The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





AS I write this, war is raging in the Middle East. British troops occupy a war-ravaged Iraq and the State of Israel is invading Lebanon seeking out Hezbollah guerrillas. This is business-as-usual in that part of the world and some would say there is nothing remarkable about the present state of affairs.What IS remarkable is that the current Middle East crises and the centuries of bloodshed that preceded them can be traced to one man who lived 3,000 years ago. Solomon was a man who lived at the midpoint of history, around 1,000 B.C. His role in the political, economic and military history of the world since his time is pivotal; in fact, it would not be stretching things too far to say that Solomon is the pivot of world history. Other than Jesus and Abraham, Solomon is very possibly the most important man who ever lived. Abraham is the most important man on planet earth other than Jesus Christ. He is the only man who God is dealing with in the earth today in terms of partnership. Abraham was the friend of God. This doesn’t mean he and Jehovah were buddies; it is a covenant term. Anybody who wants to have dealings with God today must come through Abraham. Abraham is God’s only partner. Yes, Jesus is the only Way to the Father. But coming through Jesus necessitates coming into the Abrahamic blessing and covenant (see Galatians chapter 3).

David is the only other person to stake a claim as the third most important person in world history. He, of course, was Solomon’s father and predecessor. The Key of David is God’s system of world government. This was gloriously brought forth by an awesome man of God – the Reverend John McPhee, who had a key prophetic and apostolic ministry in Scotland in the first half of the 20th century. The Throne of David is God’s chosen instrument to rule planet earth. This is why NATO, the UN, the G8, the EU and all other systems of man-made, satan-inspired government fail miserably. David was promised world dominion by God (see Psalm 89). This means that David’s destiny was inextricably tied up with Abraham’s. Abraham is the heir of the world (Romans 4:13). David’s Throne is the highest point of authority on planet earth (Psalm 89:27). Not only this, David received a promise from YHWH that indicates his seed would intermingle with the whole of Israel (Jeremiah 33:22). This is virtually identical with the multiplication blessing spoken upon Abraham (Genesis 22:17) and means that there would be a sowing and merging of David’s seed within the body of Israel. History has proven this to be accurate here in the United Kingdom.Virtually every English person has a trace of Scots and/or Irish blood in them. This means that the blood of Davidic royalty flows in the veins of every Israelite.The reader is advised to read John D.Keyser’s brilliant treatise on the Regal Scots in The Ensign Message of October-December 2005 and January-March 2006 (or see well as Peter Beresford Ellis’ amazing book Erin’s Blood Royal wherein this noted Celtic scholar powerfully highlights the descent of the Irish clans and sects from Milesian royalty. If you have any kind of ancestry from the High Kings of Ireland either by Irish or Scots blood-lines, you are a fulfilment of YHWH’s promise to David in Jeremiah 33:22!

(An interesting side note here is that YHWH’s promise of multiplication upon the seed of David was accompanied by a promise to multiply the Levites’ ministry. The Levites functioned as civil servants in ancient Israel, as well as spiritual ministers. This promise by YHWH perhaps has a double edge to it. If a good king reigns then we will have an explosion of preachers spreading God’s Word, backing up the godly king on the Throne. If not, we will have an explosion of bureaucracy and an ever-increasing number of civil servants. In Scotland today, 20% of all people working are employed by the State. Would that the same percentage were preaching the Gospel!)

David is a type of Christ. He is the man who conquered for another. David’s conquests and victories were for the benefit of his son, Solomon. Therefore, Solomon is a type of the Church. He is more than a conqueror, receiving the benefits of a conqueror. The hands of David (which means beloved) were bloodied in battle so that Solomon could inherit. Solomon means restful or at peace. Likewise, the Beloved Son bloodied His hands so that we could enter into His rest. He is the Victor but we are more than conquerors in Him.What Christ did, He did for us, just as what David did, he did for Solomon. Solomon became the whole point of the first 3,000 years of world history biblically speaking.

