The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





Rather a strange title for  an  article  maybe! However, it needs to be examined at this end time. If it concerned everyday matters, then its importance could be relegated to the waste paper bin. Unfortunately, it has gone a stage further, and has gathered into its orbit serious matters which affect our thinking on various aspects of our faith. Satan is a master strategist, and never fails to miss an opportunity to weaken our beliefs. It is a fact, not a myth, that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph 6 v 12) . This chapter is the key to our understanding of present world events. It encapsulates the fundamentals of every aspect of human behaviour from the beginning of history. It proliferates with every new generation.

In this time of Jacob’s trouble, we are witnessing the fulfilment of many latter day prophecies set down by both Old and New Testament writers; So powerful and detailed are many of them that their human minds could not have imagined them. Interestingly, from time to time, characters pop up who have strange insights and warnings of coming events. Could it be that old Mother Shipton was such a one? She described such things as aeroplanes  hundreds of years before they were invented. Returning to the recognised prophets, they told of world events, especially in regard to God’s servant Israel. Satan is working overtime to ensure that prophecy is relegated to folklore and myth.

In a church magazine, in a question page, a reader asked “Is the Genesis account of creation true, or is it a myth?” The answer to the enquiry was “myth yes, but not mere myth.” Your chaplain is as puzzled as you are! So a church official was given permission from higher authority to inform readers that the Genesis account is myth (albeit not a mere myth). How typical of the teaching that the average churchgoer is fed on today. The time is very soon coming when people will want to know what is going on around them. Who but well informed Christians will be able to answer them? It is hoped that regular readers of The Ensign Message weigh up the information in our pages, and store it up for future use. We do not peddle myths (or mere myths), we endeavour to present our case with as much evidence as possible. If the foundations are knocked away, then there is no case to answer.

Not only are the foundations under attack, but also other areas of our belief which strengthen our claims to be Israel’s seed. Generations of children have been misled on many aspects of our history. Scorn is poured upon our Empire building days, with emphasis given to the fact that there were those whose only interest was to line their own pockets. Of course things happened which we are not proud of, but nevertheless, the Gospel was freely given to thousands, and medicine saved many lives. Again, children are taught that we have to thank the Romans for the first straight roads in these islands. Graham Rolle, a biographer and historian, has made findings that seriously question it. There is evidence to suggest that they were already in existence before they arrived. A similar network of roads exists in Ireland which was not occupied by the Romans. Certainly they enlarged and resurfaced them in the mainland.

The emphasis today is to destroy our past, and glorify the present world order. Relegate the past to myth, and concentrate on the brave new world. If only they realised it, they are repeating one of the world’s greatest mistakes made four thousand years ago. Almighty God intervened at Babel, and it is certain that He will do so again. This time, the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, and Lord or Lords will reign upon a restored earth for a thousand years. At last, all the injustices of history will not even be a memory. We will have a government where justice and equity will rule.  May it be soon!
