The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





IT IS obvious to all who have eyes to see that a cancer-like spirit of lawlessness is spreading through the lands of Christendom. Evil and sinister people are nourishing and promoting this evergrowing spirit of lawlessness that threatens to destroy our Christian civilisation and unless a miracle of Divine Deliverance occurs to save God’s Christian Israel Peoples in South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, The British Isles, Northwest Europe, Canada and the United States of America. Just such a miracle of Divine Deliverance is promised to all who will repent and turn to faithful obedience of God’s Holy Laws and call on Him to deliver us from our enemies. I am not talking here about the so-called “Rapture of the Church.”

The most evil and pernicious doctrine ever foisted upon God’s People in the Name of JESUS, The Christ, is the teaching that the Divine Law laid down for us in The Old Testament was set aside by JESUS on the cross. Many misguided preachers love to parrot the claim, “For ye are not under THE LAW.” I am not talking here about the sacrificial and ceremonial laws. Consider very carefully a number of passages in the writings of The Prophets and in The Psalms: Isaiah 66: 1-4, Micah 6:6-8, Jeremiah 7:21-26; Jeremiah 8:8, marginal reading; Psalm 40:6-8; Psalm 50:7-15; Psalm 51:15-17; Matthew 9:10-13; and others. The passages in Jeremiah 7:21-26 and Jeremiah 8:8 should be read in The New American Standard Bible and in Dr Moffatt’s Translation for added clarity.The passages cited above lead me to believe that the so-called sacrificial and ceremonial laws and ordinances very possibly were not ordained by God, our Father, but are bureaucratic decrees of the priests and the scribes (Jeremiah 7:21-26 and Jeremiah 8:8, marginal reading) to increase their authority and control over the people. It is an old, old story. But if, as is usually claimed, the ceremonial and sacrificial laws were the expressed will of God, they were most certainly abrogated by JESUS, The Christ.

Mosesandtablets(2)The Laws of God that I am talking about are the Ten Commandments and His civil, criminal, agricultural, economic and health laws that He gave to our Israel forebears and to us by the hand of His Prophet, Moses. These Laws were NEVER set aside by the Lord, either by His ministry or by His death on the cross. Read and study the Lord’s own words. The problem is that most preachers do not preach the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, but they preach the teachings of others, “For ye are not under The Law.” Because our people have been misled by the pernicious doctrine that declares, “For ye are not under The Law” our people have been led into ignorance and disobedience of God’s Holy Laws that pertain to civil, criminal, economic, agricultural and health matters. As a result of our ignorance and disobedience of these laws, we are reaping the curses so aptly laid down for us in Deuteronomy 28:15 and the following verses.

If, on the other hand, our preachers and churches had faithfully adhered to and preached the teachings of JESUS, The Christ, and the teachings of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms which the Lord upheld and recommended, and if they had declared in no uncertain terms, “Sin is the transgression of THE LAW,” I John 3:4 (the Ten Commandments and God’s civil, criminal, economic, agricultural and health laws), then we would be enjoying the great and wonderful blessings promised to us in Deuteronomy 28:1-14.

If we as a people, individually and collectively, would return to keeping God’s Ten Commandments and His civil, criminal, economic, agricultural and health laws, then it would be safe to walk our streets and stroll in our parks, even at night, our homes and our families would once again be righteous and stable institutions, we would be able to give up the use of toxic sprays and chemicals which are poisoning our orchards, our fields and our peoples in a vain attempt to control plant diseases and insects, the boom and bust of our debt-based economic system would be replaced by a prosperous and stable economy and good health would take the place of sickness and disease among our people.

If we as a people would institute and enforce God’s criminal laws then a very large percentage of all jails and prisons could be closed with a great saving of human and material resources and we would be safe in our persons, homes and possessions. If as a national policy we would institute and follow God’s agricultural laws, then insects and plant diseases would be kept under control by natural means without having to resort to toxic sprays and chemicals which are slowly but surely poisoning all of us. If we as a national policy would institute and enforce God’s economic laws, then our present debt-based Babylonian economic system would be outlawed, and in the place of the great burden of debt which we now bear we would have thrift, productivity and prosperity. If we understood and obeyed God’s health laws we would not eat God’s natural garbage collectors, the unclean animals and fish, we would not eat blood and we would not eat the fat. Obedience to God’s health laws would restore many of us to health and would help all of us to live healthier, happier and more productive lives.

Read and study carefully Deuteronomy 28:1-14 and take the time to relish the prospect of enjoying all of the wonderful blessings enumerated therein. These blessings could be ours if only we would institute and obey God’s Holy Laws. Read, and study carefully Deuteronomy 28:15 and the following verses. Look carefully at the curses that God said will come upon us if we spurn and disobey His Laws. It should be obvious to all thinking people that we are suffering these curses. Since it is obvious that we are suffering the curses, we should be smart enough to see that it is because we have spurned and disobeyed God’s Laws.

The Lord Jesus Christ taught us to pray for the Kingdom of God to come on Earth. Contrary to popular teaching, the Kingdom of God is not only a spiritual kingdom. The Kingdom of God is literal, physical and material as well as a spiritual kingdom. The Kingdom of God embraces a REALM (the Earth), a PEOPLE (His People, which implies that there are people that are not His People) and LAW (God’s Law given to us by the hand of His Prophet, Moses). We are mocking God to pray for His Kingdom to come on Earth and then undercut the Law of His Kingdom by proclaiming and believing the doctrine, “For ye are not under the Law.”

This disastrous doctrine has turned God’s people away from His Laws and led us to adopt man’s laws with the result that we are condemned to suffer the curses enumerated for us in Deuteronomy Chapter 28. The true Gospel of the Kingdom of God is not “Pie in the sky by and by when I die,” it is the good news of the Kingdom of God on Earth which was foreseen by Moses and the Prophets, the Kingdom for which the Lord Jesus Christ taught us to pray in the Lord’s Prayer. Do we believe the Lord, Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms, or do we believe the self-appointed spiritual leaders who have been misleading God’s people right from the very first century of the Christian era by the teaching “For ye are not under the Law”? Do not pray for the Kingdom of God to come on Earth unless you give your undivided allegiance to the Lord Jesus, Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.

Courtesy: Covenant Message
