The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London






The violence continues with a regularity as if planned, and it seems to be on the increase. A new phenomenon is the way in which our white people are killed, they are clubbed to death with some blunt instrument, or their throats are cut. This, together with the raping of our women, creates the impression that it is being done in a way to humiliate our white folk. It is gruesome and alarming. It speaks clearly of a deep rooted hatred of the white man and a purposeful drive to force us off our land. In spite of all the smooth talk of the government it is clear that there is no real effort to put a stop to it. But how can it be otherwise, seeing that the authorities are the elected representatives of these self same criminals? Together with these atrocities, affirmative action is clearly and systematically used to rob the white man of his employment and replace him with blacks, regardless of whether they are qualified to replace the white man or not. If it had not been so frustrating and tragic, it would have been ludicrous to see how key positions which require a high degree of training, are being taken away and given to the blacks, who according to Mandela himself, were only yesterday still in the bush. No wonder we are sliding down to just another Africa country fast. Our once proud fighting service which less than ten years ago could have moved through Africa from Cape to Cairo, sweeping everything before them, are powerless and almost defenceless today. A tragedy and a shame.

It was the white man who pulled this country out of its primitive condition and brought it from where it was to just before the black take-over in 1994, one of the most modern countries in the world. Now we are sliding back to where Africa was before the coming of the white man. It is one of the great modern tragedies.


But that which is happening in South Africa fast, has also started in the whole of the Western World. If it had not been for American technology, we in the West with our Christian civilisation, would have been taken over by the black and yellow nations by now. And who gave that know-how to the U.S.A.? The white scientist, who came from a background and culture born and nurtured in the Christian Faith. It is those generations that came from the Reformation who became world-conquerors with the Bible in the one hand and the sword or rifle in the other. They spread out and planted their colonies as far as the far East, Africa and the Americas. They took with them the rule of law based on the Ten commandments. They elevated those nations and gave them schools, health services, taught them agriculture, knowledge and a better way of life, which they did not have before.

These Western Nations are the off-spring of ancient Israel. Let those who are ignorant, be ignorant still, but it remains a fact that the evidence is there for all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. God said to these ancestors of ours: “For thou art an holy (apart, separate) people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth” (Deut. 7:6). He also said: “You only have I known of all the families of the earth” (Amos 3:2).

Through this people and their descendants God intended to eventually restore His image here on earth. When we follow the history of these people we see clearly that for as long they walked in the ways of the Lord among the other nations (black, brown, etc.) classified as heathen nations in the Bible (or not the people of God), they prospered and were in a governing position over these nations. But as soon as they began to worship the gods of these nations and followed in their ways, they declined and the other nations gained the supremacy over them.


And this is exactly what is happening again, and is already far advanced. Naturally the heathen hate the people of God. It is an inherent, deep rooted hatred and jealousy that is ingrained in their very genes. While this people from whom we Western Nations spring, were obedient to God, they were unassailable and invincible. But as soon as they became disobedient, the power and protection of God left them, and the other nations overcome and subdued them. All that was therefore necessary for these nations to reach their goal and gain the upper hand over them, was to subvert their faith in the Living God and their obedience to His laws.

We see this in the history of the Western Nations. Wherever they went, they took the Bible with them. One of the first buildings they put up was a Church and they established law and order. The heathen nations were subdued and governed justly. There were the rare exceptions, but history bears witness that those nations were soon delivered from a life of famine, tribal rights, disease and general poverty. All the colonies became prosperous and thriving countries. But alas, slowly these western nations began to lose the fervour of their faith, started to neglect their Bible and started to follow the customs of the heathen. As trade and commerce increased, the competition between them also multiplied and eventually they were involved in the two bloodiest wars in history. This impoverished and weakened them to such and extent, that they lost their former colonies and fell prey to strange ideologies, strange to the faith of their fathers.

As their faith faded, so the heathen customs and life style took root. Steadfastness of character, integrity national pride, self respect, diligence, self discipline, pride of achievement, all the characteristics that made our fathers great, and us a great nation, disappeared.

In the same measure as in the history of our ancient fathers, the heathen nations increased in strength and became a menace to us. More and more the heathen began to make his appearance in the West. Today, for instance, the Moslem faith is almost the dominant faith in Britain, one of the first countries that adopted the Christian Faith. All over Europe there are so many foreign labourers, that they had become a threat to the indigenous people. I would rather not think what will happen to our Western Nations if a war breaks out between East and West.

China is fast developing into the mightiest power on earth, and China is not a Christian country They are in the process of cultivating a prodigious national pride. Their army is the greatest on earth, it is homogeneous and very well disciplined. She is rapidly overtaking the U.S.A. technologically. According to Scripture she will very definitely be a part of the Gog combine that will move against the West. And she is a very intelligent nation.


One outstanding fact that came to the fore in this election is that race and ethnicity are still the main factors in American politics; and that in spite of the tremendous emphasis that is laid on the elimination of racial barriers. It seems to be an inescapable fact that the Republicans have won their last presidential election. All the non Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Germanic population of the U.S.A. voted for Al Gore (the Democrats). There is such a tremendous inflow of Hispanic, Chinese and other Eastern as well as other non white elements from all over the world, and the high birth rate of the American Negro, that with the next election over four years, the white, basic Christian element in the U.S.A. will be in the minority.


It is serious, and will not be wished away. It is the fulfilment of the prophecies of the Bible. I am convinced with all my heart that it is going to lead up to the Battle of Armageddon. In this series on World Affairs that we have been writing for the past 13 years, I have warned repeatedly that we must watch Palestine. That is where the next World War, which will be the last, will break out. That area is the strategic centre of the whole world, both physically and strategically. That is also where the three big religions of the world meet. The rich oil fields of the world also lie in that area. The major world power that controls Jerusalem, controls the world. According to the Bible it will be Jerusalem from where the Lord Jesus will rule the new earth. The anti-Christ powers of the world hate the very thought of that, and will do all in their power to prevent that. The prophets speak of all the nations that will gather against Jerusalem.


On 21 May this year gold suddenly shot up to a great height exactly when it seemed that the Jews and the Arabs threatened to go to war. After that the price of gold fell as the tension between the two subsided somewhat. The tension is still high, likewise the gold price has not gone down to its previous low level. But gold is not our security, dear reader, the prophet Isaiah says that in that Great Day when God comes to deal with the nations of the world, the people will throw their gold and their silver to the bats -and to the moles. Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal.
