The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London



One Hundred Questions To Ask Yourself About… GOD’S LAW


MANY sincere people are being taught today that the Ten Commandment Law of God has been abolished; that God and His Son Jesus are responsible for its being “Nailed” to the Cross when Jesus died. Others say that the Commandments of God are still in force with the exception of one. Here are one hundred questions to ask yourself and to think carefully about – one hundred questions about God and His Law. If the Commandments have been abolished, how many verses in your Bible are meaningless and should be left out?

As you ask yourself the following questions, please remember that your Bible says that God is Holy, Righteous, Perfect, Unchangeable, Just, Kind, and Good.


1. How could a perfect God (Matt. 5:48) do away with a perfect Law? Ps. 19:7.
2. How could a Holy God (Isa. 6:3) do away with a Holy Law. Rom. 7:12.
3. How could a Righteous God (Ps 145:17) do away with a Righteous Law? Ps. 119:172.
4. How could God who is unchangeable (Mal. 5:6; Heb. 13:8) change or do away with a Law that is unchangeable? Matt. 5:17-19; Ps. 117:7-8.
5. How could a God of Truth (John 14:6) abolish a Law that is the Truth? Ps. 119:142, 151.
6. How could a God who is Just (Acts 3:14; Deut. 32:4) abolish a just Law? Rom. 7:12.
7. How could a God who is Good (Ps. 34:8) abolish a Law that is good? Rom. 7:12.
8. How could a Spiritual God (John 4:24) do away with a spiritual Law? Rom. 7:14.
9. How could God do away with the Law that tells what sin is? I John 3:4; Rom. 4:15; Rom. 7:7.
10. How could God do away with the very Law that Christ came to magnify and make honourable? Isa. 42:21.
11. How could God abolish a Law which He wrote on stone. Ex. 31: 18. The fact that He wrote it on stone indicates that it was to last forever.
12. How could God do away with the Law which tells what His will is? Rom. 2:18; Matt. 7:21; Ps. 40:8.
13. How could God do away with the very Law that He commanded to be sealed among His disciples? Isa. 8:16.
14. How could God abolish the Law that is not made void, but established by the Christian’s Faith? Rom. 3:31.
16. How could God do away with a Law that is “pure” and that “enlightens the eyes?” Ps. 19:8.
16. How could God abolish the Law that He told His people to remember and teach to their children and children’s children? Ps. 78:1-7.
17. How could God do away with the Law that the Christian should “meditate in day and night.” Ps.1:1-3.
18. How could God abolish His holy Law that the wicked have turned away from and made void? Ps.119:126, 150.
19. How could God do away with His Law which must be fulfilled in the life of the Christian who is led by the Spirit of God? Rom. 8:3, 4.
20. How could God do away with His Law after promising a “woe” upon them that “cast away the Law of the Lord” and “call evil good, and good evil?” Isa. 5:20-24.
21. How could God abolish a Law that enters into the very heart of an individual and condemns the secret sins of his life which he must in the judgment? Eccl. 12:13, 14.
22. How could God do away with His Law that makes people happy when they keep it? Prov.29:18.
23. How could a God of Peace destroy a Law that brings peace to troubled hearts? Ps. 119:165.
24. How could God abolish the very Law that Jesus has in His heart? Ps. 40:8.
25. How could God abolish His Law which is to be the standard by which men and women will be judged? Eccl. 12:13. 14.
26. How could God do away with HisLaw which is to “stand fast forever?” Ps. 111:7, 8.
27. How could God do away with His Law after He said His people have forgotten His Law and are destroyed for lack of knowledge? Hosea 4:6, 7.
28. How could God abolish His Law after accusing the religious leaders of hardening their hearts against His Law, and deceiving the people? Mal.2:7-9.
29. How could God abolish His Commandments when Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to those who would keep them? John 14:16-17,26; Acts 5:32.
30. How could God have done away with His Law at Christ’s death, and then later be with Stephen as he was stoned for having told his murderers that they had not kept God’s Law? Acts 7:53-56.
31. How could God abolish the same Law that is to be the standard by which we measure the teachings of every teacher, and every preacher, and every church? Isa. 8:20. Compare I Pet. 4:11 and Acts 7:38.
32.How could God abolish the Law when Jesus suffered and died to redeem us from the curse of the Law?
