The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





From: God’s Throne Upon Earth – Excerpted 1911
IN the afternoon of June 22nd, in the year 1911, our Sovereign Lord King George, returned from Britain’s greatest sanctuary, compassed about with the “Divinity that doth hedge a king,” the recognised, acclaimed, anointed, crowned vice-regent of the “Blessed and only Potentate,” the “King immortal, eternal, invisible,” to rule over, by far, the mightiest Empire the world has ever seen, though it is to be “the mightiest yet.”

“The coronation is only a farce,” said a lady, to the writer, at the time – a remark of absolute unwisdom and ignorance, as is a similar remark applied to any truly religious ordinance or service.

It was the sac ring or hallowing of the King and Queen, as our forefathers, with true insight, termed the Coronation service. In it he was stamped as God’s king, consecrated as God’s deputy, and empowered with God’s grace. And so the important part of the service was not the crowning, but the anointing, or consecration – the setting him apart for sacred uses.

Thus the King, after his anointing, was no longer a mere layman, but a special officer of God, the Lord’s anointed, commissioned by Heaven to rule in Heaven’s name.

By the use of holy oil, “Egbert” was “hallowed the king,” says the Saxon Chronicle; and so King George, as a sign of glory, holiness, and courage, had the triple anointing on the head, the breast, and the palms of his hands. Think back over the solemn ceremony, and remember that the five vestments put upon him signified his “ministry for God.” As for the regalia, the symbology of it is amazing: The Imperial Crown coruscating glory in every direction, symbolising out-going, beneficent, Empire-wide influence; the orb of gold, with a golden cross above, and a monster amethyst below, the symbol of a redeemed earth which the King is to publish abroad and to actualise to the best of his powers; the marvellous piece of jewellery called the Sceptre Royal, surmounted with a richly-jewelled cross. Here is the sign of Justice and Christian rule [“Judah’s Sceptre” is shown amongst the regalia of Scotland, in the noble Castle of Edinburgh]; the golden rod, surmounted with globe and white dove, the emblem of justice tempered with mercy for Christ’s sake; the gold finger-ring representing his marriage to the Faith of which he is to be Defender; the four swords, symbols of delegated power from on high; and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, “the secret of England’s greatness.”

Now, it is worthy of special notice that King George was actually enthroned over Jacob’s pillow-pillar, which his predecessor, Edward I brought from Scone Abbey, in 1286, and which his Stuart ancestor, James VI of Scotland and James I of England, as the blood representative of Judah and David’s lines and of all the Royal families of Britain up to that time, followed to Westminster Abbey in the year 1603, for the first Coronation Service in English on record.

Some of the statements just made shall now be substantiated.


From George V to James I there are only ten generations. This is the king who had more remarkable insight than his detractors, hence the following statements are worthy of credence:

(1) God, he said, gave the Kingdom of Israel to him and his posterity, and he enjoyed it all his time. (Table Talk of James I, Section cxxix.)

(2) “The ancient kings of Scotland are descendants of the kings of Ireland.” (At Council Table, Whitehall, 1613.)

(3) We are called Great Britain; her name shall be Great.

(4) When going to England he said he was going to the Land of Promise; and, agreeably with this, the 47 A.V. translators termed the land “Our Sion.”

(5) On the gate of the elders (Aldersgate), through which he passed to his throne, there was an effigy of the Prophet Jeremiah, and the inscription, “Then shall enter into the gates of the city, kings and princes sitting upon the throne of David.”

(6) On his gold unite, or sovereign, struck to symbolise the union of the kingdoms, was the inscription (in Latin) from Ezekiel 37:22: “I will make them one nation.”

It is interesting to record that King James was buried not with his own immediate relations-, but with Henry VII and Henry’s wife, Elizabeth, his great-great grand-parents, whose daughter Margaret was the grandmother both of his father and mother. The discovery of the burial place was made on opening a vault, or cavern, in 1869, when, as Dean Stanley writes, Tait, “the first Scotsman who had ever reached the highest office in the English Church, bent over the grave of the first Scotsman who had ever mounted the throne of the English State.”


Edward I, “the English Justinian,” cherished the hope of uniting the three parts of Great Britain under one monarchy. The hope was realised, as regards Wales, in 1283, for its conquest was then completed, after 800 years’ efforts. His eldest son, born in Wales, became the first – Prince of Wales, – and the golden coronet of the last independent Prince he hung up before Edward the Confessor’s shrine at Westminster. On defeating Scotland, at Dunbar, in 1296, he himself was crowned King of the Scots, on the Stone of Destiny, which he afterwards consigned to its place of honour and security, near the Shrine, in the specially-constructed oak chair which all the subsequent kings and queens of England (Mary Tudor happily excepted) have been enthroned in. It is instructive to note that although Oliver Cromwell sat in the chair, the stone was previously removed from it, and that Charles II dated his accession from the death of his father. On the tomb of black Purbeck marble wherein Edward “Longshank’s” body (6 ft. 2 in.) lies in royal robes, near to the Coronation Chair, are the inscriptions, in Latin “The Hammer of the Scots,” and “Keepfaith.”

