THE present hocus-pocus contrived energy crisis is a gigantic scam. The planet earth is awash with oil. There is enough under the ground and beneath the oceans to last for thousands of years. Some thirty years ago Dr. Finlay of South Africa revealed that the Americans had discovered vast underground seas of oil in Mexico…
CHAPLAIN’S PAGE – “That Sinking Feeling”
NINETY six years ago, on April 15 1912, a catastrophic event occurred which no-one at the time had thought possible, a tragedy that shook the civilised world into disbelief. The great ship Titanic, which sailed from Liverpool on 10th April 1912 on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic, was hailed as the last word in…
My apologies to Dr. Francis Pryor for borrowing the title of his interesting Channel 4 television series. I applaud his stance on the ancient Britons, for he debunks the prevalent idea that, prior to the coming of the Romans, these islands were inhabited by a lot of woad-painted savages. However, as with all archaeologists and…