The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





Some of our readers may have seen in the press recently a very distressing story. It concerned a girl of fourteen who died of cancer. Before her death she expressed a wish for her body to be preserved by cryonics. We only know her as ‘J.S.’ For the sake of this article let us refer to her as Julie. She said, ‘I want a chance to live’. Her parents are divorced and her mother gave consent for the process to begin immediately Julie died. She had n’t seen her father since she was seven and he was not consulted. Julie’s request came up before a judge who stated that there was no legal reason why her body could not be preserved.

How does cryonics work? Or to be more realistic, how is it supposed to work? The body is sprayed with anti-freeze, packed in ice and flown to the U.S.A. Once there it is encased in liquid nitrogen. There it will remain for, say, fifty years, seventy years or a hundred years,  until  such time  that medication  and surgery and man’s ingenuity finds a way to 1) bring back to life a body that is riddled with cancer. 2) The tissue dies within a few minutes of death, was Julie’s brain frozen within that time?

So far, this process has cost her family £37 ,000. Those who cannot afford that kind of money can just have their head preserved. They hope that eventually, it can be attached to someone else’s unwanted body. Failing that, it could be attached to a robot. Are you feeling rather sick and disgusted by all this? I am, just writing about  it.

Assuming that all these enormous problems could be overcome, Julie will wake up and would ask  for her mum. ‘We’re very sorry dear, your mum died a hundred years ago’. It ‘s now 2117 and you are a living freak!’ Things are bad enough now with sex changes, same sex marriage , and babies murdered by the millions and perversions of every kind. Bestiality has now been made legal in Canada. Christianity has now been sidelined in both central and local government  for years.

All these things were shown to the prophets hundreds of years before Jesus came in the flesh to redeem Israel. Hosea cried to the Northern Kingdom ‘Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned’ (half baked!). Woe unto them! For they have fled from me! They return, but not to the Most High; they are like a deceitful bow: their princes shall fall by the sword’ (Chapter 7). ‘Rejoice not, O Israel, for joy, as other people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God. Thou hast loved a reward upon every cornfloor. Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up they shall bear no fruit (Chapter 9). Both the major and the specialist prophets go on lamenting the nation’s degradation and backsliding, her incompetence and stubbornness.

King David was moved to write one of the saddest Psalms, No 81 where the Holy Spirit showed him some of the wonderful things that God had done for the nation and declares ‘But my people would not hearken to my voice and Israel would  (have) none of me’. The next verse explains the reason why we show no signs of recovery. So I gave them up unto their own hearts’ lust: and they walked  in  their own counsels. (v12). Because of our intransigence, the Lord has said in effect, ‘ OK, you go on doing things your way and see what happens!’ Up to the time of writing we still haven’t  learned our  lessons.

Today’s generation have evolution rammed  down their throat. They accept without question that  Utopia will automatically come about in due time. It is of interest to note what the dictionary  says of  Utopia ,  ‘  An imaginary place or state of things’ and all this brought about by politicians!  When  will  the  nation  take its head out of the sand and get real? Our present perilous state can be attributed to A) The church, B) Politicians,  who never  learn  the lessons of  history  and C) The average person in the street who is only concerned with next year ‘s holiday and entertainment.

It is time that thinking people wake up to the fact that the foundations are under attack. The bulldozers and wrecking balls are knocking  down  everything that is pure, honest and good. Cloud nine was  shot down a long time ago! What are the One-worlders going to erect in its place? Answer: a world system having total control of our lives. We won ‘t own anything, not our own  bodies  and  the  children  will be the property of  the  state. Even our thoughts will  be monitored. George Orwell saw this years ago and they said ‘This can never happen; we are British!’ (Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells). But, it IS happening and we have let it happen. Years of preparation by stealth are having their reward, slowly, slowly, no-one is looking!

How those of us who love the Lord long for that day spoken about by Jeremiah in chapter three ‘And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding’ (v15). May that day come soon!

My final thought concerns Julie and all the others who have spent thousands of pounds (or dollars) hoping for a new body. There is a much simpler way, and it doesn’t cost anything. The  price  was  paid  in full two thousand years ago at Calvary. ‘Forwhoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved’ (Romans 10:13). Not just Israelites but  ‘whoever ‘ of all the  nations  throughout  the world . Think about it, a new body, not just the old one having a refit and a lick of paint.. Not only a new body, but there is more! A promise so staggering, so mind blowing  that  we can hardly take it in. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit tells us in his second epistle chapter 1: 4 ‘Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises:  that by these you  may become partakers  of the divine nature’. A  new body and a mind which is part of the Creator Himself .

Thank you Lord. Amen.