Gal. 3:13. Jesus came to redeem them that were under the Law. Gal. 4:4. 5.
33. How could God abolish His Law when the Bible says “Where no Law is, there is no transgression?” Rom, 4:15. Rom. 6:13.
34. How could God do away with His Law when His followers delight in it? Ps. 1:1-3. Ps. 119:70, 77, 92, 174.
35. How could God have the commandments abolished at the cross when Jesus told His disciples to pray that they might be able to keep the Sabbath command forty years after the cucifixion? Matt. 24:20.
36. How could God abolish the commandment that says, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,” when Jesus said that He Himself was Lord of the Sabbath, and that it was made for man? Mark 2:27, 28.
37. How could God do away with the very Law that helps in converting the soul? P19:7.
38. How could God abolish the Law that helps a sinner to realize his need? When a sinner realizes that death is the penalty for transgression, and in sorrow he comes to God for forgiveness, he receives a pardon through Jesus. That pardon is Grace. Would God abolish the very Law that Christ died for to make it possible to give grace to the sinner? If God abolished His Law there would be no transgression and therefore no need of forgiveness or grace. Grace is not something apart from the Law; it is necessary. Paul said to the Christians: “ye are not under the law but under grace.” Rom. 6:14. Then he said, “shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? God forbid.” Verse 15. In Gal. 3:21 Paul says “the law is not against the promises of God.” How could God abolish His Law and thus do away with Grace too?
39. How could God abolish the Sabbath command when Jesus said He Himself was Lord of the Sabbath? Mark 2:27,28. And Jesus Himself made the Sabbath. John 1:1-3; Mark 2:27. And it was Christ’s custom to keep it. Luke 4:16.
40. How could Christ abolish His Law and the Sabbath that He made and not say a single word about it to His closest followers? At the same time of His death they kept the Sabbath according to the Commandment. Luke 23:65, 56. Compare Matt. 24:20.
41. How could God abolish the Sabbath when Jesus said: “It is easier for Heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the Law to fail?” Luke 16:17.
42. How could God abolish His Commandments when Jesus said that those who worship in vain have the commandments of men? Mark 7:7, 9. The worship which is accepted of God must be where the
Commandments of God are taught and obeyed. John 14 :21.
43. How could God forsake His Law when that is the very thing that the Bible says the wicked have done? Ps. 119:53.
44. How could God do away with His Law when the Bible says, “The way of transgressors is hard?” Prov.13:15.Where there is no law there is no transgression. Rom. 4:15.
45: How could God do away with His Law when the Bible says, “He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination?” Prov.28:9.
46. How could God do away with His Commandments when the Bible says, “The whole duty of man is to ‘fear God and keep His Commandments’?” Eccl. 12:13, 14.
47. How could God do away with His Commandments after He promised to show mercy to all who would keep them? Ps. 103:18.
48. How could God abolish the Commandments that the angels keep? Ps. 103:20.
49. How could God do away with HisLaw which is so perfect and high that it points the believer to Christ as the end for righteousness the very highest standard of a perfect sinless life? Rom. 10:4.Compare Isa. 51:7 and James 5:11.
50. How could God abolish His Law which gives comfort in affliction and trial? Ps. 119:92.
51. How could God do away with His Law which gives wisdom and understanding? Ps.119:98, 100.
52. How could God do away with the very Law that the Righteous, who inherit the New Earth, will have in their hearts? Ps. 37:29-31.
53. How could God do away with the Law that Jesus said was more enduring than the earth itself? Matt.5:17-19.
54. How could God do away with the Law that forbids murder and adultery? James 2:11, 12.
55. How could God abolish the Commandment that Jesus kept? John 16:10.
56. How could God abolish a Law which is so perfect and wonderful that even if you break any part of it, you are guilty of all? James 2:10-12.
57. How could God abolish the Law that Jesus referred to when He said: “Whosoever shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom? Matt. 5:19.
