The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





COPPER Scrolls date from the post-Solomon era. Ancient peoples were not careless, stupid, or forgetful; they did not lose or neglect their records, alphabets, and histories, as those in academic sinecures would have us believe. We have to remember that when English-speaking peoples migrated to North America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, and elsewhere, they took their language, literature, alphabets, culture, and religion with them.

We are following the migration trail of a people who were first in Egypt until Moses led them out in around 1,360 BC. They dwelt in Israel until the Assyrian Emperors deported them from 730 to 700 BC, and moved them north in the region of Armenia, where they were referred to as the Khumry. Then, around 687 BC, they left in a mass-migration going westwards through the whole length of Asia Minor, arriving at the Dardanelles around 650 BC, when the Greeks called them the Kimmeroi.

From here, half the wandering nation went to Etruria, again about 650BC, and the other half finally sailed for Britain under Brutus around 504 BC. There, they remained as the Khumry, and today, after 2,500 years, that is the name by which they are still known. They preserved their language and Alphabet, which allows us to trace their ancestral migration trails. The major problem which has confronted epigraphical researchers and archaeologists in the U.S.A. is an apparent set of evidences which seem to indicate that there were a number of voyages of discovery made to America in remote antiquity.

A large number of claims have been made alleging that several ancient nations had contact with the Americas, and it is an understatement to add that this has made the professional archaeologists wary of the matter to the point of hostility. Anyone who has made a thorough study of ancient British history will realize that the discovery of what looks like a possible Carthaginian and North African presence might be anticipated in Ancient America.

In AD 406, a German confederation of Vandals, Sueves and Alans crossed the Rhine into Gaul, smashed the Roman army, following up on the wholesale destruction of Gaul. The British King Constantine III, who had succeeded Arthur I, son of Magnus Maximus, assembled his army, and with his general, Gweraint, he invaded Gaul, just as British forces entered Gaul-France in 1914, and again in 1939.

The objective both in the 5th and 20th Centuries was to restore the Western Empire and keep the German hordes away from the Channel and Britain. Constantine III decisively defeated the German confederation, then penned it into the south of Gaul, and General Gweraint blocked the passes of the Pyrenees. In 411, he opened the passes, and the whole horde crossed south into Iberia.

The Sueves and the Alans seized much of Spain, the Vandals went further south, and in 422, led by their King Gaiseric, they crossed the Straits of Gibraltar into North Africa. The Vandals quickly seized all of North Africa, and made the cities of Carthage and Hippo their main bases. They built fleets, and, in a very short time, the Mediterranean became a Vandal lake. Rome was forced to surrender, and the German kings became known as the Kings of Africa.

For over a hundred years, the Vandals dominated the Mediterranean until, in 532, the Emperor Justinian of Constantinople seized an opportunity by sending his general, Belissarius, to attack Carthage.The entire Vandal army and fleets were away conquering Sardinia. Belissarius had only boys and old men to oppose him. The Vandal King returned home with his army and found that he could not enter his own capital.

For fifteen years, a savage war was fought, devastating North Africa, and finally in, 548, the Vandal King gathered his huge fleets. He put his entire nation of some 165,000 men on board, then sailed to Ireland. Vandal war-fleets in excess of 500 ships were commonplace. King Arthur II assembled the British army and crossed over to southern Ireland to assist the kings descended from Ceredig son of Cuneda.

After one battle with the Irish army, the Vandals boarded their ships at night and crossed over into Wales, leaving the British King Arthur II and his armies behind in Africa. The British army followed the Vandals back to their homeland, and a savage campaign of pursuit followed, as the Vandals split up into nine groups in an effort to secure enough food, while they moved eastwards across South Wales towards LIoegres.

A remnant of Vandals finally got across the river Severn. and moved east to settle in the East Midlands of what is now England, where they became known as the Mercians. The Vandal-Mercian arrival in 548 means that there were large numbers of European people from Carthage and North Africa present in Britain when the great island was devastated by comet debris in 562, just 14 years later. It is logical that some of these people would have been amongst the immigrants who sailed to North America with the fleet in 574.

All this is clearly set out in Artorivs Rex Discovered, written and published by Blackett &Wilson, in 1986. The discovery of what appears to be a North African or Carthaginian presence in North America is both logical and expected. There was not a succession of migrations of discovery into North America in antiquity, but simply one well recorded and fully explained migration. The politically correct Establishment version of ancient British history invented in Oxford and Cambridge during the 1714 to 2004 era is total rubbish and hugely destructive. A large part of the British at the time of the comet catastrophe in 562 were descended from the Ten Tribes of Israel.

It is quite easy to establish an Egyptian connection for these people. Ancient British history is very well and precisely recorded, but it is neither studied nor researched. If the British descended from the Ten Tribes, then before they moved to Palestine under Moses, they were in Egypt. American researchers should not be surprised when they discover pictographs and rock carvings that appear to have a clear Egyptian provenance.

These again probably result from the migration to North America from Britain recorded in AD562, 573 and 574. To offer one clear example, modern American researchers have found an assembly of pictographs on rocks that are known as the Rochester Creek Hieroglyphics. These very old illustrations bear a recognizable resemblance to ancient Egyptian figures, and are not unlike a very ancient, similar scene carved on a rock face in Britain. There is, therefore, a possible link between Egypt and Britain, then on to North America.

This constantly brings matters back to the well recorded discovery of America by the British in the person of Madoc, son of Meurig, in AD 562, followed by the exploratory voyage of Admiral Gwenon, and the sailing of a large fleet under King Arthur II son of Meurig in 574. Given the close association of the British with the Roman Empire for a few hundred years, instead of claims of large numbers of unrecorded “discovery” voyages made by Romans, Carthaginians, Egyptians, “Hebrews,” and so on, that have perplexed and angered many academics, there was probably only one well recorded set of voyages.

The cultural links that created the illusion of a long succession of successive discoveries can be demonstrated in detail. The blame lies squarely at the door of the London Establishment, whose representatives were hell bent on creating a new and vainglorious history suitable to the 19th Century. As for “Celts” in America, there were no “Celts” in Britain,and so there were none in America. An over enthusiasm for imaginary “Celts” and for vowelless Ogham has created a situation in which professional academics are unable to work with well-intentioned epigraphers.

It may be worth remembering that without epigraphy, we would know next to nothing of the ancient world, as we would not be able to read the records. An amateur, Georg Friedrich Grottefend, accomplished the near impossible by deciphering cuneiform. Another amateur made the first identification of Cleopatra and Ptolemy, allowing another amateur, Champollion, to make the first in-roads into deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Another amateur, an army engineer named Rawlinson, deciphered Persian cuneiform. Another amateur, an architect named Michael Ventris, deciphered Linear B from Crete.

It is no accident that Wilson and Blackett are regarded as “amateurs,” and yet they can read Etruscan, Rhaetian, Pelasgian,and other indecipherable records. The study of ancient history would be in a sorry state without the dedicated labours and accomplishments of “amateur” epigraphers.

Ancient American · Issue Number 59 §
