The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





SINCE it seems that the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Israelites are consistently accused of bigotry, hatred, prejudice, racism, bias, intolerance plus any other smear adjectives you care to add, let’s go back to the beginning of our race. In Genesis, we are told of the murder of righteous Abel by his brother Cain; then the enmity between Esau and Jacob, which God said He would have war with Amalek (Esau’s grandson) until the end of the age; later, the plot of Joseph’s brothers to kill him, but instead sold him to the Ishmaelites; the murderous plot against King David by his son Absalom (2 Samuel, I Kings); the scheme by David to put his army officer,Uriah in a potentially lethal battle-position in order to steal his lovely wife (2 Samuel:l1); the war between the House of Israel and the House of Judah after the kingdom was divided (2 Samuel 3:1); the latter day enmity of the Irish Republican Army, ‘IRA’ against British rule;and the periodic wars and battles throughout the chequered history of the Chosen Race. All these are indications of hatred even within the framework of the “families” of Abraham’s chosen and blessed seed. However, they were often told by God to utterly destroy their enemies and to drive out their predecessors from the promised land. Many of these unrelated foreigners or aliens chose to stay and serve the Israelites in various capacities, as they now do in all the Israelite lands. The order from God was that the strangers were to adhere to the laws of Moses and be treated fairly while in Palestine, even as slaves. God’s law forbade the intermarriage of Israelites with foreign wives.
1). to maintain the purity of the descendants of Abraham whom God chose “because he would teach his children the law” and
2). to keep their laws and rituals free from the pollution of pagan, heathen religions and false gods.

This sin was so great that God defined it as adultery, since He was married to Israel. We must remember that idolatry and adultery are identical in God’s eyes. That is, why Israel was divorced by God for her whoredom! (Hosea) That is also why Paul tells us “glory ONLY in the cross of Christ”, as we certainly cannot glory in being the rebellious, disobedient, whoring ISRAEL!

That is why Christ instituted the symbolic rite of baptism after repentance. The contrite heart can then cast off the carnal appetites, resist the world, the flesh and the devil, and rise out of the water cleansed and sanctified. The metaphor is that of death to the SELF. As these are newborn Christians, new creatures, we must nourish and encourage them, always recalling our own life struggle to grow in grace and favour. ONLY the Holy Spirit within can effect such a liberating transformation!

The great commission to go into all parts of the world to preach and teach the gospel of Christ had to be fuelled with the urgency of evangelism, not to proselytise the heathen to Judaism, (Acts 15: 6-12) but to convert them to Jesus Christ, the way, the truth and the life. Jesus said,

“No man cometh unto the Father but by Me” and conversely “No man cometh unto Me except the Father draw him”.

The parable of the sower illustrates clearly that we are not to estimate or judge the soil before we sow. The various kinds of conditions are explained, and the expected results, but it is God who waters and nurtures and brings to fruition the seed of His Word. It is ONLY a great love that can empower men and women to leave comforts, homes, families and friends to brave the dangers of pagan lands and peoples who need, but may not want the love of Christ and the blessings of the Bible.

But what of the detractors and accusers of the British (Brith: covenant, ish: husbandman)? Why all this animosity? Why are they trying to destroy us in all parts of the world? Why do they hate us? Do they know that we are God’s chosen people; can they see the blessings of our patriarchs that have been poured out upon us? (Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28)

If we want to find examples of hatred in this world, we have only to look at the races now engaged in genocide, slaughter, starvation and torture. Some of those civil wars prominent in the news come quickly to mind:

Bosnians vs Serbs vs Croats;
Liberians: Ibos vs Biafrans in Nigeria; Ruanda and Burundi:
Iraq vs Kuwait;
Kikuyus vs Masai;
Tutsis vs Hutus;
Xhosas vs Zulus;
Muslims vs Hindus;
Inuit vs Denae;
Israelis vs Syrian Hezbollah.

Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Uganda, China and Zaire have all suffered violence and tyranny. All of these groups HATE each other and cannot tolerate living in proximity. We could also consider the Russian Revolution, which was initiated by a politico-social class hatred of the Monarchy, and the French Revolution motivated by bitter class hatred and envy. Who could ever forget the venom of Madame Defarge and the roars of the populace gathered to see the spectacle of the cruel Guillotine! We cannot know or here record all the others, but we all know of many groups who harbour hatred for their fellow men.

The intolerance exhibited by those races far outstrips the reservations of Anglo-Saxons who allow everyone in the world to enter our gates to reap the hard-won benefits of our ancestors’ planning, ingenuity, creativity, labour and love. Hospitals and clinics were built by those who followed in David Livingstone’s steps. Schools were started by missionaries to spread the Gospel. Lessons of well-digging, sanitation and agriculture were taught by dedicated workers from Europe, USA or the Commonwealth. These were unwitting but willing fulfilments of God’s promise to Abraham that his offspring would be “A blessing to all the families of the earth”.

Since Joseph was hated and envied by his brothers, and we are Ephraim and Manasseh, his sons in dispersion, is it surprising that we are hated, as both Jesus and Paul, warned that we would be hated? We must. boldly go forth with “chin up”, and head held high, bearing our burdens gladly.

Remember the wise old phrases “the white man’s burden” and “gladly my cross I bear”?

It is perfectly obvious who hates who with such ferocity that they maim and kill without regard for others. We are under God’s protection and blessing just as the pioneers and pilgrims were as they arrived in the new promised land flowing with fresh water, then milk and honey, then came wine and oil. The pilgrims thanked God for their survival through hardships and adversity. Surely we praise and thank Him for “preparing a table before us in the presence of our enemies”! The love of Christian brothers and sisters wherever they may be in their traditional families approved by God. We pray that we may be filled by his Holy Spirit now and evermore.

Courtesy: Thy Kingdom Come
