The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” – (II CHRONICLES 7:14)

We of United Hebrew Congregations believe that in order to understand who the Ancient of Days is and to understand His Plan for man we must understand who Israel is and where they are located in the earth today. We also believe that all the world needs to Quest for the knowledge of who He is. Why is it important to understand where the Hebrew Children of Israel are located? It is important because the prophecies of the Hebrew Scriptures (OT) are written primarily to or about these people. So what difference does that make? Simply that when the Calamities at the End of the Age (Tribulation or the Time of Jacob’s Trouble) begin to fall upon these people they need to know who they are, where they are mentioned in Scriptures, and why this is happening to them. The Hebrews consisted of twelve tribal nations that were taken into captivity by their enemies and ten of the tribes have not yet returned. To initiate the Quest for the Ancient of Days and the Lost Ten Tribes we will take the approach of tracing a single tribe in their many journeys over time. The tribe of Dan was prophesied to leave way marks along their trail and this is our attempt to follow that trail. We hope you enjoy the journey.

This is the second instalment of an article titled Tracing Dan published and copyrighted by United
Hebrew Congregations of Picayune, MS. and is reproduced with their kind permission.

DAN IN AMERICA continued


With much condensing, and much left out, we will now jump ahead in history to the reopening of crossings to America, this time by the Celts of Iberia and Britain. Both history and on-site investigations have shown that Celts from the Iberian peninsula were responsible for the Ogam inscriptions found on ancient stone buildings in New England. In all probability, the same Celts were the actual builders of the structures on which their inscriptions occur. These Celts, by virtue of their own skills or those of their Phoenician neighbours in Spain, were capable of sailing to America to colonize any lands that appealed to them. The overwhelming evidence shows they did indeed settle here, particularly in New England. America’s Celtic Inscriptions could not have been an Independent American invention. Celts came here to write them.

Ogam (Ogham — grooved writing) is said by scholars to be derived from an ancient Greek word, “ogme,” meaning “groove.” Note that Irish Ogham appears only in inscriptions believed to postdate the time of Jesus. The Ogham script found in Iberia (Spain) and in America has fewer consonants and omits the vowels and appears to date from around 800 B.C.E. and upwards. i.e., it is older in America than in Ireland. With all the studies by Barry Fell, et. al., it is easily seen that the Celts visited or settled in parts of the U.S. about the same time Celts started first moving into Ireland from Iberia, thus backing Fell’s studies that our history is as ancient as that of Ireland and Europe.(1) For a thousand years or more, ancient Hebrew-Phoenicians, Libyan, and Egyptian mariners had visited, and in some instances established, small colonies over here. This is evident by the hundreds of lapidary (stone) inscriptions found in several languages (i.e., Phoenician, Iberian-Punic, Libyan, and Egyptian hieroglyphs) antedating the Celtic Ogham inscriptions. Descendants of these visitors are found among some of the eastern and central Indian tribes, several of which employ dialects in part from ancient Phoenician (Esau and Dan) and North African nations.(2)

By the way, the Celtic language still exists. Capt reminds us:

“Today, four Celtic dialects are spoken in Britain: Welsh, Gaelic, Erse (or Irish), and Manx. Welsh is used in Wales for religious services and is the official language for all documents of the Welsh Nationalist Party.”(5)

“Iberes” (Gaelic name for Hebrews) was carried by Celtic peoples from Spain to Ireland. Ireland was named “Hibernai,” which name still exists. But ancient historians apply the name “Scotia” to it more than any other. Orosius (3rd Century geographer) used the term, “Hibemia, the nation of the Scoti.” Ancient poets and historians claim the name “Scotia” was derived from “Scota,” queen-mother of the Milesians. Undoubtedly this was Scota, the daughter of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah. She married a Milesian prince in Egypt and their son, Eochaidh (Heremon or Eremon) married Tea Tephi and founded a dynasty in Ireland.(4)

That the Sakka were a branch of the Gimiri (Israelites) is proved by (among others) a trilingual inscription found in the tomb of Darius in southwestern Persia. The inscription includes a list of the nations Darius ruled over. He listed three separate groups of “Sakkas,” the “Amyrgian Sakkas,” the “Sakkas with the pointed caps,” and the “Sakkas who are beyond the sea.” In each case, the name “Gimiri,”in the Babylonian text, is translated “Sakka” in the Persian.