What, therefore, this great and prudent king wrote to Pope Boniface VIII, to whom the Scots had appealed against him, can surely be taken as extracted from authentic writings then available:

“About the time of Eli and Samuel the Prophet, a valiant and famous man of the Trojan nation, named Brutus, after the destruction of Troy, arrived with many of the Trojan nobility at a certain island called Albion, inhabited by giants, and having routed and slain them with his forces, he called it after his name, Britain, and his companions Britons, and built a city that he named Trinovantium, now called London, and afterwards divided his kingdom between his three sons, viz. to Locrin, his firstbom, he gave the part of Britain which is now called England, and to Albanact, his second son, that part which was from him named Albania, now Scotland, and to Camber, his youngest son, that part which, after his name, was called Cambria, now Wales, reserving to Locrin the Royal dignity. Two years after the death of
Bmtus, arrived in Britain a certain king of the Huns, named Humber, and slew Albanact the brother of Locrin; at which news Locrin, King of the Britons, pursued him, and he, in his flight, was drowned in the river which is called after his name, Humber, and so Albania returned to Locrin.”

Now, Julius Caesar must have been familiar with this early British history, or he would not have written to Cassibelaun:

“In truth, we Romans and the Britons have the same original, since both are derived from the Trojan race. Our first father was Aeneas” (ancestor of Brutus, as he goes on to show).

The letter also demanded tribute, and occasioned. this spirited reply:

“Your demand is scandalous, since the same vein of nobility flows from Aeneas in Britons and Romans, and one and the same chain of consanguinity shines in both, which ought to be a bond of firm union and friendship. That was what you should have demanded of us and not slavery. We have leamed to admit of the one, but never to bear the other.”

How these Trojans, or Danai, or Dan-ites, of the Tribe of Dan, came, as pioneers, to these isles, followed eventually by other Israelitish tribes, is a story that can’t be told here and now, for we are tracing the origin of our ancient throne rather than that of our nation.


James I is linked on to Edward I through his English grandmother by nine generations, and through his grandfather to the Welsh Owen Tudor, by four generations, Owen Tudor having descended, as is shown in the old Welsh records, from Beli, son of Anna, daughter of Joseph of Arimathaea, and the cousin of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

James I’s Scottish descent goes back through Mary, his mother, and the previous five Jameses to Malcolm III, and his Saxon Queen (the sole survivor of the Saxon line), whose son, Alexander I, erected an Abbey at Scone, in which, with solemn state, he deposited, at dead of night, the famous Lia Fail; on further, for eight generations, to Kenneth MacAlpin, the first king of the united Picts and Scots (836-854), who removed his Court from Dunstaffnage to Perth, and built for himself a palace at Scone, to which he brought the Lia Fail from Iona; on again for another eleven generations, to Fergus the Great, who was crowned, about the end of the fifth century, on the same “Stone of Destiny,” fetched from Tara to Iona for that special purpose.

His descent has been traced by experts through a long line of Scotland’s kings to Angus the Prolific, in Ireland (whose two sons respectively headed a long line of kings in Ireland and Scotland), and on to Eochaidh and his Hebrew queen, at Tara, Tea Tephi, or possibly Tamar Tephi (the beautiful palm), the reasonably conjectured daughter of Zedekiah, the last king of Judah-David’s line, as yet to reign in Jerusalem.

Every possessor of a Bible can work out the 17 generations from Zedekiah to David (whose descendants, by the bye, are more numerous than is generally supposed), and thence to Judah, through Peres, the ancestor of the Messiah.

Peres, and Zarah with the scarlet thread, were the only pure-blooded Hebrews that sprang directly from Judah, the Judahites (shortened into “Jews” after the exile) being descended from Judah’s Canaanite wife and daughter-in-law, causing the facial and racial characteristics that have always “witnessed against them” throughout their history. (Isaiah 3:9) From Zarah other Royalist lines have separately descended, but the “breach” seems to have been repaired when Eochaidh of the Zarah line became united with Tamar of the Peres line, to be the fons et origo (fount of origin), of the Irish, Scottish, and English Royal streams, confluent in George V.
