I have stood aside and watched …
while the once greatest, most civilized, and most humane nation in history was being converted into a jungle.
I have stood aside and watched …
while the greatest goodwill the world has ever seen, between multiple ethnic groups within one nation was being deliberately changed into suspicion, dissension and hatred.
I have stood aside and watched …
while this land of the free and home of the brave was being conditioned by traitors to seek peace at any price, even at the price of independence and freedom.
I have stood aside and watched …
while our Courts encouraged and our press glorified the beasts of Crime who have spread Riots, Vandalism, Robbery and Murder across our land.
I have stood aside and watched …
while our colleges have been taken over by misguided children with no slightest understanding of the civilization they have inherited, nor of the evil forces by which they have been duped.
I have stood aside and watched …
while our whole great system of public education has been turned into a propaganda agency for revolution and spawning ground for drug addiction, sex abuse, and crime.
I have stood aside and watched …
while meretricious scoundrels, using our television media, our motion picture screens, our news-stands, and all other available means, have contrived to bring about a breakdown of morality that is reducing millions of Britons to the level of lower animals.
I have stood aside and watched …
while the basic human loyalties – loyalty to God, loyalty to Country and loyalty to family – were being destroyed by evil forces which now permeate every segment of British Life.
And I have had enough … I am only one person but I shall no longer refuse to get involved .. What about you… How much longer will you stand aside?
(Adapted from an American article)