Capt says these inscriptions have been known for years but the publications dealing with them have generally passed over the translation of “Gimiri” to “Sakka” with scarcely a comment, again showing the seemingly willing ignorance of many “scholars” of today.

The only conclusion that can be drawn from these inscriptions (plus the writings of Josephus) is that the Iskuza were called “Sakka” by the Persians. This solidifies the fact that the “Iskuza” (Israelites), the “Sakka,” and the “Gimiri” are the same people. Reviewing the Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire, it is evident that the “Iskuza,” the “Sakka,” the “Scythians,” the “Cimmerians,” and the “Gimiri” are all Israelites.(5)

Caesar, Strabo, and Diodorus describe Celts as fair-haired, blue-eyed, high spirited, boastful, quarrelsome, courageous, and a race who loved ornamentation. These descriptions, though, relate to the Celts of France, Britain, northern Italy, and the lands north of Greece. In Iberia, the invading Celts came in contact with, and intermingled with, an earlier Iberian people. Wilhelm von Humboldt believes these “original” Iberians to have been the ancestors of the modern Basques. Fell buys into this theory, believing the dark-haired strain of Irish and Scot Gaels, as well as the other dark-haired Celts, are the product of ancient intermarriage of Celts with Iberian Basque stock, the language of the Basques having all but suffered extinction in the process of integration.

It further appears likely to him that the bands of Iberian Celts who crossed the Atlantic must have included many brunettes of original Basque Iberian extraction, though speaking the Goidelic branch of Celtic. They probably were equally mixed, blonde and brunette Celts. Although no skull or skeleton remains have been found, other similarities exist. The copper and bronze artifacts (points and knives) of New England almost perfectly match those found on the Iberian Peninsula. The dolmens (Breton word meaning “stone table”) of New England exactly match those known from Europe and the Middle East. Dolmens are memorials to chiefs or important events and take the form of a huge central boulder, sometimes ten tons or more in weight, supported on three, four, or five vertical stones like pegs. The stone, slab-roofed chambers over here match those in Europe. Dissenters, of course, believe the bronze knives and daggers were brought over here by modern collectors, then lost. (Collectors who .pay thousands, even millions, for art and other collectibles usually lose them?)

They believe the American stone chambers to be the work of “colonial farmers,” termed “root cellars.” The absurdity of this is seen when it is found that these chambers are astronomical observatories, with solstice and equinox alignments and other Druid or priestly functions, and, again, matching those in Europe. The outer surfaces of the door lintels (or other similar surfaces) contain Ogam dedications to one of the Celtic gods, usually Bel (Beltane), the names of which are written in Phoenician letters as well as in Ogam. The inner walls or ceilings commonly carry other inscribed material, including phallic carvings. The rock cairns are the same. The “May Day” phallic stones are the same. The Druids’ seats are the same. The stone “Druid circles” (called sun circles atop the Great Divide and other high places in Eastern and Western America) are the same.

Gloria Farley and others have discovered many Ogam inscriptions in Oklahoma, the voyagers apparently ascending the Mississippi, Arkansas, and Cimarron Rivers, leaving these inscriptions and burial mounds. Celtic art on walls, dishes, pottery, and burial urns from Iberia and North America are virtually identical. Space does not permit all the evidence. The men of Tarshish established colonies in eastern North America, the settlers apparently drawn from the native Iberians (Celts and Basques) of the Guadalquivir Valley in Andalusia (Barry Fell calls these people Celtiberians) and other areas.

“That they could not have included many Phoenicians is apparent from the lack of sophisticated material cultural objects at the sites so far investigated. Rather, these colonists must have been accustomed to the rude manner of life of the Iberians before the arrival of Phoenician traders in Spain but, like many colonial peoples, they had acquired the language of their colonizers, in this case the Phoenicians, and some at least of their chieftains were literate in the Tartessian manner of writing the Phoenician (or Punic) tongue. These inferences are drawn from the documents found in their chieftains’ burial mounds. Man-made burial mounds, or tumuli, are characteristic of many royal graves of the European Bronze Age.

