The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





MAINSTREAM Christianity largely rejects the British-Israel teaching on history and prophecy. A lazy excuse is that the Israel Identity message is “racist” because it purports to say that the white, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian peoples are descended from the wandering tribes of Israel and Judah and are thus the true “Chosen People” of the Bible.

It is interesting that many Christians who reject as racist the B.I. position indulge in the most heinous form of race preference on the planet. I am speaking of many Christians’ support for the Zionist State of Israel and their unqualified acceptance of Israeli policies in relation to the butchering of Palestinians and Lebanese. To many Christians, the Israeli state can do no wrong and Jews must be supported and endorsed unreservedly. These gullible believers swallow Zionist propaganda that the people who call themselves Jews in the earth today are pure racial descendants of twelve-tribed Israel. Some pro-Zionist leaders, like John Hagee, are accused of engaging in dual-covenant theology i.e., saying that it is okay for Jews to live as “good” Jews without the need to accept Jesus Christ as lord and Saviour, while the rest of us mere Gentiles have to receive Christ.

Hagee has written a phenomenally bestselling book: Jerusalem Countdown, in which he repeats the Zionist mantra that to criticise the Jew is to be cursed of God. Astonishingly, Hagee has almost everybody being a Jew, including Abraham and the father of the Edomite nation, Esau. The book should be called Truth Meltdown and is proof, if any were needed, that a combination of sensationalist “prophetic” teaching, combined with Jewish fables and ridiculous historical interpretation will outsell the truth when “left behind” junkies need a fix for their lurid, pro-Zionist fantasies. There is a question that must be asked of Hagee and other “leaders” in their rabid support of all things Zionist: Does God bless the Jews because of their race or their religion?

In other words, if a person is not Jewish by race, does the “curse” of Genesis 12:3, repeatedly used by pro-Zionists, not apply? Since Jewish groups go to great lengths to say that being a Jew is about the religion of Judaism and not a race matter, and since some scholars (a good deal of whom are themselves Jewish) believe that at least 90% of Jews in the earth today have possibly very little, if any, racial descent from Biblical Judahites, where does this leave the pro-Zionists with their readiness to dump God’s curse on anyone who dares criticise the Jewish race? Or where does it leave, for example, Sammy Davis Jnr? What tribe is he descended from? In short, is Israelite ancestry the key to the Genesis 12:3 curse or Jewish faith and practice? The answer to this question, if people have the courage to ask and answer it, will change Christianity and thus the world.

British Israelites claim descent from the Israelites of the Bible. For that, we are often branded as racist by people who themselves hold to extreme racism. The simple truth is that any Celt or Gael has more Judahite ancestry than those who “say they are Jews and are not” (see Revelation 2:9). The Judea in which Jesus ministered was an area hopelessly compromised with racial mixture, unlike the purer stock of the Galilee territory. Since the restoration of some Judahites from Babylonian Captivity, descendants of Esau – the Edomites – had interbred with Judahites and many of these people were in the Pharisee section. It is also thought that, of Christ’s twelve disciples, Judas Iscariot was the only non-Galilean and that he was of this mixed Idumean ancestry.

Interestingly, Hagee refers to God’s hatred of Esau (a Jew, in Hagee’s opinion), claiming that Adolf HitIer had Edomite ancestry (something some British-Israelites would not necessarily dispute). However, it is evident that Hagee is blissfully unaware of the Edomite mixture in the Jewish race. In other words, he believes God’s blessing is on a people whom God has (and he emphasises this) sworn to hate forever! Although Hagee encourages American Christians to support the Israeli state, the prophet Obadiah foretold that those of Edom who claim they are Jews will be brought down from the very place they are hiding, i.e., America.

I am not scoring points on race here. Sadly, race is a club often used to bludgeon the Israel peoples. But it is useful to point out the facts. Blind acceptance of Jewish claims to be God’s Chosen People is foolish and dangerous. So is rejection of the extremely strong case made by British Israel scholars that the British and North European peoples are descended from Israel migrations. What is ridiculous is that many gullible Christian people do not reject the notion that God can have a favourite race; they simply reject the possibility that it could be the Caucasian one.

I am often reminded of the time when a world famous Word of Faith teacher visited Scotland and privately confided that many of the big-name preachers in America secretly believed the Israel Identity message but dared not preach it for fear of reprisals. Although I understand the reasons for this, I am as shocked today as I was when I first heard it. Arguably one of the great breakthrough revelations of world history, particularly in the Christian Era, held and understood by those in the greatest imaginable position to proclaim it to a worldwide audience, yet those who have it suppress it in case it hurts their ministry. This is beyond travesty. I clearly remember on one occasion hearing one of the top five televangelists begin to preach B.I. and almost physically jerk himself off of where he was going in his message.

Yet curiously a strong evidence of British-Israel being God’s Truth is not that big-name American preachers secretly believe it. It is actually that they fear to preach it. A weapon’s potency is not measured by the widespread readiness to use it, but by the terrified reticence of those who know its true power.

There is a vast multitude of study which by sheer logic will convince the most sceptical that B.I. is historically and theologically sound. This ministry will make B.I. books available free of charge to any genuine seekers; simply write and request them. However, I want to offer one clue to spiritually minded people. It is this: British-Israel, like all precious truths, is truly known only by revelation knowledge. It is revealed truth. Yes, it can be studied and the mind can be convinced by logic. But ultimately, the Spirit of God must reveal this truth to you. May you seek Him to do so!

Believing that the Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and related peoples are descended from Israel’s “lost” tribes in no way negates the need for God’s free grace offered in Jesus Christ, nor the necessity of receiving such grace by faith. As we read in Romans chapter 9 and elsewhere, physical descent from Abraham is not anyone’s ticket to eternal life; there is a need for people – whether Israelite or not – to respond in faith to Christ’s claims of Lordship.You simply must be born again in order to have any part in covenant life with God. In Hebrew, “British” means covenant man. I don’t apologise fo saying that if you are not in Christ, you cannot be truly British. So B.I. is not and never will be just a jingoistic message of patriotism. Neither is it a doctrine of the “Master Race”. God has not called us to be a Master Race; He has called us to be the Servant People.Only such a serving people can exercise geopolitical dominion.

The sensitivity around race has been inseminated into our national consciousness for only one reason: to keep us from acknowledging the truth that we are nationally and racially the Chosen People of God. We are Israel, the people who rule with God. That will enrage those who seek to destroy us as a people, as well as their gullible lackeys in Christendom. Having this knowledge of Israel’s place in God’s purpose is no picnic. To Paul it meant continual sorrow and excruciating grief. If you are going to be a believer in British-Israel you do not qualify unless, like Paul, you have this intense burden of intercession. Yet, although it is extremely non-PC to say so, the people of God must not flinch from declaring their Divine calling and place in the scheme of things.

As an aside which isn’t really an aside, something interesting has recently taken place in the world of football. UEFA, European football’s governing body has taken issue with Glasgow Rangers over their fans singing the song Hello! Hello! We are the Billy Boys! Rangers fans identifying with King William III is a sore point for a UEFA heavily influenced by Roman Catholicism.Yet Rangers fans also chant a seemingly innocuous one-line song which is far more spiritually powerful and much more lethal to UEFA’s multicultural ethos. It is the ancient Israelite chant which ought to be on all our lips:

