The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





WERE you taught at school that the British people are one of the most mongrel races on earth?

I was. But I don’t believe that any more.

Why not? After all, we are a mixture of Neolithic races, Celts, Angles, Saxons, Danes, Vikings and Normans, aren’t we?

Certainly. But have you ever bothered to trace all these different races back to their starting point? If not, read on, for that is what this article sets out to do, and it is a fascinating story. Truth is really stranger than fiction in this case.

Who were the original inhabitants of these Islands? Who had to withdraw inch by inch, and watch wave after wave of invaders take over their native land? Archaeology tells us that these islands were practically uninhabited until about 5,000 to 6,000 years ago. Then came the first settlers in the New Stone Age, who were people from the Mediterranean Region. These people were not the “hairy ape” type, living in caves, wearing skins and gnawing bones. On the contrary, they had a highly developed civilisation. Their pottery and tools were of a high order, and they were responsible for an engineering achievement which puzzles us today, and which we know as Stonehenge. These people were dark-haired and slim, with a slightly Spanish look about them. Their descendants can be seen today in Cornwall and Wales. They were called Iberians, and they have left their name in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), which they colonised in their travels.

From about 500 BC, Britain was invaded by successive waves of Celts. These people introduced the two-ox plough, and iron plough-shares, for their culture brought the Iron Age to Britain. They came from lands around the Upper Rhine and the Danube. They had large heads, fair freckly skins and lighter coloured hair than the Iberians. Their descendants are found in Cornwall, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

Their contemporaries, from 200 BC onwards, were the Picts. They were smaller and darker than the Celts and though they spoke a Celtic dialect, they came from the area of the Bay of Biscay, and were related to the Iberians. They invaded Eastern Scotland and the Orkneys. Their name was given to them by the Romans, and it means “painted”. This name refers to their use of woad in battle, which acted as an antiseptic in case of wounding. It may also be the origin of the British liking of skin tattoos.

The next invasion was by the Romans, as any school child knows, but the settlements only endured from about 44 BC to 450 AD. Although the Romans added to the British culture, they appear to have added very little to the racial stock, probably because the settlements were mainly of military nature and the Celts were not inclined to integrate.

When the Romans abandoned Britain to her fate in 450 AD, the Angles, Saxons, and Danes increased their onslaughts. Archaeologists think that they had been settling peaceably along the East Coast for some decades before the Romans left, perhaps with Roman consent. Gradually the Angles and Saxons pushed the Celts westward and founded the kingdoms of Mercia, Northumbria, Sussex, Wessex, Surrey and Middlesex, Kent and Essex. They were stolid farming people with fair or sandy hair and light coloured eyes.

Viking pirates from Denmark and Norway invaded the East Coast of England in the eighth century. They lived as an army, raiding villages and monasteries near the coast.

Eventually they colonised much of Yorkshire and the East Midlands collecting “Danegeld” from the Saxons in return for a promise not to advance further. They were taller and fairer than the Anglo-Saxons, with more aquiline features.

Everyone knows about “1066 and all that,” when the Normans invaded. During a visit to Battle Abbey, near Hastings, a guide was heard to give the following piece of inaccurate information to his interested listeners:

“So the Normans came to England with William the Conquerer, and infused French blood into our race. If they had not done so, we would all be Germans now”.

This is wrong on two counts: firstly, the Normans were Vikings from Denmark, Holland and Northern Germany, and not French. The Angles and Saxons, came from the same area two or three century’s before. The guide’s beliefs are the beliefs of the majority of people in these islands today, who are quite firmly convinced that we are mongrels.

Many experts could be quoted to confound this error, if there were space enough in this article, but just two will have to suffice here. Professor Huxley in “Racial Origins”, says:

“The invasion of the Saxons, the Goths, the Danes and the Normans changed the language of Britain, but added no new physical element. Therefore we should not talk any more of Celts and Saxons, for they are all one. I never lose an opportunity of rooting up the false idea that the Celts and Saxons are different races”.

Professor Freeman in his “Origin of the English Nation” says:

“Tribe after tribe, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians, poured across the sea to make new homes in the Isle of Britain. Thus grew up the English nation – a nation formed by union of various tribes of the same stock. The Dane hardly needed assimilation. He was another kindred tribe, coming later than the others. Even the Norman was a kinsman”.

The study of blood groups and skull shapes further confirms that all the different elements amongst our people are of one basic stock. Professor W. Ripley in “The Races of Europe” states:

“The shape of the head is now held to be one of the best available tests of race known”.

And further,

“The most remarkable trait of the population of the British Isles is its headform, and especially the uniformity in this respect which is everywhere manifested …. These facts indicate a remarkable invariability of cranial type compared with the results obtained elsewhere in Europe … in the British Isles the headform is practically uniform from end to end”.

With such evidence to hand, why do we British still believe ourselves to be a veritable hodgepodge of different races?

Now we have traced our peoples’ origins back to the Mediterranean regions, (Iberians) to Germans and middle and southern Europe (Celts, Angles, Saxons and Danes) and to Scandinavia (Vikings and Normans). Were these their places of origin or can they be traced even further back? Who were the Iberians originally? Who were the Celts? Where did the Saxons and Scandinavians originate? Can we tell?

From Homer’s time onwards, the Greeks and Romans called the people who inhabited the coastal strip of Palestine by the name of “Phoenicians”. These people were sea-traders who carried a wide range of goods from Palestine and ports to the most distant shores of the then known world; even as far as Britain. These people contained elements of Canaanites, Hebrews, and Israelites. The trade of Phoenicia reached its peak during the period of Israel’s “Golden Age” and it declined after the Israelites were taken captive to Assyria and Babylon. These people were known as “Iberians” in Spain, where they had colonies, and the name is cognate with “Hebrew”. The Celts, Angles, Saxons and Scandinavians may be traced back to the very area into which 10-tribed Israel was carried away captive. At that time in history, and for centuries afterwards, it was known as “Scythia”. Authorities are rather vague as to which people comprised the Scythians, but most agree that the deported Israelites became engulfed in the tide of Scythian peoples. Modern researches in the lands occupied by these people supports the view held by ancient scholars that the Saxons were descended from the Scythian Sacae and Cimmerians.

Look around at your friends and neighbours, and see if you can place whether they should be Iberian, Celt, Saxon or Scandinavian; remember that, despite their superficial differences, they are of the same stock. The conclusions we draw are that the distant origins of the British race were in Palestine, that we spring from the ancient Hebrews and Israelites.

Apart from being of great interest historically and ethnologically if we believe that we are descended from ancient Israel, we inherit the duties and responsibilities of God’s “Chosen People” – Israel – whom He ordained to be a blessing to all the nations of the earth (Genesis 26:4).

Although Britain is in the doldrums at the moment, suffering from inept government and apathy and evil amongst her people, this is a time of final preparation. When the blindness of Israel is lifted (Isaiah 29:10, Isaiah 42:7,16 and 19 and 20, Romans 11:7,8, and 25) and the British.and kindred peoples realise their origin and destiny a rejuvenated Israel will rise to usher in God’s Kingdom upon earth. Our latter state will be greater than the former (Haggai 2:9) for God has promised this and He is God, who changes not (Malachi 3:6), no matter what man thinks.

Look back into your nation’s history, so that you may look forward to a far better future!