Solomon inherited a united Israel from his father. David had crushed all rebellion internally and every opposition externally, handing Solomon a fledgling nation which would become the world superpower of its day. Most Bible scholars major on the world empires of Daniel’s vision but the Israelite empire of Solomon was a gigantic geopolitical superpower that preceded them. The mighty Assyrian empire was probably defeated militarily by David before Solomon took over the kingship and was a broken power throughout Solomon’s reign. Solomon’s Israel was the dominant force in a three-way alliance between itself, Phoenicia and Egypt that grew to dominate the Middle East. Through its alliance to the Phoenician ports of Tyre and Sidon, Israel became a mighty maritime force in the earth, sending ships throughout the Mediterranean, to the isles of the sea (British Isles) and to the Indian subcontinent, as well as the Americas and Australia. The vast navy that Solomon commanded brought so much wealth into Israel that silver was virtually devalued, it was so plentiful in supply! Steven Collins has expertly brought out in his research into Israel’s forgotten world empire that much of the ancient records relating to the exploits and influence of Phoenicia should rightly be attributed to Israel since Israel was by far the dominant power in the Israel-Phoenicia-Egypt triumvirate and “Phoenician” was a catch-all term that could and very often should be interpreted as Israelite. Both languages were very similar. Indeed, Collins asserts that the explosion of technology that happened around this time in history was as a direct result of the adoption of the phonetic alphabet (phonetic =Phoenician) and it is difficult to argue with his powerful argument that the genius behind this alphabet was none other than King Solomon!

Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived under the Old Covenant. YHWH promised him in 1 Kings 3:12,13 that no-one would exceed him in wisdom or in kingly splendour. This was, of course, an Old Covenant application since a greater than Solomon has since come and this Greater One is now our wisdom. The whole earth came to hear Solomon’s wisdom and to admire his pomp and circumstance. Solomon became, as God promised, “the greatest king on the globe during his lifetime” (Collins). His knowledge of things like botany and minerals was unparalleled. Also, he compiled books on wisdom such as the Book of Proverbs. In it he recorded a prophecy that must have seemed preposterous in his lifetime -the prophecy of Agur that one day God’s Divine Revealed Name would become forgotten and obscured. The prophecy makes clear that this was the Christian era (Proverbs 30:1-4). Because Solomon, like his father David before him, was obsessed with building a house for this very Name, and had spent billions in doing so, his recording of this prophecy must have seemed strange to his contemporaries. Yet 1,000 years later, when God’s Son did indeed walk the earth, the use of the Divine Name was an offence punishable by death in Palestine. The Torah and other inspired writings that make up what we call the Old Testament had been “amended” in almost 7,000 places to cover up the Name with a substitute title, a practice that prevails to this day. Just as Agur predicted.

Another fascinating prophecy in the Book of Proverbs is one that applied to Solomon himself. The curious thing about Solomon is the same curious thing we see in the Church. It is this: the place of our greatest strength is the place of our greatest weakness. Anybody who has ever lived through anything remotely resembling times of revival can testify to this. Solomon experienced what millions of people have also experienced: it is hard (maybe even impossible) to sustain revival all the time. What do you do after you have climbed Everest? Or been to the moon in an Apollo craft? Or won the World Cup? When you hit the top, where is there to go but down? This is why all the great revivals peter out. Because if it isn’t God, it’s no good. Solomon experienced outstanding blessings in his early life. He was given a Divine download of unbeatable, unanswerable wisdom. He was given wealth beyond the necessity of measuring. He was given unrivalled military, economic and political success. He built arguably the most magnificent building in history and then saw it filled with the tangible glory of God’s Divine Presence. Solomon was blessed beyond ridiculous levels.Yet he made the same mistake that millions have made.

He took his eye off the ball.

Solomon knew that everything was ultimately vanity He knew that only a constant, humble walk with God was true success and that YHWH Himself was true riches. But he became beguiled by the thing. All revivals fizzle out because men become entranced by the thing that God does or brings to them and not remain fixated on God Himself. Solomon was beguiled by women. All things that God gives have a measure of reflected glory in them, none more so than a beautiful woman. But when man chases the thing of reflected glory and not the Source of all glory, that thing becomes an idol. Solomon knew this and recorded another prophecy in Proverbs 31: 1-3 which was a coded warning of an era to come. In verse 3 of Proverbs 31 he said

“Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings.”

