The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





MAY I warn you against spiritualising this truth? Christ will indeed be the King of kings upon the earth. He will be as directly and positively a Ruler as any monarch whose name is upon our lips today; but His sway will be more absolute and powerful.

With all my heart and soul I believe that the only effective rule for humanity is an absolute monarchy; but the trouble is that we have never yet found the Monarch.

For a little while the heavens have received Christ, the only One worthy of unlimited rule; but the King of men is coming back, in infinite compassion for the world which drove Him out. For His coming, not only the Church but all creation waits.

The Revised Version gives a wider meaning and greater force than the Authorised to Paul’s words in Romans 8:19,

“The earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the revealing of the sons of God”.

Today the sons of God, as such, are unknown, or despised and persecuted, but when the Master comes they will be revealed with Him.

Following upon the end of Gentile power comes restoration of God’s ancient people Israel to their true position among the nations. I do not say the restoration of the Jew only, that is not comprehensive enough, but of the whole Israel of God.

The Ten Tribes, lost for centuries, shall be found and restored to their land, for the fulfilment of God’s purpose for Israel, and through Israel for the race.

I know that some doubt this truth, and say that Israel as a nation has been finally cast off. Can God desert those to whom He has made oath? Absolutely impossible! Never! God’s purposes maybe thwarted and hindered, but despite all human failure and folly, they must eventually be realised.

The prophecies of the Old Testament concerning God’s ancient people have never been wholly fulfilled and it cannot be that the inspired Word of the Living God should prove a failure.


Rev. G. Campbell Morgan