The first find of an engraved Phoenician tablet in America was that of a Tartessian inscription found in 1838, excavated from a burial chamber found at the base of Mammoth Mound, in Moundsville, West Virginia.”(6)

The Pontotoc stele, found in Oklahoma by Gloria Farley and Weldon W. Stout, is the work of an early Iberian colonist in America — script is known only from the Cachao-da-Rapa region in northern Porrtugal. The Iberian Punic letters are an abstract from “Hymn to the Aton,” by Pharaoh Akhnaton, and says, “When BaaI-Ra rises in the east, the beasts are content, and (when he hides his face?) they are displeased.” Although dated from the thirteenth century B.C.E., the American version can scarcely be older than about 800 B.C.E.(7)

Fell says these Celtiberians came from Ireland and Wales, and even from Palestine.

Was there a Phoenician-Danite and American-Celtic connection? Very probably A city built by people in Spain was called Tarshish (same name in “Old Testament”). The Greeks called it Tartessos, from which comes “Tartessian,” used by epigraphers to describe the script and dialect employed by the men of Tarshish. It is a dialectal variant of Phoenician. The Holy Scriptures say the ships of Tarshish were the largest seagoing vessels known to the Semitic world, the name eventually being applied to any large ocean-going vessel. These ships became proverbial as an expression of sea power. With their monopoly on the making of bronze, they traded with Celtic peoples in Europe and Britain, and probably with people in America, which thing they kept strictly secret. Some, including James Whittall (colleague of Fell), think that the American Celts were deliberately brought here by Phoenicians, who wanted mining communities to exploit American natural resources, and with whom they could then trade. (More on this later)

Inscriptions, for example, have been found in West Virginia and Ohio, where their association with large burial tumuli resembling those of the Iberian Bronze Age point to important American colonies of these Phoenician navigators and merchant princes. Merchants rather than mere explorers, they traded with the New England Celts, who by 700 to 600 B.C.E., would be well-established fur trappers already and very likely were mining precious metals on many sites where ancient workings have been discovered.(8)

“The periodic arrival of Phoenician ships on the New England coast Is attested by the Ogam Inscription on Monhegan island, off the coast of Maine. It is obvious that the flat-topped rocky islet would not have been set aside for the loading and unloading of Phoenician ships were they not regular visitors to America, with a predictable timetable of ports of arrival and departure at expected dates.”(9)

These Monhegan inscriptions are given in old Goedelic and were intended as a notification for native American Celts and Amerindians too, probably, who had goods for sale or exchange, to inform them where to bring their merchandise. They suggest that organized international maritime commerce was well established in the late Bronze Age, that North American ports were listed on the sailing timetables of the overseas vessels of the principal Phoenician shipping companies, and that the same information was circulated to customers in America.

Another point of interest is that nearly all the rivers in the Northeast U.S. are named with European Celtic names, not Amerindian names. Also, in the state of Washington, alongside the Columbia River, some college students found a skull that turned out to be 9,200 years old, and that of a white man. Now called “Kenniwick Man,” further studies presently are being done on it. Whether the dating methods used (two different ones were used, both with the same age-result) are completely accurate, the find lends further credence to a Celtic presence over here much earlier than once believed.

Commander Gene Andress, who is a Muskogee (Creek) Indian from Alabama, writes:

“Late in the summer of 1942, when I had just turned fourteen, I went to visit relatives near Gadsden. On a nearby farm lived a lad of my own age named Doug Davis. He began to tell me the local Indian traditions. There were still many Cherokees and Muscogees who lived in the area, as well as numerous village sites and Indian mounds along the nearby Coosa River. We talked about ‘lost treasure,’ and met an old Muskogee chief who told us about ancient legends of white men who had sailed up the Coosa a thousand years ago to trade for wood, furs, and metals.

Being even at that age of a sceptical academic bent I checked in the local library and found references to Welsh princes having sailed the Coosa around 500 C.E. Even this vague literary confirmation greatly sparked my interest. Chief Tappawingow further told us of a cave near an ancient trading village known as Tulla, not too far away, where relics could still be found. Typically adventuresome teen-agers, we set out to find this place, some five miles to the south, from his fairly precise directions … I can yet feel the thrill of the search after these 36 years.”(10)

He goes on to say that they found the cave and arrowheads, broken pieces of pottery and a small vase. These artifacts proved to be Roman, similar to some found on board a wrecked vessel dating from Republican times, about 100 B.C.E., found in the Mediterranean and canying a cargo of ceramic lamps from a factory in Pompeii in Campania, south of Naples.(11)

America in the fifth century C.E. had become a land of haven and refuge for Christians all over the western part of the Old World. From Morocco, Libya, Spain, and Britain, people took ship for Asqa-Samal (as the Libyans called America, “The Great North Land”).(12)

