The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London






Thus did Jesus admonish the Jews who sought to persecute Him (John 8:44) From the very beginning we have been beguiled by lies, professionally spoken and repeated a thousand fold.

One of the biggest lies that has ever been perpetrated is that the early Britons were “painted savages”, a very strange lie, given the fact that they pushed back the Roman legions into the sea in 43 B.C. It took another two years and the very best of the available Roman battalions to finally succeed in invading Britain. The result according to the Pictish sovereign Galgacus – “The Romans came to a country: which was in all essentials prosperous and free and left it in many places devastated.”

Now for the facts. In AD 110, Ptolemy says there were 56 cities in Britain. Enamelling was an art unknown to the Greeks until they were taught it by the Celts. The same was true of glass making. British tin was, traded throughout the known world (it being the main source of this metal), and was used in the construction of Solomon’s Temple. Astronomers were deeply versed in every detail of their profession as evidenced by Cicero, Pling, Tacitus, Diodorus Siculus and Strabo. British Architects were in great demand on the continent. The Hot Spring Baths in Bath were in existence centuries before any Roman set foot in the country. The Bards; cultivars of music and poetry wore white robes, a custom taken on by the choristers of the English Church, centuries before Christ. The Greek language was well Known to the ancient British, as it was the lingua franca of its time. Even Caesar comments on the fact that the Gauls sent their youth to Britain to be educated, and that it required 20 years to master the complete circle of Druidic knowledge – natural philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, geometry, medicine, jurisprudence and oratory. No priest could be ordained who could not prove his descent from nine successive generations of free forefathers.

Would that today, all of our members of Parliament, Lords and Bishops could be the same Then we would not be infested with the alien strangers that seek to dominate us today. Nor would we have some upstart, born in South America lecturing us on the Brexit process, stuffed with funds from George Soros.

What we endure today is the insufferable arrogance of inferior mortals who have been allowed and encouraged to preside over us.The histories of many of these people does not bear, too much examination,

But the truth will out (it can never be completely suppressed). Sometimes it happens in the most extraordinary way. In March 1931, it was reported that the Mayors of Bath, Colchester and Dorchester and 150 members of the Friends of Italy Society were received in special audience by Pope Pius XI. His holiness (sic) in a specially prepared address advanced the theory that it was St Paul, himself and not Pope Gregory who first introduced Christianity into Britain. Praise be.

The South West Beacon
