IN the seventeenth century, tensions that had been growing between the monarchy and the populace, specifically Parliament, erupted into what we know today as the English CivilWar.It is wrong to assume that this war really only involved England, since it affected both Ireland and Scotland. Indeed, the Scottish Presbyterians, who ruled Scotland, had a big hand in the English Civil War, exacting the signing up to the Solemn League and Covenant as their price for helping their Puritan cousins in England to win the conflict.
Such was the treason and perfidy of Stuart kings that generations of stout royalists since have yet thrown their sympathy in with Cromwell’s Roundheads rather than support so treacherous a dynasty as the Stuarts. In essence, few who love both Crown and country doubt that the temporary excision of monarchy from Britain which took place under the Protectorate of Cromwell was a tragic yet necessary step to rid us of monarchical abuse of power. It could and has been argued, in fact, that Parliament’s victory in the English Civil War saved the monarchy in the long run, particularly since the Glorious Revolution of 1688 brought in a constitutional monarchy which forever held in check the capacity of future sovereigns to wield abusive power at the expense of their subjects.
This constitutional monarchy has been held up for centuries now as the shining example of true liberty. In its original composition, it attempted to hold in proper tension a machinery of perfect counter-balance of sovereignty, allowing the reigning sovereign his/her true place as Head of State and ultimate human authority in Britain, with the privileges gained for citizens and subjects under such treaties as Magna Carta and the establishing of Parliament. Its purpose was to prevent tyranny, not only of the Royal House, but also of factions within the Parliamentary system. In short, the king would have ultimate, though not absolute power and Parliament would have the right and duty to see that this worked effectively,while serving the will of the sovereign.
And therein lies the problem.
Since our constitutional monarchy was set up, this perfectly balanced engine of State has gotten out of balance. Now we have a situation in the UK where Parliament has assumed more and more power to itself, leaving the reigning monarch as little more than a figurehead rather than the Head of State.The sovereign’s duty is to lead the nation as a Protestant Christian country. This is what all British monarchs solemnly swear to do. They vow to uphold the Word of God and the Protestant faith.
All kings and queens of the United Kingdom have what is known as the Royal Prerogative in reference to laws passed by Parliament. Among other things, this means that they can refuse to “sign off” on legislation they deem to be contrary to Britain’s interests or which are in direct contravention of their Coronation Oath.The Royal Prerogative is not unlimited but one thing it does cover is the sovereign’s right to dismiss a Prime Minister. Would that our Queen would use it!
The Royal Prerogative is the Throne’s power to counter abusive or excessive Parliamentary power. It is the exercising of the monarch’s ultimate power as Head of State. If the present Queen, for example, felt that a particular law presented to her by Parliament would be hurtful to her subjects, she could refuse to give Royal Assent to it. Of course, this would spark a constitutional crisis. Which is, presumably, the reason why reigning British sovereigns do not exercise the Royal Prerogative in this way.
Succeeding Parliaments in this country have passed legislation which has destroyed our Protestant heritage, dismantled our precious British institutions and way of life and legalised things which are contrary to God’s Word. In fact, successive generations of politicians and social engineers have changed our legal system from one which was biblically-based and thus glorifying to Almighty God, to one which is in many cases the antithesis of God’s Word. To say nothing of dragging us into wars which are unrighteous and in which we have lost many precious souls.
And all the time Parliament has assumed to itself more and more power, in direct contravention of its status as a servant ministry of the Crown. Prime Ministers become more and more “presidential” and seek to pass themselves off as Britain’s true Head of State. This is rebellion.
The question that will divide mankind in the coming years is: “Are you for David’s Throne or not?” The humanist systems of government-democracy, republicanism and dictatorship have strange appeals to many. And the answer to this dividing question will surprise many as they discover within their own families, perhaps even their own hearts, divided loyalties. You simply cannot be loyal to the Divinely-appointed Davidic Throne of Britain if you believe in democracy; it is either God’s chosen and anointed Head of State or the will of the mob.
Tyranny is tyranny, whether in monarchical or prime ministerial form. The way of man is to have a king, whether by that title or no. So if we are going to end up with one person running the nation, why does it have to be the people’s choice? Why not God’s? The Divine will is settled in the Throne and the choice of David’s seed. Psalms 89 and 72 make this abundantly clear. Our present Queen, as the seed of David, qualifies by right of succession to be Head of State. Yet we have made her a figurehead. We challenge her to exercise Royal Prerogative in refusing to sign off on laws passed by our ungodly politicians. What if she did? It is her duty to do so yet we have turned this vital check on Parliamentary excess into a mere ceremonial curiosity and foible of State.
But Almighty God won’t put up with this forever. A Davidic King is coming to the Throne of Britain and he will demand your allegiance. You will have to decide if you stand with him on that day, even if against Parliament and the bureaucratic arms of State. It really will be Crown or Parliament on that day. In the hour of Britain’s deepest need, the future Arthurian king will come. Will you be at his side, loyal and true, faithful to the Throne?
Or standing with the scheming bureaucrats and politicians on the side of Babylon?
This coming king will demand that Britain return to God and HisWord and be a truly Christian nation once more. This will involve the repealing of many laws passed by anti-Christian politicians. Furthermore, this king will protect the poor and refuse to give Royal Assent to laws that oppress and abuse his subjects. This heaven-sent monarch will be the catalyst of change, not only in the UK but globally. God has ordained that all nations shall serve the Throne of David. This king will be like his ancestor David, a man after God’s own heart and a champion of what is right on earth.
This is the destiny of the British Throne and nation. YOUR destiny is determined by how you respond to this. Do not expect this nation to be blessed or God to honour your prayers for revival if you do not accept His instrument of authority. That instrument is Britain’s Royal Throne – the Throne of David, founded and established by the covenant oath of Almighty God.