The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





{Extracted from the National Message – November 1937}     England

BISHOP BUTLER:-” … nor is it at all incredible that a book which has been so long in the possession of mankind should contain many truths as yet undiscovered.”

ABRAHAM LINCOLN:- “The man who will not investigate both sides of a question is dishonest.”

TYNDALE:-“The properties of the Hebrew tongue agree a thousand times more with the English than with the Latin.”

KING ALFRED THE GREAT (in his laws) :- “Vex thou not comers from afar, and strangers in the land, for YE were formerly strangers in the land  of the  Egyptians.”

BISHOP SAMUEL THORNTON, D.D. (First Bishop Of Ballarat, afterwards Bishop of Manchester) :-“British­ Israel truth is most wonderful. I wish I had known it twenty-five years earlier. It makes clear so many things that had been obscure.”

BISHOP TITCOMB (Rangoon) :- “The inspiration of Scripture must stand or fall by the Church’s discovery of Ephraim as a company of non-Palestine nations restored to the Covenant of God during the last days, i.e. the Christian Dispensation.”

“Thousands who have begun by cavilling at B.I. Truth, have ended with conviction; and for the most part, those who have not become convinced, have failed only because they were without sufficient patience to go through an examination of the subject carefully.”

The late BISHOP of the FALKLAND ISLANDS :-“If the British Empire is not Israel, then none of the prophecies concerning Israel are YET fulfilled! Then we are on the horns of a dilemma: First, God has failed in His promises; secondly, we shall lose all we have got, and God has been playing with us, for WE hold all that Israel is supposed to hold, and yet there is some other nation not yet developed which is to take all this, as well as our unique character and reputation  in  the  world  (for Israel is to have it all), and if we are not Israel, we shall have to give it all up, even the Coronation stone itself.”

The Rev. DINSDALE T. YOUNG, D.D. (ex-President, Wesleyan Conference):- “I stand here to express my obligation to this grand Federation because of the light it is casting upon the Bible, and because of the way it is calling attention to the Bible. That is what we want everywhere. I do not know of any Society that is calling attention   to  the  Bible  more  emphatically   and  more insistently-yes, and I make bold to say, more successfully than this Federation is doing. . . . I came into an inheritance on this subject of British-Israel. I am more and more convinced that this truth pours a wonderful radiance on the Old Testament. It is a Gospel for the Nation, a Gospel for the Empire, as well as a Gospel for the individual. I am delighted that the membership of  the Federation is growing, and that it is getting such influential support. I believe that this Federation has lighted a lamp, the golden beauty of which will never be obscured.”

The Rev. W.M. H. MILNER, M.A. (Oxonian):-“!have completed the forty-fifth year of my study and advocacy of the great British-Israel Cause. I am quite confident that as I go on with it, preaching and writing about it, I shall still find an increasing interest in it. From the moment when I first read about it out of curiosity I have never doubted that Israel and the Anglo-Saxon race are one and the same people. From that moment it has been a continual happiness to me.”

Rev. A. B. GRIMALDI, M.A.– ”A Cyclopaedia, in an article some years ago, estimated the numbers of what it called ‘Anglo-Israelites’ at some two millions. What must the numbers be now? We see that all classes, all professions, all occupations, are now worthily represented upon the ‘Roll of Israel,’ mounting up­wards, through all grades, all titles, till the very steps of the Throne itself are reached! And as this result has been reached without the factitious aid of being either a Church, a Sect, a Society, or Secret Association, surely we may, without exaggeration, exclaim: ‘Magna est Veritas et  Prevalebit ‘; and humbly add from the Christian point of view: ‘What hath God wrought?”‘

The Rev. Commander ROBERTS, R.N.:- “The proof that we are Israelites is the fact that of Israel it was stated that she should have a home of her own, and that David’s descendants should reign over Israel. That this home should be in islands to the North and West of Palestine, and that from there Israel should spread abroad to the West, to the East, to the North, and to the South; should be in many waters, and should blossom and bud and fill the face of the earth with fruit, and be a means of blessing to the whole world.”

Professor EDWARD ODLUM, M.A., B.Sc.,  F.R.G.S. (Canada):-“The proof that we Anglo-Saxon people are the ten-tribed House of Israel, in a  national and official sense, is as clear to my mind as the noonday sun is to the eyes of mortals.”

The  Rev.  MARTIN  LYMAN   STREATOR,  M.A. (U.S.A.):-“The Anglo-Saxon race will not die. Other races may perish, but this one, chosen of the eternal God, survives the ravages of time and lives on, under the power and guarantee of an everlasting covenant by the everlasting God . 1t supplies the most stupendous demonstration of the survival of the fittest that the world has seen. Great empires have perished, but Israel survives, and has become the chief of the nations, desti ned t o continue through all generations.”             …

The  Rt.  Hon.  COUNTESS   –  DOWAG ER   OF RADNOR:- “I say that the descendants of the ‘Lost Tribes’ (i.e. the House of Israel) are now to be found in the English-speaking nations of the world . .I marked all through my Bible the promises and prophecies concerning Israel with a red pencil, and those relating to Judah with a blue pencil. The contrast was amazing and convincing; and when I realised that the misleading headlines of ‘Blessings promised to the Church,’ etc., did not apply to the Church, but were intended to apply to literal Israel, the Bible became a new book to me.”

