The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





1) 1 have made the self supreme and thou shalt have no other god.

2) Thou shalt deck thyself with flash clothes and protect thyself with lucky charms.

3) Thou shalt not doubt the scientists when they tell thee thou are conditioned by thy glands nor contradict their dogmas.

4) Remember that thou go easy in the evil necessity of work. Five days may’st thou labour with every possible rest for tea. On the sixth day or the seventh thou may’st do overtime at double rates for this is the law of the unions. On the seventh day thou canst please thyself about bed or sport and read the Sunday newspapers.

5) Honour thy school, thy, clinic or youth club but not thy home. Treat as a right all the privileges which the welfare state provides for thee at someone else’s expense.

6) Thou shalt be quite rude if thou dost wish to stab another to the heart with unkind words.

7) Thou shalt commit adultery, if so inclined., for it is fashionable.

8) Thou shalt make money on the pools or in other way whatsoever, provided thou art not found out. And if thou hast any left, thou shalt not leave it to the church.

9) Thou shalt not hesitate to tell lies and thou shalt not bear witness for or against anything

10) Thou shalt covet thy neighbour’s house if it is better than thine or if the taxes are less. Thou shalt covet thy neighhour’s wife and also his daughter if she is pretty. Thou shalt covet thy neighbour’s poodle, washing machine, television set and car and everything that is his.

Sermon at St John’s Church, Bognor Regis
