This is the second part of an article taken from the book entitled, “Only One Road, ” by the Hon. L.H. Hollins. During the 1940’s he was Minister for Public Instruction and Minister for Labour in Victoria. He was also author of the book “Democracy at the Crossroads. ” In future issues of “Look Up”…
AUSTRALIA FIRST – How The Phoenicians Won The Race By Centuries
CAPTAIN Cook discovered Australia alright – for himself But the Phoenicians got there first. The evidence is presented by Val Osborn in a report upon his searchings on Sarina Site, backed by a brief video (available from Val Osborn, Lot 8, Armstrong Beach Road, Sarina Queensland 4737, Australia). He first discovered the complex in 1990…
WORLD SURVEY: I would very much have liked in this brief survey of present world conditions, to have been able to tell you of a calm, tranquil and peaceful world; a world without violence, crime, corruption; of security, progress, sufficient food and even a nature that is at rest. Unfortunately this is not the case…
WHETHER Jesus himself personally baptized with water is not made entirely clear in the New Testament. John 3:22 says: “After these things came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judaea, and there he tarried with them, and baptized.” Again it is related in John 3:25-26: “Then there arose a question between {some} of…
WE have amongst us today a class of people who are, to put it bluntly, parasites. They contribute nothing to society, but enjoy its advantages, and are quite content to milk the system until it runs dry. I refer to those who have made it a religion to know their “rights”, and live handsomely from…