BISHOP J. C. RYLE, D.D. :-“I believe it is high time for the Church of Christ to awake out of its sleep about Old Testament prophecy. From the time of Jerome and Origen down to the present day, men have gone in a pernicious habit of ‘spiritualising’ the words of the prophets until their true meaning has been well-nigh buried .. . . What right have we to say that the words Judah, Zion, Israel and Jerusalem ever mean anything but literal Judah, literal Zion, literal Israel, and literal Jerusalem? Have glorious things been described as laid up in store for Israel? Men have been incessantly told that they describe the victories and triumphs of the Gospel in Christian Churches. Against that system I have long protested, and I hope I shall always protest as long as I live. What I protest against is the habit of allegorising plain sayings of the Word of God concerning the future history of the Nation Israel, and explaining away the fullness of their contents in order to accommodate them to the so called Gentile Church. In reading the words which God addressed to His Ancient people, never lose sight of the primary  sense of the  text.”

ARCHBISHOP BOND (Montreal) :- “I strongly advise a study of the Scripture prophecies upon British-Israel lines.”

BISHOP  FRANK  VAUGHAN,  D.D.  (Reformed Episcopal Church) :-“I am a humble disciple of British­ Israel. I am convinced that this revelation of truth to individual hearts, which finds an echo in the United States, and in Canada, is of God, and I believe it will be the greatest blessing to the Church of Christ.”

BISHOP CARMICHAEL (Canada) :- “We never understand prophecy unless we know the distinction between  Israel and Judah. I believe we are  Israel.”

LORD BEACONSFIELD: -“History will recognise the destiny of the British race, but history will never record its decline or fall. History will say, ‘This is the great, the understanding people’.”

ADMIRAL LORD FISHER:- “I have been a British­ Israelite all my life and I cannot understand any Englishman of common-sense being otherwise.”

THE RT. HON. W.F. MASSEY, P.C. (late Prime Minister of New Zealand):-“British-lsrael Truth is God’s Truth. It is, therefore, bound to win. It is winning now all along the line.”

THE HON. SIR THOMAS MACKENZIE, .C.M.G. (ex­-Prime Minister of New Zealand):-I regard it as a high honour indeed to have been asked to preside over this meeting. I responded at once, for I am in deep sympathy with British-Israel and the objects which you all have in view.”

DEAN ABBADIE (the greatest scholar in Europe of his day) :-“Unless the Ten Tribes have flown into the air or have been plunged to the centres of the earth they must be sought for in the British Isles.”

LIEUT.-COLONEL   A. B. PROWSE, F.R.C.S. (Bristol): ­ “Jehovah made with Abraham the unconditional covenant that his descendants should be the agents through whom the whole world should be blessed in the Christian dispensation, and He gave many signs by which they should be known in the last days. The British race and no other has all those signs.”

THE VEN. ARCHDEACON DENIS HANAN, M.A., D.D. ,T.C.D. (late Chancellor  of  Cashel):- “The importance of the question as to the existence of God’s chosen nation can hardly be exaggerated. Show the people that the nation God has formed and preserved for a foretold purpose and inheritance and they will believe. No subject can repay more research than British-Israel. History, sacred and profane, ethnology, physiology, philology, geography, and archaeology, all attain a new interest . . . the distinction between the ten-tribed northern kingdom and Judah of the southern kingdom is never lost sight of in Holy Scripture.”


“This British-Israel truth is gripping the manhood and womanhood of the Anglo-Saxon people to such a degree that it will become really a racial rising and a determination to return to the Bible. . . . With every obstacle brushed out of the way, God will lead us on. Let us recognise Him as our King. Let us follow under His standard by the ensign of our Father’s House.. . .Above all, let us be very sure that we recognise Jesus Christ as our personal  Saviour.”

READER HARRIS, K.C.:- “I venture to think that the discovery of the kingdom of Israel, the descendants of the Ten Tribes, would have a greater effect upon the Kingdom of God and the hearts and lives of men than even the  discovery  of  a new continent  or of a new world . . . British-Israel Truth proves the inspiration of the Scriptures and creates an intelligent and earnest interest in their  study, to the  destruction of that veiled scepticism or indifference so common to-day. Let us not, like Esau, despise our   birthright.”

PROFESSOR PIAZZI SMYTH (late Astronomer Royal for Scotland) :- “The effect of the discovery of the identity of the Anglo-Saxons with Israel is twofold. First, it causes us to behold and acknowledge therein the accomplishment of a true miracle, and of the mightiest kind through the  ages,  consummated’ in our own days. Second, it causes the Bible to become for us, as it was for the tribes of Israel of old, an infallible Book for national guidance in politics, as well as a collection of inspired instruction for each individual soul in religion.”

THE  REV. CHARLES  KINGSLEY, M.A. (Canon  of Westminster and Chaplain to Queen Victoria):- “As sure as God made Abraham a great nation, so if we English are a great nation, God made us so. As sure as God gave Abraham the land of Canaan, so He gave us this land of England.”