A version of the Ten Commandments engraved on a rock at Los Lunas near Albuquerque, New Mexico, and a similar one on a stone tablet from a burial mound at Newark, Ohio, are ancient inscriptions using a north Canaanite script and old Hebrew language.(13)

An Ancient Hebrew inscription, “God is the Sun, Sacred is the Sun,” is found in the Andes Mountains, the script being early Iberic, and words being Hebrew. It is possible the black circular sun-symbol is a mystic sign for “Yahweh,” in which case the inscription is to be regarded as Iberian Hebrew.(14)

On p. 168 are discussed the Jews in Tennessee, Kentucky and east Arkansas, which already have been commented on.

A memorial stele in slightly illiterate North African Creed of the Byzantine period was found at Cripple Creek, Colorado, saying, “Herein is the last resting place of Palladis, the servant of God.”(15)

Salvataore Michael Trento wrote an interesting thing in a chapter entitled, “Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Southern New York.” I quote:

“Colonel Joseph Brant was a Dartmouth-educated Mohawk sachem (chief) whose biography was written by William Stone in 1838. In the book Stone cites a lengthy and informative conversation between Brant and a questioning scholar:

‘Among other things relating to the western country,’ says Mr Woodruff, ‘I was curious to learn in the course of my conversations with Captain Brant, what information he could give me respecting the tumuli (mounds) which are found on and near the margin rivers and lakes, from the St Lawrence to the Mississippi. He stated, in reply, that the subject had been handed down since time immemorial, that in an age long gone by, there came white men from a foreign country, and by consent of the Indians established trading houses and settlements where these tumuli are found. A friendly intercourse was continued for several years; many of the white men brought their wives, and had children born to them; and additions to their numbers were made yearly from their own country These circumstances at length gave rise to jealousies among the Indians, and fears began to be entertained in regard to the increasing numbers, wealth, and ulterior views of the newcomers; apprehending that, becoming strong, they might one day seize upon the country as their own. A secret council, composed of the chiefs of all the different nations from the St Lawrence to the Mississippi, was therefore convoked; the result of which, after long deliberation, was a resolution that on a certain night designated for that purpose, all their white neighbors, men, women, and children, should be exterminated. The most profound secrecy was essential to the execution of such a purpose; and such was the fidelity with which the fatal determination was kept, that the conspiracy was successful, and the device carried completely into effect. Not a soul was left to tell the tale.’”(16)

Jean Hunt, in her book, Tracking the Flood Survivors (1991), wrote about Prince Madoc. Madoc, Prince of Wales, is said to have established the first European colony in the continental U.S.A. A sailor who became head of the Welsh navy, he sailed during peaceful years to the Antilles, the Bahamas, Mexico, and possibly Venezuela and Florida. His last mission left Wales in 1170, which voyage was recorded in the ancient maritime log of missing ships of Britain in 1171. Olson believed Madoc, on one of his earlier voyages, to have been the white, bearded visitor to South America called Quetzalcoatl. He made the point that the Pope of that time had ruled that the first European explorer to visit a new land could claim ownership for his country. The French and Spanish, he believes, would have been very interested in suppressing evidence that a Welshman had been there earlier. He traced Madoc’s progress on his last voyage from the Gulf of Mexico inland, always meeting and being pushed further and further inland by hostile tribes. When the Spanish reached Mobile Bay, “they found evidence the Welsh had been there. They found Roman coins that had been minted in Wales, and some old coracles (the unique, round leather boats used in Wales) in a cave that was situated along the Dog River.”

Eventually, Madoc and his colonists reached Clark County, Indiana, where Olson believed they became known as the Mandan Indians. General George Rogers Clark reportedly found some skeletons in armour that he thought were ancient Welshmen. Other Welsh armour, marked with the mermaid and harp that appeared on Madoc’s coat of arms, was found near the Falls of the Ohio. Native Americans in the area spoke of yellow-haired giants, whose kings were buried in stone cists, and of a war of extermination waged against the “White Indians.” The final battle took place at the Falls of Ohio, where “nearly the whole of the White Indians were driven upon an island and slaughtered.” (excerpted from Jean Hunt, quoting from Dana Olson’s book, Prince Madoc: Founder of Clark County, Indiana)

Jean Hunt further says, “George Catlin, the painter, visited the Mandans (Jean Hunt’s words — I have heard from another source that he lived with them for two years) and painted them with blond hair and grey or blue eyes. Reportedly, Welsh speaking people were able to talk with them with no difficulty. They used boats like the coracles of Wales (My note: called “bull boats”), which were propelled in the same manner: by standing in them and drawing the paddle toward the boat, rather than with oars extended to the sides, as was the case with Indian canoes.”(17)

Another source (of mine) adds that many were red-headed and freckled-faced and were required by the tribe to speak Welsh until age 12, after which they could learn an Indian language.

