilled within the Celto-Anglo-Saxon peoples.

God’s house is the House of Israel.

The Stone is the Stone of Israel.

The Queen is the Queen of Israel.

Christ is the Redeemer of Israel.


