The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





THE present hocus-pocus contrived energy crisis is a gigantic scam. The planet earth is awash with oil. There is enough under the ground and beneath the oceans to last for thousands of years. Some thirty years ago Dr. Finlay of South Africa revealed that the Americans had discovered vast underground seas of oil in Mexico and Alaska. Larger, in fact, than all the oil in the Middle East put together. These immense oil fields were deliberately tapped to make it appear that America was dependent on Arab oil to give them a valid excuse to intervene in the region. This they have now done in a very big way. Shortly after Gulf War II, Israeli technicians were pumping Iraq’s oil to Israel. Israel and America are stealing Iraq’s oil. In fact, as revealed by many Jewish spokesmen, Israel plans to expand her empire to include all the territory between the Nile and the Euphrates and to control all the oi reserves of the Middle East. This ultimate goal has long been proclaimed in the Israeli flag. The blue lines at the top and bottom of the six pointed star represent the Nile in the South and the Euphrates in the North. Only recently, William Fallon, in charge of US Central Command in the Middle East informed President Bush that the US Armed Forces would not go along with the Jews’ bellicose demand that Iran be attacked ‘with nuclear bombs.

We are not running out of oil. Texe Marrs, of Austin, Texas who has made an in depth study of the pretended oil crises has written:

“Earth is truly Planet Petroleum. Recent drilling successes in Brazilian waters, in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Bakken oil region of North and South Dakota, in Canada and Alaska, and around the globe prove that mankind will never run out of oil. Never! Never! Never!”

So called ‘Peak Oil’ and ‘Fuel Depletion’ is all absurd nonsense. A colossal hoax promoted by the big oil giants – huge multinational oil corporations like Exxon, Mobil, and Shell etc. According to some they financed the entire environmentalist movement. They planned that ‘Mother Earth’ fanatics would play up and act out the oil crisis nonsense to justify capping oil wells, cutting back on production and failing to build new refineries and pipe lines. The whole game is about Money and Power. Henry Kissinger said “Control oil and you control nations. Control food and you control people”. They plan to use both to this end.

Publicised massive food shortages and the growing scarcity of water is all part of the same massive misinformation campaign. People are being ‘taken for a ride’ on every major issue under the sun. The carbon dioxide pollution nonsense is another con. Dr. David Bellamy stated accurately that some 98% of CO2 emissions are from natural causes and beyond man’s control. He also stated that the government is wasting millions on totally false and misleading information on CO2 scare tactics. The proposed ‘Carbon Tax’ and, in America (and no doubt soon to come here) the Rain Tax. That is they propose charging the people a tax on the amount of rain that falls on their property.Wonderful news for the government of course. They have yet another excuse to fleece the British sheep.

It’s all about Money and Power. The late Dr. Hamlyn of Devon, a regular contributor to these columns knew where the real truth lay. Money rules this world. The people who have usurped control over the creation, value and distribution of money are the real world leaders. Politicians are merely their creatures. Governments carry out their policies. Policies inimical to the people.

Most people know that some two thirds of the price of fuel at the pumps is tax.They have been led to believe that this tax money, indeed all tax money pays for the expenses of government. It does not. It pays interest on the National Debt. £1,000 billion in Britain, $5 trillion in America.

The solution is simple. Cancel the National Debt and place money creation where it belongs in Parliament under the Crown. It should be taken out of private hands. Out of the hands of the Mega Rich. Money should be created by the State, not private Bankers. Money should be spent into circulation as a debt free and interest free service to the nation. Most taxation could then disappear. The price of fuel at the pumps would then be the price of the fuel alone, about a third of the present price. One of the most powerful Bankers ever, Nathan Rothschild, said “Let me control a nation’s money and I care not who writes its laws”. The Money Power rules the world. That is why people are lied to all the time and the world is in one hell of a mess. “The Super Rich are “the real beneficiaries of taxation.” Henry Kilby M.P.’s- (22.12.1964) House of Commons speech in which he called upon the government to take back control of money. They also engineered the oil crisis and soon coming food and water crisis.