May the writer interject something of interest at this point? We know that the Phoenicians very probably were Esau- ites, with Dan mixed in, but some evidence exists that they might just as well have been Israelites too. In Greek eyes, the Phoenicians-proper were the same as the Israelite tribes inhabiting the Phoenician coast. Romans called them “Poenes” or “Puni.” The Puni (or Phuni, the descendants of Phua) were a clan in the Tribe of lssachar (Numbers 26:23, 24), who at one time had conquered the “Phoenician” mother city of Sidon. The Phoenicians also were known as the “Puni,” and “Puni” is a clan name among the Tribe of Issachar

“Of the sons of Issachar after their families … of Pua, the family of the Puni…” – (Numbers 26:23)

The Hebrew name Pua (Phua or “Puni”) is a root word denoting a plant used to make red dye. The name “Phoenician” has the same connotation. Even “Phoenix,” from which the term “Phoenician” is derived, is a Greek word meaning “red” after the dye Phoenicians were famous for producing. Note too that Sidon once had been conquered by the “Shakalesh” or “Saddara.” Both were one and the same and were Israelites from the Tribe of Issachar. Issachar, like Dan, was linked to his brother Zebulon. In Genesis 49:13, Zebulon is blessed:

“Zebulon shall dwell at the haven of the sea (on the sea shores) and he shall be for an haven of ships; and his borderland shall be unto Sidon.” (See also Deuteronomy 33:18,19)

Yair Davidy writes, “The Talmud (Megilla 6a) understood the blessing of Zebulon to entail success in sea fishing, the production of purple dye from a sea mollusc, and the manufacture of glass from certain sands in the Tyre and Sidon areas. Zebulon was also considered a sea merchant. All the activities of Zebulon are those otherwise associated with the Phoenicians.”(18)

To digress further, Esau had twelve sons (Didn’t everybody back then?). An instructor of mine in graduate school, Dr. Ozerdin, himself a Turk, said that the Mongols were one of the Turkish tribes. He said these Esau-ites (my term, not his) had migrated into the interior of Asia. Later some of them came back to become the Turkish tribes we are most familiar with, the Seljuks, Ottomans, etc. In a book, The Dene and Na-Dene Indian Migration 1233 A.D.: Escape from Genghis Khan to America, the author, Ethel G. Stewart, makes an excellent case for the Navajo and other Athabaskan or Dene-speaking peoples in North America and the peoples of Central Asia being related, or even the same. The Navajo hogan, for example, is almost identical to the Mongolian yrta; the Apache’s one-stringed violin is similar to a Chinese and also a Mongolian musical instrument; Asiatics and many Indian tribes found barbecued dog a delicacy; the Dene peoples had knowledge of the crocodile and its habits, of caravans, of the coastal trade of Asia, of iron knives in pre-European times, even of iron ore; linguistically, there are 14 isomorphs (a specific word in one language meaning the same and sounding like a similar word in another) between Navajo and Mongolian. (The above excerpted from the book review)

While in Turkey, I was astounded at the similarity of the Turkish and Navajo weaving and colour patterns of their rugs. Also strange to me were the definite “reddish” colour of Turks and the overall shortness of them. Because of the blessing of Esau by Isaac, I have wondered if the Esau-ites not only sailed westward as Phoenicians and went eastward into Mongolia and China, but also if many of them continued onward, across the Pacific and the Bering Strait, and became the “Indians” (red men) of the North American continent. Some people believe Tiras, a son of Japheth, to be the father of the Indian tribes because of the similarity of names of his sons with Indian tribes in the western hemisphere. But every one of these tribes is in South and Central America, not North America.

Even skull types and physical builds have a message for us. Amerindian skulls on the western side of America are rounded, like Siberians and other Asians; those on the eastern side are oval, like the European Celtic. A mixture of the two (probably much interbreeding) is found in the Rocky Mountain states.