58. Howcould God abolish His Commandments in order to make room for Tradition – the commandments of men?
59. How could God abolish His Law which gives His people liberty when they obey it? James 2:10-12. It is the lawbreaker who is put in jail and who is in bondage.
60. How could God do away with the Law that helps a poor sinner to realize his condition? Rom. 3:20. Rom.3:9,23.
61. How could God do away with the Law that “stops every mouth” and makes “all the world guilty before God?” Rom. 3:19.Compare Rom. 3:9, 23.
62. How could God do away with the Law that tells what sin is when the Bible says: “If any man sin we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous?” I John 3:4 and I John 2:1. Why have an advocate if the law is gone?
63. How could God abolish the Ten Commandments, or Moral Law, at the same time that He abolished the ceremonial law which had to do with the offerings and sacrifices? Eph. 2:16;Col 2:14-17. The Handwriting of Ordinances are not the Ten Commandments. The ceremonial law was instituted to show the people what to do when they broke the Moral Law. By their sacrifices they could show their faith in the great sacrifice which was to be offered on Calvary. All the Sacrifices and offerings pointed forward to Christ. When Jesus died the veil in the temple was rent signifying that the sacrificial or Ceremonial law had ended. Many people confuse the Ceremonial and Moral laws.
64. How could God abolish the Law that has the Sabbath command in it when God Himself ceased from labour and rested on the seventh day, and your Bible says that all who have entered into rest (spiritual rest too) with Him, have ceased from their own works as God did from His? Heb.4:10, 4.Read and re-read those two verses.
65. How could God do away with the very Law that His people are to keep in order to have works to show their faith? James 2:18. Read carefully James 2:10-12. The “works” here referred to are works of
obedience as the verses plainly indicate. Paul says: “Do we make void the Law through faith? God forbid, we establish the Law.” Rom. 3:31.
66. How could God do away with the Commandments that Jesus referred to when He said, “whosoever shall do and teach them shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven ?” Matt. 6:19.
67. How could God abolish the same Law that He promised to write in the heart of every Christian who is really under the New Covenant? Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:10.
68. How could God abolish His Law when only those who keep it can have justification? Rom. 2:13:
69. How could God abolish the Law that the carnal of sinful mind refuses to obey? Rom. 8:7.
70. How could God destroy the very same Law that Jesus said He came not to destroy? Matt. 5 :17-19.
71. How could God do away with the commandments – the same comandments that Jesus said hung on the two Great Commandments of Love to God and Love to Man? Matt. 22:36-40. The first four comandments show our relation to God; the last six show our relation to Man. Thus they all hang on the two principles of love to God and to man.
72. How could God do away with the same commandments that Jesus told the young ruler to keep if he wanted to enter into life and be saved? Matt. 19:17.Compare Rev.22:14.
73. How could God abolish His commandments when they give a good understanding to all who keep them?Ps.111:10.
74. How could God do away with His Commandments which are the foundation of sound doctrine? Prov. 4:2.
75. How could God make void His Law when Jesus condemned the Scribes and Pharisees for making void the Law of God by their tradition? Matt. 15:3,6.
76. How could God do away with His Commandments when Jesus told His disciples to keep them if they loved Him? John 14:15. How much do we love Him?
77. How could God have abolished His Law when the curse of God rests upon the world because the inhabitants have transgressed His Law? Isa. 24:8-6.
78. How could God abolish the Sabbath commandment when He pronounced a blessing upon the man who would keep the Sabbath? Isa. 56:2, 6.
79. How could God abolish the Sabbath commandment when He said that all who would turn away their foot from the Sabbath, from doing their own pleasure on His holy day, would be blessed in many ways, and would help to raise the foundations of generations, and be called repairers of the breach? Isa. 58:12-14.
80. How could God abolish the Sabbath Commandment when Jesus said that He Himself was LORD of the Sabbath? Matt. 12:8.
