The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London






I would very much have liked in this brief survey of present world conditions, to have been able to tell you of a calm, tranquil and peaceful world; a world without violence, crime, corruption; of security, progress, sufficient food and even a nature that is at rest.

Unfortunately this is not the case in all these respects. On the contrary, from the cast to the west, from the north to the south, it is foaming with unrest. China in the East, with her millions is in search of food and living space for them. She is busy, together with Russia, whom we in no ways must write off, building the mighty combine called in the Bible the Gog of the land of Magog, which in the latter days (which is now) will come up against the Christian nations.

In the Arab and Moslem world the hatred towards the Israeli State has all but reached boiling point and threatens to become the spark which will set the world aflame any time from now. The ordinary man in the street has no idea at all of what is really going on. Our so-called enlightened generation, in spite of its supposed advanced knowledge, is perhaps the most uninformed generation of all time. Our era has become so specialised that each person does not know anything about the world just outside his particular specialist field. We get so inundated with information, that we do not know what to take and what to leave in the short time we have available each day in this rat race.

Take as an example the situation in the Middle-East. We are all under the impression that it is a conflict between the Jews and the Arabs over Palestine. Very few of us know that none of them has any right to be there at all. That land was. promised by God on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as their inheritance for ever. The Jews are descendants of only two of the Israel tribes namely Judah and Benjamin and have become so racially mixed with other nations during the centuries, that according to Jewish authorities themselves, nine tenths of them have not got a drop of Israelite blood in their veins. Moreover they are largely a lot of free-thinkers that do not believe in God at all. They use the name that they are the people of God for political reasons. The Moslems believe in a god that is not the God of the Bible, very few of us know that. They say so, but when we analyse it, we will find that it is a false god.

The world of today is being governed by a small elite group who possess the world capital. This clique has a very special and sinister agenda which they are already busy to implement, if only we have the eyes to see. Here follows a part of their programme. I give credit for this information to INSIDER, P.O. Box 17200, Groenkloof, Pretoria 0027. Look for yourself at the world around you and you will see the sinister execution of it with your own eyes:

Redball.gif (898 bytes) Man needs a religion as a safety valve for his spiritual burdens. With this he can, at the same time, be directed in his thought processes and the target of his spirit and his desires. For this reason it is necessary to create a united Word Religion for uniform manipulation and direction. This World Religion will be a mixture of Hinduism, Moslem, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, etc.

Redball.gif (898 bytes) The existing religions – in the first place the Christian Faith – must either be destroyed or watered down, so that they can easily be integrated with other religions.

Redball.gif (898 bytes) Every national identity, but particularly all national pride, or patriotism, must be destroyed (by means of bastardisation of the human races, criminalisation of every national opposition to mass alien immigration by means of “racism laws”, and the introduction of slanderous slogans (like xenophobian, right wing extremist, neo-nazi, anti-Semite, racist, etc.).

Redball.gif (898 bytes) Control over and spying on every single individual by means of computer and other electronic media (TV, the Internet, etc.).

Redball.gif (898 bytes) Agriculture must be reduced to such an extent that most countries will become dependent upon imported foodstuffs. In this way the nations can be better controlled and directed.

Redball.gif (898 bytes) General legalisation of drugs, pornography, sexual aberrations, as well as recognition of homosexuality as a normal way of life, advancement of feminism and total equalisation of men and women in all spheres of life. (The objective: high divorce rates, the destruction of marriage, and corruption of morals).

Redball.gif (898 bytes) Suppression of scientific research, with the exception of nuclear warfare. (Subjugation of nations through the menace of atomic weapons, which will exclusively be at the disposal of a world government.)

Redball.gif (898 bytes) Decimation of the world population by means of controlled and limited wars in the developed countries, and famines and epidemics (AIDS?) in the underdeveloped countries. (According to a US government plan, the Global 2000 Report, 30 million of “useless eaters” were supposed to have disappeared by the year 2000. The former US Foreign Minister, Cyrus Vance, as well as Henry Kissinger, was commissioned by the US President Jimmy Carter, with the preparation of the report.)

Redball.gif (898 bytes) Besides the undermining of the moral fibre of nations, and the seduction into alcoholism and drugs, as well as large scale unemployment (brought about inter alia, by the planned zero growth of industry in developed countries and by incapable, corrupt governments in underdeveloped countries), the young people were to be inflamed by sex, rock music and religious freedom to such an extent that they would rebel against prevailing conditions, whereby family bonds would break up.

Redball.gif (898 bytes) Through deliberately induced crises in all walks of life the people were to be confused and so demoralised that a large-scale indifference towards these events would ensue. That would make them ripe and ready for a world government and make them believe that one central organisation with absolute power would be able to protect them. Hence also the appearance of globalization.

Redball.gif (898 bytes) Taking control of all branches of the internal and foreign policies of the American government, to bring about a complete collapse of the world economy, and to create political chaos. In addition, all international institutions such as the UNO, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Bank for International Settlement, World Court, etc. were to be supported. On the other hand, all national institutions were to be deprived of power through membership of the UN. To weaken the power of national governments, all state institutions (post, railways, etc.) were to be privatised and sold to International High Finance, who would thereby become ever more powerful.

Redball.gif (898 bytes) Through the weakening of countries and control over the youth, it would be possible to destroy the nations from within, and break the peoples resistance against the implementation of the global plan (globalization). Thereby Globalization will become a reality, whereby the rich will become richer still and the poorer still poorer. We can see how large organisations amalgamate and the smaller ones disappear. The individual becomes only a number, without character, without any moral standards, without his own will or personality.


But for us who believe, it is not all doom and gloom. There, is a God in heaven as Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar, the world ruler of his time. Just as Satan has his agenda for this world, and is busy carrying it out through his agents, as stated in the agenda of the small elite above, even likewise God has His World Programme which will be fulfilled to the very letter. We who know God’s Word, observe the events as they daily come to pass, and wait with bated breath and great excitement for the final clash between these two agendas, which is now imminent. There are strong indications that it is about to take place. Space will not allow me to give you much detail, but you who know my writings and my cassettes will know which signs to watch. The massing of forces in the East, the smoking powder keg in the Middle-East, the economic rumblings in the world, the natural disasters, the alarming increase in earthquakes, etc., are clear indications and warning to be awake and watchful.

Another clear warning is the brutal murders on our white people. Satan hates the People of God. As I said in one of my very first writings nearly 50 years ago, God took the very cream of the Reformation when He sent our forefathers to the southern tip of dark (black) Africa. We come from noble seed, God’s seed on earth. We are yet going to reign with Christ here on earth, together with our kinsfolk elsewhere. Satan knows it. That is why he tries to wipe us out during the short time he has left, he knows that his days are numbered. His time as the god of this world is nearly over. A mighty awakening for this little white tribe and their racial kin in the rest of the world, is at the very door. If the awakening of the white Western Nations after the Reformation made of them the rulers of the world, how much more is this final awakening under our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, King of kings and Lord of lords, not going to do it? These dark days that we are now going through, are going to be shortened for the elect’s sake. We are the elect, whether our friends and enemies want to know it or not, but God’s Word says it. That is Good News, that is Gospel!
