The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London



DAY OF ATONEMENT – A Partial List of America’s National Sins



Rejecting God and His Word

Our people have rejected God. Even the majority of so-called “Christians” reject God’s Word. They typically pick and choose what they want to believe or obey out of God’s Word. Fixing this problem must start with Christians. They must believe and obey all of God’s Word. Our nation has no real hope until Christians start living like Christians.


We allow the shedding of innocent blood. We have corrupted the minds of mothers so that they think it is OK to murder their babies. We allow people to be doctors who will perform these murders. And we allow our government to pay for these  murders.


We allow this abomination. An abomination is a sin so offensive to God that He judges groups of people (nations, cities, churches, families, etc.) for allowing this sin. And when this sin is allowed, it leads to other sins. Now these Sodomites are using the courts to force Christians to participate  in their  perversions .

Adultery –

There are very few Biblical marriages in America today. What we usually find is licensed fornication. We allow women to usurp authority over their husbands. This is adultery – Adultery is breaking wedlock. Inappropriate friendships  are  adultery. We need to get back to Biblical relationships.


Stealing is a sin. But our government is built upon theft. Anything the government takes above 10% is theft. We allow our government to steal. We also allow lawyers, judges and rich men to steal by misusing our courts. And all this needs to stop.


We  have  placed  men  and  the laws of men above God. We have made government and men who claim to be experts  our  idols. When we put our views above God we make ourselves idols. Anything we put above God is an idol. We need to put God above men – above government – above ourselves.   Only then will things start to turn around.


We allow people in government to lie. It’s a crime to lie to a federal agent but they are free to lie endlessly – to you – in court – anywhere. They use “Top Secret” and “National Security” to hide their evil deeds from “we the people “. They lie every time they misuse these security devices. Then they prosecute those whistle-blowers who expose these evil deeds. Those in government (politicians and government employees) must be held accountable for lying. It must be made a crime with penalties so stiff that it will no longer be worth it for them to lie.

Putting Animals and trees above people

Our nation has perverted priorities. We have folks who put their pets or trees (nature) above people. Don’t get me wrong. It is sin to abuse animals or nature, but it is also sin to put animals or trees above people. People are made in the image of God, not animals, and not trees. Therefore, the rights of people must always come before animals or trees. When the so­ called “rights” of animals or trees trump the rights of people, it is sin.

Heathen rulers

It is sin to put non-Christians in positions  of authority.   If we want our nation to have  the blessings of God, we must only vote for Christians. And  this means that we  need  Christians to start running  for offices.

And this list of sins could go on endlessly. But it comes down to this – We need to submit ourselves to God and His Laws.