“…American Indian tribes varied widely in physical appearances, languages, and lifestyles, and represented different kinds of amalgamations of earlier peoples… .East Coast native Americans resembled European and Middle Eastern populations physically more than they did Far Eastern peoples, while the reverse was true on the West Coast. Canadian Takhelne were related to Gaelic or some other Old World language. Pottery abruptly appearing in the Northeast about 1000 B.C.E. was closer in type to then-contemporary North European pottery (Vignette I) than to other American types.”(19)

Could there be the possibility that some of the “red” Indians of North America were Esau and the “white” Indians of Jacob? Some (myself included) have believed for years that Eternal gave America to Israel, the son of Isaac, for an inheritance. It is part of our “promised land.” Wasn’t Esau his son too? Perhaps some of the red Indians have a rightful claim to North America too. (Digression ended)

Most of the evidence, though, points to Phoenicians being Esau. Note that “Ousoos” founded Tyre and is given the qualities of Esau, the brother of Jacob, according to Sanchuniathon (an early Phoenician writer).

Going back to Jean Hunt, re. Israel and Phoenicia being related and the Canaanites being (probably) Esau (Phoenicia), she mentions a talk with one of her sources, Ivan Lissner. Lissner told her he believed (the Masons) were wrong, that the ancient wisdom of the Masons did not begin with the Egyptians or with King Solomon, but that it went far back beyond that, to the megalith builders. The deciphering of the clay tablets of Ras Shamra has opened doors of knowledge about the Canaanite mythology not previously known. They date from the fourteenth century B.C.E., but their content is much older, probably passed down verbally for a while. Since the Canaanites and Israelites inhabited the same country, led a similar life, were familiar with the same legends, and worshipped the same god (at times), we are forced to assume that both had a common origin. Thus the Ugarit tablets take us back to the earliest history of the Israelite people, making their discovery one of the most important events in “Biblical” research. The religion of the Canaanites was not primitive, just “pagan.” A tightly organized priesthood served regular spells of duty in their numerous temples. Their supreme deity was El, a word which means “god” in the Phoenician and other Semitic languages.(20)

The Phoenicians, remember, brought the alphabet to Greece, and it became the same alphabet for all Europe. Herodotus says in the fifth book of his histories that the Greeks got their written script from the Phoenicians, who came to Greece with King Cadmus, bringing with them many branches of knowledge. Israel also was a seafaring race, renowned for their hardiness, daring, and commercial enterprises. The Ostimians, the spiritual ancestors of the Frisians, Saxons, Vikings, Dutch, and English, used large leather-covered boats. These boats also were used by the pre-Celtic inhabitants of Ireland, and the aboriginal Irish were called Fir-bolg (“people of the hide-boats”) by the Celts (these boats being the same as those used by St Brendan, the Welsh, and the Mandan and other plains Indians).

“Apparent trips to America have been recorded in Viking sagas such as Hauksbok and Eyrbyggia, by Greek historians Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus, in several Chinese documents, and in medieval European accounts of voyages by Irish St. Brendan, Welsh Prince Madoc, and Scot Henry Sinclair. Artifacts have been found in America that accord with each of these accounts. Barry Fell deciphered also an in situ engraving on a large cliff face at Figuig, Morocco, that told of ‘A Fifth-Century Moroccan Emigration to North America.”’(21)


(1) Capt, E. Raymond, Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets, U.S.A., 1995, P. 152.

(2) Ibid.,p.154.

(3) Ibid.

(4) Capt, Op.cit., p. 150.

(5) Ibid.,p.140.

(6) Fell, ABC (America B.C.), p. 157.

(7) Ibid.,p. 159.

(8) Ibid., pp. 53-54.

(9) Ibid.,pp. 100-101.

(10) Fell, Saga, p. 118.

(11) Ibid.,p. 120.

(12) Ibid., p. 121.

(13) Ibid., p. 167.

(14) Ibid.

(15) Ibid., p. 168.

(16) Trento, Salvataore Michael, The Search for Lost America: The Mysteries of the Stone Ruins, p. 93.

(17) Hunt, Jean, Tracking the Flood Survivors, 1991, p. 128.

(18) Davidy, Yair, Lost Israelite Identity Russell-Davis, 1996, p. 161.

(19) Totten, Norman, “Old World Contacts with America,” ESOP, 1986, p.81.

(20) Hunt, Tracking, p. 38.

(21) Totten, Op.cit., p. 83.