A king who gives his strength to a woman will lose his kingdom. We saw this in the abdication of King Edward VIII Yet the principle of the Key of David that works for good – a godly king can lead a nation back to God e.g. King Josiah – has its reverse application in that the example of a bad king can lead a nation to ruin. In short, Solomon neglected his own advice and became an inveterate womaniser. The impact this has had on the entire history of the world since his time has been beyond description.

Solomon apostatised and went after strange women. It may not be politically correct to say so but this word “strange” means foreign. These women were goddess worshippers and marriage with them was proscribed. Sadly, Solomon clung to these women in love. The result was that they turned away his heart from YHWH. This ended in the Bible recording that most terrible of phrases that was used of so many kings:

“Solomon did evil in the sight of YHWH” – (1 Kings 11:6).

Solomon went after Ashtoreth, the queen of heaven. The spirit of harlotry in these women led Solomon to worship the Great Harlot. As he became one flesh with the strange women, he joined himself to the harlot spirit (see 1 Corinthians 6:15-17). He gave his strength to women and this had terrible consequences for the kingdom, as we shall see presently.The word “strength” in Proverbs 31:3 is the Hebrew word chayil which means wealth. It is interesting to note that a few hundred years later, the great wealth that was in Solomon’s Temple ended up being taken to Babylon, the centre of goddess worship in the earth at that time.

Yet Solomon was not recording good advice to kings nor even prophesying his own downfall in Proverbs 31:1-3; he was bringing the prophetic light of God on an era that was to come on the globe. That era remains to this day and is arguably the greatest cause of decline in Western civilisation today! I am referring to the Age of Romance. Romance comes from the French word romans, which were mediaeval tales of chivalry or courtly love. The word signified the languages which sprung out of Old Latin i.e. French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian. Latin is, of course, the language of the occult. It is the language of the Mysteries and many of the chivalric tales are based on and/or mingled with the legends of Babylonian, Greek and Roman gods. The word “latin” means hidden or occult. Romance is therefore the child of the Mysteries, that Babylonish system which is the Great Harlot spoken of in Revelation 17. This system seeks to pervert the true faith and bring mankind into spiritual and economic slavery.The early proponents of courtly love were goddess worshippers who sought to embed in codified form the entire concept of putting women on pedestals and worshipping them. This is the subject of Robert Johnson’s seminal work The Psychology Of Romantic Love (sometimes titled We). Also, Rousas John Rushdoony points out in Law & Liberty that romantic or erotic love as the basis of marriage is essentially a Roman concept.

In essence, Solomon was warning of a coming age when worship of the feminine would pervade society. This is more true than ever in today’s sex obsessed, pornographic (meaning image of the harlot) age. Romance is the facade behind which the spirit of whoredoms hides. The prophecy recorded in Proverbs 31:3 is written in coded form.

“Give not your strength to women,” Lemuel (Solomon) says.

The root of the word “romance” is Rome which means strength! To paraphrase it, Solomon was saying “Don’t love a woman romantically i.e. by putting her on a pedestal and letting her take the place of YHWH. This is the destruction of kings.” Yet sadly, tragically, devastatingly, Solomon ignored his own advice and allowed women to capture his heart. In the era of romance, women become the point of mens’ lives, taking the place of the Lord. Instead of praise being sung to YHWH, men sing to women. We see this in the music scene. People say that much of modern music came from Gospel music. That’s not strictly accurate – music went from Spiritual to Soul music. God got booted out and “sweethearts” got in on the act! Music is now used to worship girls, not God. And Solomon warned us!