81. How could God abolish the Sabbath commandment when He said the Sabbath was a sign of sanctification? Eze. 20:12. Should not a sanctified Sabbath and a sanctified person be in harmony?
82. How could God turn away from His Law and abolish it when He has always been hurt when His people turned away from it? Jer.16:10, 11, 16. Isa. 58:1, 12-14.
83. How could God reject His Law and abolish it when He said He would bring evil upon those who rejected it? Jer. 6:19. Compare Jer. 6: 4,6.
84. How could God abolish the very Law that He says He has implanted in the hearts of those who “know Righteousness?” Isa. 51:7.
85. How could God abolish His Law that some people “will not hear” and even tell their ministers not to preach? Isa. 30:8-10. God calls them rebellious children.
86. How could God do away with His Commandments after promising peace and righteousness in abundance to those who “harken to His Commandments?” Isa. 48: 18.
87. How could God abolish the Sabbath Commandment when He gave the Sabbath to be a sign that He is
our God? Eze. 20:20.
88. How could God abolish His Commandments which are called righteousness, Ps. 119:172 and also, “My Righteousness shall not be abolished?” Isa. 51 :6. He also said, “Harken unto me ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is My Law.” Isa. 61:7.
89. How could God abolish His Law after making the statement that some of the people would stop their ears and make their hearts like stone so they would not hear His Law? Zech. 7:11, 12.
90. How could God do away with His Law after making the Statement that the people have trespassed against His Law, and have “sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind?” Hosea 8:1-7.
91. How could God abolish the Commandments which is the test by which we know that we know God? I John 2:3.
92. How could God abolish His Commandments and then later have John write that the man who claims to know God and does not keep God’s Commandments, is a liar? I John 2:4.
93. How could God abolish His Commandments, when Jesus kept them and we are told “to walk even as He walked?” I John 2:6.
94. How could God abolish His Commandments and also promise to hear the prayers of those who keep His Commandments? I John 3:22.
95. How could God abolish His Commandments and later have John write that those who love God and keep His Commandments will love the children of God? I John 5:2.
96. How could God have His Commandments abolished when it “is the love of God” that we keep His Commandments?” I John 5:3. Compare 2 John 6, and John 14:15.
97. How could God abolish His Law and the Sabbath after He says the “Priests have violated His Law and have hid their eyes from His Sabbath, and have showed no difference between the holy and the profane?” Eze.22:26.
98. How could anyone accuse God of changing or abolishing His own perfect Law when the Prophet saw an ENEMY POWER that would think to change it? Dan. 7:25. Read about the four beasts and the little “horn.” Dan. 7:1-8.
99. How could God have abolished His Commandments when it says that the last or remnant people of God will be keeping the Commandments just before Jesus comes to gather the harvest of the earth? Read carefully Rev. 12:17 and Rev. 14:12-16.
100. How could God abolish His Commandments and also promise that in the New Earth His People will be keeping the Sabbath? Isa. 66:22, 23. The Sabbath Command is in the centre of His Law. The Sabbath is God’s mark or Sign of His Power and authority as the Creator. Ex. 20:8-11. The Sabbath has always been God’s test of obedience. Ex. 16:4, 23, 26-28.

God’s Law is in His Heart. May we never wound His heart of love and insult His Grace. If God has abolished His Law then hundreds of texts in your Bible become meaningless and should be left out, for example:

1.All the texts that mention or refer to the Law.
2. All the texts that mention the Commandments of God.
3. All the texts that speak of SIN. (Sin is the transgression of the Law. I John 3:4).
4. All the texts that speak of obedience.
5. All the texts that speak of transgression.
6. All the texts that speak of repentance.
7. All the texts that speak of Jesus as the Saviour from sin.
8. Etc., etc., etc.

If God has abolished any part of His Law then texts that speak of The Law as Perfect, Holy, Unchangeable, etc., become meaningless. “Not one tittle of the Law shall fail:” If we offend in one point we are guilty of all. See James 2:10-12 and Matt. 5:17-19.
