The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





ONE professor of Bible History states that there is not one ounce of evidence to prove from the Bible that Mt. Sinai rises about St. Catherine’s Monastery in the so called Sinai Peninsula.

That site is nothing but a tourist attraction, and probably represents one of the longest running confidence tricks in history.

Back in the fourth century Constantine acquired the notion that he was blessed with divine powers, like Moses. It seems that he had a dream one night in which he imagined that he saw the exact site of the biblical Mt. Sinai. So he immediately sent his mother Helena to the Middle East to establish a church in the south central Sinai Peninsula.

This is how this unimpressive mound of rocks became known as the true biblical Mt. Sinai.

Two centuries later, in 527 AD, Justinian established St. Catherine’s Monastery on the site of Helena’s small church. The rest is history or, more precisely, legend.

Apparently, for centuries, Jewish Talmudic scholars and Rabbis have been undecided about the precise location where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. There is no similarity between the real Mt. Sinai of the Bible and the one that Helena chose, except that it was a mountain.

Not a single one of the features of the sacred mount, such as the cave, the grazing ground, the brook, the large campsite, etc, can be found at or around the traditional site at St. Catherine’s mount. In fact, none of these identifications can be found anywhere in Sinai – on any mountain.

It is established that the Sinai Peninsula does not furnish any locality where so great a host could meet under the conditions specified. Not even the Encyclopaedia Britannica editors, writing for a general audience, have any respect for the notion that the sacred mount was located at St. Catherine’s site, or, for that matter, in the entire Sinai region.

In the late 1960s and 1970s when Israel controlled the Sinai Peninsula, the whole area was systematically explored and intensely examined by archaeologists. No remains relating to the Exodus were found. There was nothing to indicate that two million people had made camps, fought battles and marched around the desert for 40 years.

Obviously, the Exodus did not take place in the area that is traditionally ascribed to it. More to the point, Mt. Sinai is not there either. The Bible states precisely that Mt Sinai is in ARABIA.The reference is Galatians 4:25. What a terrible and tragic loss it is for those “Bible students” who have no use for the New Testament. Here we have it, from the sacred word: MT SINAI IN ARABIA.To most seekers after genuine Bible truth, this would be the end of their search.

However, I don’t think that this statement from the Bible will convince all sceptics. Furthermore, when Moses fled from Egypt he went to Midian, where Sinai is located. History tells us that the south part of the Sinai Peninsula was, at the time of Moses, under the total and complete control of the Egyptian armies. The reason for this being, they were there to protect the Pharaoh’s extensive copper and turquoise mines. All of this has been verified by archaeological discoveries.

Some of these mines were within 40 miles of the traditional Mt. Sinai – hardly the place for the fleeing Moses to head for. However, we all know the biblical account of how Moses fled to Midian and lived there for 40 years in peace and quiet, having married and raised two sons.

Also, it was here that he first encountered God, in the flaming bush. All of this took place in the vicinity of Mt.Horeb, the Mount of God, Mt. Sinai. It was in Midian where the Lord spoke to Moses thus:

“Go back to Egypt. For all of the men who sought your life are dead.”

Thus we have it, Sinai is in Midian; and Midian is in Arabia. AND Sinai is in Arabia.

There are many Bible professors who could be better employed in sweeping up buildings, because they are not spiritually or morally qualified to perform the sacred work that they have undertaken. I have found this to be so from listening to statements from videos and from reading other printed statements.

One such professor makes this statement:

“The great difficulty In Bible scholarship is that nothing can ever ‘be decisively and positively known. What In the Bible Is fact? What was or is, tradition? What was tradition reshaped and moulded into fact? So much of my work is, in the end, speculation.”

He spoke then of Hebraic tradition which the great Rabbis have added to the folklore of the centuries, and passed it down as truth. He went on to say that he thought that the Bible was only a collection of stories, with a mixing of historical fact and literary licence!

Explaining further, he said, “This is all we have, and it must be interpreted in the best possible manner that teachers, such as I, can come up with.”

With such infidel, and totally misinformed teachers, is it any wonder that God has, at diverse times and places, needed to raise up teachers from out of the ranks of the common people, whose minds are not encumbered with these prejudices, misconceptions, antagonistic sentiments and criminal lack of concern or reverence for the Sacred Word! It is due, in great measure, to the infidel rantings of these pseudo-Christian teachers that sacred truths have been hidden or obscured from the eyes and minds of the people for centuries or even millennia.

One’s mind turns back to those words of Omar:

“Myself, when young, did frequent saint and seer, etc, and came out knowing as much as when 1 went in.”

This is the general picture of theological professors, worldwide, today.

In all of these false claims regarding biblical sites and the spurious submissions of the vast number of false teachers, we can easily observe the tireless working of Satan to suppress all of God’s truth and lead people into error and a strong lack of faith in God and ultimately, separation from God.

Thus, we are well advised to diligently examine the claims of serious minded and godly people who make claims of having found the location of the true Exodus route, the submarine sand bridge in the Red Sea, where God parted the deep waters to allow His people to pass over, and the true Mt. Sinai, in the land of Midian, in Arabia.

For those of us who believe that we are living in the very last portion of the “time of the end” of Daniel 12, and very close to the long promised return of our Lord, it should not be hard for us to believe that God will make startling revelations of things, and of sacred truths, that have been hidden or obscured for ages.

This brings us back to the matter of the true Mt.Sinai, and where it is located. Whilst I believe that the location of the biblical Mt. Sinai, and its identifying features, has not been hidden or obscured from the eyes and minds of the Arabs who have lived in the N.W area of Arabia, for possibly thousands of years, I have to accept that it has remained as generally unknown to the world beyond this remote area.

However, in 1978 Ron Wyatt and his helpers travelled to Nuweiba, on the West bank of the Eastern Arm of the Red Sea, (the Gulf of Aqaba) and discovered the undersea sandbridge stretching the 8 miles across the sea to the other shore.

On this sandbridge are located hundreds of artefacts such as chariots, chariot axles and wheels, armour and weapons, bones – both human and horse along with huge amounts of material that indicate, beyond any doubt, that it is the remains of the Egyptian army of Exodus 14, that was destroyed there by God when it attempted to recapture the fleeing Hebrews. On the Arabian side there is all the evidence needed to indicate that it is the area of the Exodus route.

Ron Wyatt and his team of helpers entered Arabia and thoroughly examined all sites that conformed to the biblical descriptions and found them to be exactly as described in the Bible. The 8,000 ft mountain, known as Jebel el Lawz, has all the specifications to qualify it as the Mt. Sinai of the Bible, from whose summit God gave the world the Ten Commandments as a witness for, or against, the whole human race.

All of this information, in full descriptive detail, is available from Jonathan Gray, who will supply every detail of these recently revealed, earth shaking discoveries. It is my firm and positive belief that God is speaking to His people in these last days through these revelations, in such a manner that we cannot, with impunity, ignore. Under the influence of sceptics, atheistic evolutionists, unfaithful church elders and leaders, as well as false teachers that I have earlier described all out efforts will be made to discredit and to totally negate the claims of these men whom God has raised up to perform this vitally important work of revealing hidden truths – truths that He intends to be shown and made clear to the whole world at this late hour in the world’s history, before the Lord returns.

Courtesy of Discoveries: Questions. Answered

“I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”

Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727