The great tragedy is that God gave Solomon the key to defeat this coming era. And he quit using it in his own life. The key is Divine Wisdom. It is recorded for us in the Book of Proverbs, written to keep us from the strange woman (Proverbs 2:16 and other places). Proverbs is godly wisdom designed to build resistance into the hearts of God’s people to the sexual filth that would come upon the world. And to provide a Divine Blueprint of God’s alternative society. Solomon, as leader of God’s Chosen Nation, was equipped with the weapons to defeat Babylonian debauchery and Roman depravity. Yet the very thing Solomon was appointed and anointed to overcome, overcame him! Solomon fell prey to harlotry and the spirit of whoredoms devoured the nation. It is an astonishing thing to consider that for the several hundred years Solomon’s temple stood, it had an image of Ashtoreth in it for the greater part of that time.

This apostasy brought the judgement of God and Israel was rent in two after Solomon’s death. Solomon’s descendants ruled the smaller Kingdom of Judah while a series of kings ruled the larger Northern Kingdom of Israel. Both Houses of Israel were led into captivity for the same sin as Solomon – worshipping other gods, particularly the queen of heaven in one guise or another. It is astonishing to think that the entire geopolitical map of the world was altered because of one man’s backsliding. The map of the world today is ordered the way it is because of one man’s sin. That man changed world history. The migrations of the tribes of Israel happened because Solomon disobeyed God.

Today’s troubles in the Middle East can be traced back to this man Solomon. The rending of the kingdom in two led to the Northern House of Israel being taken into captivity by the Assyrians and the people of that Northern Kingdom becoming the “Lost Tribes of Israel” who can now be found-in the Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian peoples. The Judahites of the Southern Kingdom were also taken into captivity at a later stage by Babylon and it was Babylonian poison that influenced the Talmud and the Kabbalah. The religious fruit of this poisonous infusion was the scribes’ prohibition of the use of the Divine Name and the Pharisee sect that murdered Jesus. Many of the returning Judahites intermarried with Edomites and thus became a mixed people. Today Edomite and Khazarite Jews claim the land of Palestine as their own and wage vicious war against any and all who oppose them. The Middle East is a melting pot of hatred and ceaseless violence.

Much is being made of Solomon these days, particularly by things like The Da Vinci Code and by conspiracy theorists. Also, Gnostic heresies are coming back into vogue. These heresies can be traced back to the Talmud and Kabbalistic teachings. It is believed by many that the Kabbalah represents the fruit of Solomon’s knowledge when his heart was perverted. Gnosticism incorporates the concept of the Divine Feminine. Goddess worship in another guise. Solomon is also credited with the birth of freemasonry and darker occult activities. It is not surprising that he is lionised by occultists as he represents for them a kind of victory: the great man of YHWH reduced to idolatry and infamy. Yet for all his faults he is a type of the more-than-conquering Church and his authorship of books in the biblical canon mean that at one stage of his life he walked with God. If those books were a key to defeating the spirit of whoredoms in his day, they are just as much now in this era of Mystery, Babylon. Just because he forgot his own lessons, doesn’t mean we have to. I know plenty of preachers who don’t always practise what they preach. I see one every day in my bathroom mirror!

It would be plain wrong to blame one man for all the evils that have befallen the human race since he lived and died. But such is the power inherent in the Davidic Covenant that one man (or woman) right with God upon the Throne of David can change the entire planet for good. We saw this in the Victorian Age when Queen Empress Victoria ruled over much of the globe and was the ruler of the greatest and largest empire in human history. Solomon’s early reign saw him very quickly become the most powerful ruler in the then known world. But his apostasy from YHWH saw the next generation have this power broken. And that same apostasy re-ordered the map of the world in ways that reverberate to this day. The Key of David is not a trifling thing. And it is this Key that the world needs.

The time is coming when a Davidic king shall arise and lead the nations once more. It is the stated purpose of Almighty God that the incumbent of David’s Throne rule over the whole earth. All kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth (see Psalm 72). This is Messianic, for sure. But it was originally written for Solomon and thus is God’s template for world govemment – that all earthly rulers (yes, even the President of the United States!) must pay homage to the incumbent of the Throne of David.

That Throne is Britain’s Royal Throne.
