The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





New Zealand

The story of Sleeping Beauty is a well-known and much loved tale enjoyed by adults and children alike over the last couple of centuries. The original story is rather different from the modern day versions which well-meaning, but ignorant authors, have sought to bring an ancient story into the present day little realising they have damaged, not just the tale, but its deeper meanings; deeper meanings which are hidden from the foolish but recognised by the wise. Just as Jesus told stories to his disciples, known as parables concerning the mysteries of the kingdom, so too the ancient folklore tales are also comparable with the historical as well as current affairs of the true Israel people.

The Grimm Brothers, Wilhelm and Jacob, did not create these stories themselves but wrote them down faithfully as they were told by consistent and reliable German people who knew them “by heart”. As knowledge of writings of these “old’ stories spread, so did more people come forward from various parts of Germany to further the works they had begun.

Therefore, let us look again at the story of Sleeping Beauty and see who fits into the picture. Our story opens with a king and queen longing for a child but they appear to be barren. This is symbolic of Abraham and Sarah longing for a child. God told them they would have a child even in their advanced years of apparent impossibility.

The king and queen in our story were told by a frog they would have a child of their own – a frog being representative of a ‘voice’.. Eventually they did indeed bear a child to their complete delight and named her Briar-Rose. Accordingly they put on a feast for the whole kingdom to rejoice with them. One of the tables in the banqueting hall bore twelve golden plates for wise women (or fairies) of whom there were thirteen. However, as with the twelve disciples, Christ made up a total of thirteen. The thirteenth wise woman was not pleased she was left out.

At an appropriate time during the banquet the wise women were each invited to give a blessing to the newly arrived princess. Eleven of the women deliver their blessings satisfactorily but whilst the twelfth is issuing her blessing, the thirteenth wise woman storms into the banqueting hall and proclaims a curse for the child in that she shall prick her finger on a spindle on her fifteenth birthday and die. In the Bible, the number fifteen is represented by three times five, ie five being the number of grace while three is the number of the Holy Trinity.

Imagine the gasps of dismay by the banquetters at this pronouncement of such gloom. Nonetheless, the twelfth woman continues with her blessing and announces that the child will not die but sleep for 100 years only. A limit, therefore , is put on this strange period of punishment by sheer grace. In our B1b!e, the Israel people suffer a period of punishment while Satan reigns delivering as many counter attack as he can to thwart the fulfilment of Biblical prophecies. Nonetheless, his time is limited and he knows full well that “his time is short” in these end days.

In spite of the king’s command that all spindles should be removed from the kingdom, nevertheless, an old woman managed to enter the castle complete with a spindle. She invited the young princess to try her hand at spinning. Briar-Rose was all too keen to have a go at this new skill, whereupon she prick d her finger and fell into a deep sleep complete with the courtiers as well as the king and the queen. Everything and everybody fell asleep. The woman with the spindle represents the story of the wheat and the tares. The citizens’ attempts to keep only good seed in the land failed as satanic influences had infiltrated.

Activity within the castle ceases and over time, nettles, briars and thistles blossom and flourish as they have never been allowed to do before. These weeds which grow up around the castle in the story represent the evil that has overtaken our _People. Tragically, Babylonian rituals have seeped into our church life without our realising the origins of what we sincerely believe to be honest Christian festivals. Christ was not born on 25 December nor is there anywhere in the word of God commanding us to honour his birth. Definitely we must remember the crucifixion though perhaps not at Easter which name comes from Astarte, the mother of Nimrod and known in Babylon as “the queen of heaven”. Hot cross buns are symbolic of the cakes offered to the queen of heaven, while dyed eggs have been used as sacred symbols by the Egyptians, Greeks, Japanese and Chinese .

Successive governments have changed laws again and again as well as introducing new legislation which has proved detrimental to us in the long run. Additional woes have befallen us also with the introduction of European laws which are quite different from ours as most of us are only too well aware. Same-sex marriages, homosexuality, lesbianism are all part of the nettles and briars in our story, as well as trading on the Sabbath day.

Again, as in the story, many kings’ sons have sought to penetrate the thorny barrier in an endeavour to awaken the princess but without success. Many eminent lawyers have endeavoured to alert the people through parliament of laws still on our statute books which have never been rescinded thereby enabling us to leave the European Union immediately without the trauma of repetitive consultations which only extend the period of time of suffering for many of our people.

Many people as well as groups exist all making a concerted effort to teach the people the truth of the word of God but their ears are deafened. They are ‘asleep’. Those who speak the truth are thwarted in their efforts – because the true prince has yet to come.

In Revelation 20 “an angel came down from heaven and laid hold of the dragon, that old serpent,  the devil  and Satan, and bound him”.

Thus. ends the “100 years” of Satan’s control who is represented by the thirteenth fairy (or wise woman) in our story.

Christ is the prince who successfully clears a path through all the thistles, briars and thorns, and claims his bride. He returns in all his glory with the sound of the trumpet and a shout. Immediately Israel awakens to her true identity and goes into the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Gwyneth Arnold, July 2018
