The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





There are Christians  who teach  that the Lord only shows  His love and  mercy  to those  of Israel’s race. Whilst it is manifestly true that the national covenants a re to Israel only,· nevertheless, certain promises are open to those of every race.  In fact, the covenant of the bow in the cloud  is between God and  the earth, and every living creature of all flesh. The Lord Himself looks upon that bow so that even He may remember. (Genesis 9:13-16)

To teach  that salvation  is only open  to Israelites  is making God to be no more than a limited  tribal god . As stated  above,  redemption is for Israel only.  The word  itself means to buy back  or recover property which was yours initially.

You only  have  I known of  all the   families  of the earth: therefore I will punish  you  for all your iniquities. (Amos 3:2)

This is specific,  Israel is the only family, or nation, which God officially recognises.  The reason being that she  was given a mandate as a means to bring other  nations  into the  kingdom in due  time.   Sadly she abrogated that  mandate through her love of idolatry.  God in His foreknowledge knew  full well how  Israel would react, therefore made the Abrahamic covenant unconditional. However, none of these things  limit God’s love or concern for individuals of other races.  To teach  that His arm is so short that it cannot, or will not save is placing severe restraints on the very nature of God.

Think for a moment of the situation in over fifty countries  at this time;  thousands of Christians, are not Israelites by race, are tortured and killed because of their love for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Their courage leaves  us gasping, especially when we  know  the terrible ways they are murdered. Again, as we know, a persecuted church becomes stronger. In many of these countries new  converts are  coming  to Christ daily. We should constantly  pray for these persecuted churches.

In the light of the above  facts,  and  returning  to those  who  teach  that  only  racial  Israelites can  be saved, the feeling of your chaplain is one of disgust. They are saying, in effect, that our wonderful loving God turns His back  on all their suffering  and  death which  they endure in His Holy name.  They are believers in the shed blood of Christ. Can we imagine God turning His back upon them and excluding  them from the kingdom?  If this evil teaching is true, then I, for one,  would  want  no part in it.

Yes, we  know  that  during  Christ’s  coming reign on the earth,  Israel will be the body politic, for that isher heritage and destiny.  If those  from other  nations are excluded,  what was the   point of  Israel ‘ s formation? Was it not to bring those  nations into the kingdom by example? Indeed yes, but Israel failed by reason of the fact that she retained free will. If it had been  otherwise, she would  be no more  that a robot dancing to every whim of the Creator.  Although she has failed in her  mission  thus far, however she  will rise up an exceeding great army,

Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the  whole  house of  Israel: behold, they  say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off far our  parts. (Ezekiel  37:11)

This will be the long awaited time when all Israel under Christ, will fulfil in every detail the destiny which has always  been  her right.  So again,  I  ask,  what  is that destiny  other  than  bringing  the gentile  nations into the Kingdom?  These  brave  souls,  who  even  at this moment are  witnessing and  laying down  their lives, all this to no avail? Can we see our loving Saviour passing  them  by on the other side of the street?   Can we hear Him saying

Depart  from me, I never  knew  you?

To suggest  that this is the true nature  of God and His Christ, is to twist certain  texts in order to promote their Satan inspired doctrine.  It is this teaching, among others, which  has brought identity  movements into disrepute.

Praise  the  Lord,  those  of every  race  are  able  to come before  our Lord and Saviour, and be given the gift of eternal life.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and  I will  give  your  rest.    Take my  yoke upon  you,  and  learn  of  me;  for I am  meek  and lowly  in heart:  and  ye shall   find rest  unto  your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

This wonderful and  meaningful promise is open to everyone of whatever race, colour or creed .

Amen and Amen.
