The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





NOTE: The purpose of this article is intended in no way to trivialize, diminish, or discount the terrible tragedy that took place on September 11, 2001, and our hearts and prayers go out to the thousands of parents, husbands, wives, children and friends whose loved ones were senselessly and unmercifully murdered.

Neither is it intended to he a condemnation or judgement of America, As a proud American, I love my country, and consider it the greatest nation on earth.

This article is an examination of a phenomenon in the light of the Bible, God’s Word.


ON Tuesday, September11, 2001, the worst tragedy in the history of the United States occurred, as American Airlines Flight 11 bombed into the World Twin Tower. As authorities were frantically searching for what went wrong on Flight 11, just 55 minutes later, like a speeding missile, with 92 innocent people, American Airlines Flight 77 exploded through Twin Towers number two. No one who has seen the TV scenes of the aeroplanes turned deadly missile exploding into the Trade Centre, full of innocent victims, can ever be the same.

Our country was shattered…

Our lives were shattered…

For many, their loved ones and dreams were shattered. In such a terrible and senseless tragedy, it’s only natural to search for some possible “hidden” meaning. Is there a deeper reason for such a tragedy? Is God trying to get America’s attention? Why did God allow something so evil to happen? Could something so devastating, so evil, so senseless, happen and God not have something to say?

Many people have emailed about the numerous occurrences of the number “eleven” found in the disastrous events associated with the September 11th World Trade Centre Bombing.

The day of the attack: 11

The Date of the Attack, September 11 or 9/11= 9 + 1 + 1 = 11

911 Is emergency number = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11

September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11

After September 11th we have 111 remaining for the end of the year.

119 is the Area Code for Iran & Iraq l + 1 + 9 = 11

The first plane to hit one of the buildings was Flight 11

The State of New York was the 11th State to join the Union

New York City = 11 letters

Afghanistan = 11 letters

The Pentagon = 11 letters

Flight 11 had 92 passengers, 9 + 2 = 11

Flight 77 had 65 passengers, 6 + 5 = 11

Twin Towers look like an 11

Twin Towers had 110 floors

Does the repeated occurrences of the number eleven have a deeper meaning? Or are they just a weird coincidence?
