The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London






Courtesy Anglo-Saxon World

There is a vast amount of evidence available, which shows that Britain was inhabited in ancient times by  a people with a very high order of civilization. Stonehenge, Avebury, and Silbury Hill, to mention only three, are monuments which could only have been built by people skilled in engineering, mathematics and  astronomy.

The first of these British settlers arrived at a very early date but though they left innumerable evidence of their existence, we know very little about them. Thus British history cannot properly be said to have begun until a later date, about the year 1100 B.C., when southern Britain was settled by a people called Iberians. Who then were these Iberian ancestors of ours and  from where  did  they come?

The first group arrived in the year 1103 B.C. in a great fleet of 33 ships under the leadership of a Prince called Brutus the Trojan. They claimed to be descendants of the Trojans who fled from Asia Minor after Troy was destroyed by the  Greeks.

In confirmation of this we might note that Brutus established his capital at London which he renamed Troynovant “New Troy”, and that it was known by this name for a considerable time. Further, the ancient writers all assert that Brutus, the founder of the ancient British Royal Family, was a Prince of the Royal House of Troy.

There is also in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle a chart tracing the descent of our present Royal Family through this Brutus to Aeneas who fled from Troy to Rome, and through him to Dardanus who founded the Trojan Kingdom. There are also in existence ancient manuscripts and records showing the genealogies of a number of our old British and Welsh families, which trace their descent through Brutus to Dardanus.

In the Church of St. Swithin in London there is a stone which legend has always said was brought by Brutus from Troy, and in Fore Street in Totnes there is still to be seen a stone called the Brutus Stone, on which he is said to have stepped when he  first set  foot on the shores of Britain.

Therefore it seems certain that Brutus who founded the ancient British Royal Family, and the Iberians who came with him to Britain came from Troy.

Historians generally agree that the Trojan kingdom was founded by a Prince named Dardanus who, with his followers, came to Asia Minor in the  16th century B.C. As these were the ancestors of the Iberians who came to Britain, it follows that they must ALSO have been Iberians. This is interesting in the light of the fact that Ireland was also settled in the 16th century B.C., by a people called Iberians or Hiberians. As we know that these people came from Egypt, it is evident that the Iberians who founded Troy and later migrated to Britain also came from Egypt. Who, then, were they?

The first indication is in the name itself, for Iberians is a word meaning the people of Eber or Heber. It is but one form of a word which also appears as Hibernia, Hebrides and Hebrews. This becomes more than an indication when we remember that the Israelites, who were called Hebrews, were in bondage in Egypt all during the 16th century B.C.

The next indication is that the Iberians who came to Ireland from Egypt under the leadership of Prince Calcol, had as their emblems a Red Hand and a Scarlet Cord, which are emblems of the Zarah Branch of the Israelitish Tribe of Judah as shown in Genesis 38:27-30 .

In the Bible genealogies of the Israel people the Zarah branch of the tribe of Judah  ends with  the  names of two brothers, Calcol and Darda or Dardanus. The fact that the genealogy of this branch of the tribe of Judah ends, indicates that they were no longer with the rest of Israel.

Surely the disappearance in Egypt of these Hebrews – a part of the tribe of Judah – whose Prince was Dardanus, and the appearance in Asia Minor at the same time in history of a group of Iberians under the leadership of a Prince Dardanus, ought to suggest the identity of the Trojans.

But there is  further  proof.  The Greek historian Homer says that this Dardanus was a son (or descendant) of Jupiter, and the Roman and Greek legends say that Jupiter was a son of Saturn who was also called Kronus. Writing of the Greek Gods, Sanchoniatho, a Phoenician historian , says “Kronus, whom the Phoenicians called Israel had a son Jehud,” Thus according to Homer and Sanchoniatho, Dardanus who founded the Trojan kingdom was a descendant of Jehud (Judah) whose father was Israel.

Thus the identity of the Iberians who settled southern Britain about 1100 B.C. is complete. They came from Troy, and before that from Egypt. They were Israelites of the Zarah Branch of the tribe of Judah. They, together with later arrivals, the Celts and the Cymry, were the ancestors of the Britons.
