The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





To: The Children of God whose faith is in our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who are trusting in His blood to wash away our sins.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  – (II Chronicles 7:14)


It does not matter what the world does. It is our duty to serve God and obey Him. It is time for us to confess our sins and repent. So, I ask that you pray this prayer with me, then act upon this prayer and send it on to others.

“Our Merciful Father,

You are our God, and you alone are to be praised and worshiped. You have given us your inspired and infallible Word and you have preserved it for us today. Your blessings to us are beyond number, even amid our sins against you. We do not merit your mercy, but we do beg for it.

We and our fathers have sinned against you for many years now … refusing to obey you or to speak out against the many sins in our nation.

A few of our obvious sins are:

We have been silent about the murder of babies. Their blood cries out against us.

We have been silent about sodomy and the other sins that proceed from it.

We have been silent about usury.

We have destroyed families by rejecting the patriarchal system that you established in your Word.

We cannot count the ways we have turned away from you, your Holy Word, your righteous laws, and your perfect ways. We have been in sin so long that we no longer see things your way.

The result of our sins is that you have set our enemies above us. They have throughout the years been enslaving us little by little. And now they have set forth this man-made pandemic (man-made in that THEY created it and unleashed it upon the world) for the purpose of establishing a one-world tracking system of all people. Perhaps this is the Mark of the Beast system told of in your Word? They have used the fear they created to trick us into doing their will and submitting to their decrees which have allowed them to destroy our economies and ways of life. And they have tricked us into abandoning your Houses of worship.

By abandoning your Houses of worship at their command, we have placed THEM above you. We have made government an idol above you.

We now confess these sins and ask you to forgive us. We repent of these sins and will start by returning to your Houses of worship – putting YOU above government. We vow to do this no matter what the. cost may be. And if our church leaders refuse to open the doors, we will gather in homes or wherever we can meet. Such churches that refuse to open for worship will reveal that government is their god and we will separate from them. We wish to turn back to you, your Word, your laws, and your ways. We ask you to open our eyes, give us your sight and stir up our spirits as you did for your children of old.

We confess that we are powerless to do these things on our own and we beg you to pour out your Spirit upon us, lead us, give us your understanding and turn us back to you.

These things we pray in name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.”

Now …

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” (James 1:22)

