The Official Journal of the Ensign Trust, London





Ed: Born in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Mr. Deans later moved to Victoria. He obtained his Civil Engineering degree from the University of British Columbia and after a two-year stint of teaching and doing research at Iowa State College, he settled in with a large Vancouver engineering company. Like so many others, he was a Christian simply going along, that is, until he met Jacob Parker. In his own words, he said, “All of the sudden, after studying everything except the Bible, Mr. Parker, our beloved President, spent one whole night re-educating me, and from that day to this all spare time is spent in research.” Judging from the quality of his articles, Mr. Deans did indeed spend much time in study. One of his prime interests, other than the Bible itself; was to delve into the historical and scientific mysteries of the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jasher and the Apocrypha and to tie all this ancient record together with the Bible and such modern revelations as those of Stonehenge and Glastonbury.

It is stated that the Cymry of Wales originally came partly from the Israel migrations through the Crimea of the Black Sea to England in early days. This name Cymry and Crimea came from Kimmeria or Beth Kumry or Beth Omri, meaning House of Omri, one of Israel’s wayward Kings. This is one source of tracing.

It is also stated that the Welsh were partly of the Tribe of Simeon, for Dan and Simeon, evidently went to Ireland and Wales in the early days. It is also stated from history that the parts of England called Cornwall, Somerset and Wales and some of Scotland were the Celtic Fringe and were of Iberian or Hebrew or Eber stock, who came to England via the  sea route  through Gibraltar.

In the Welsh Annals we are told that the Celts came from Gaul or France and that the Brython people came from Brittany in Northern Gaul. The name Gaul evidently comes from GOYEL, meaning PEOPLE OF GOD. GAEL and GAELIC mean the same thing. Celts mixed with the ancient CYMRY in Wales, also.

Much of the original language of Cornwall, Ireland and Wales was pure Hebrew in structure and idiom. Those of you who are Welsh, will probably know this. Evidently the Seat of Druidism was in Somerset and Wales. Saint Paul visited Siluria and also northern Wales in his travels to Britain, according to an ancient MSS. in Oxford and to the Sonnini MSS. (The Long Lost Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles.)

The Cymry of Wales are the same people as those the Romans called the Cimbri. The Greeks called them the Kimmeroi; Homer wrote of them. The Behistun Rock inscriptions identify the Kumri, Sacae and the Israelites as one and the same people.

It is stated that the Tribe of Simeon settled on the shores of the Caspian Sea and thence moved across Europe to their home in Wales. This is quite interesting. Britain was named Llaegr by the Welsh Bards and this is STONE KINGDOM in meaning. What a coincidence! Daniel, chapter 2, tells that Israel is the Stone Kingdom. LIA FAIL in Irish and LEA GAEL seem to say the same thing. Beautiful Stone of Israel is the Coronation Stone. LIA FAIL! The Goidels are the GOI  EL or People of God, also.

Druidism was said to have been founded by Gwyddon Ganhebon or the Seth of the Bible. It is thought that Hu Gadarn in about 1800 B.C. brought Druidism to Britain and built Stonehenge. The mysteries of Druidism lead us back to origins  of  science and government and spiritual powers given to Seth and Enoch and Noah. Shem had the duty of carrying on much of the original work also. From Eber came the name Hebrew or Habru; and the Hyksos Kings of the Great Pyramid came into prominence. The connection between Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid is definitely established beyond doubt.

We learn also that Joseph of Arimathea was called Llid and the Church of LlanLlid was ruled over in Siluria (Southern Wales) by Caradoc (Caractacus), son of Bran, son of King Lear (Llyr) . This is ancient Welsh history. Bran was converted by St. Paul in Rome in 58 AD. and returned to England with Aristobulus (Eubulus) of 2 Timothy 4:21 . Claudia was Gladys who later married Pudens in Rome and formed the first Christian Church in Rome-SANTA PUDENZIANA! Rome was pagan then!

Some of the writers of American History state that Wales is the CRADLE OF LIBERTY. It is stated that Prince of Madoc in eighteen vessels brought 3000 Welshmen to America about 1160-1164 AD. and they mixed with the Indians there. Much interesting data refers to this. Some of the most wonderful tradition is that Jesus Christ from the age of twelve to the age of thirty, lived in England and roamed over Somerset, Gloucestershire, and Wales and settled in Glastonbury. What a heritage!

On December 21st, 1621, the “Mayflower” came over with her Welsh captain, John Howland ‘This is some reason to believe that he was descended from Joseph of Arimathea. This is found on Genealogy Tables of Early American settlers from Wales and England.

It was the Welsh Christian Bishops that held out against Roman Catholicism in Wales. A great Law Centre was also established. Howell the Good wrote many laws in the “White House” there. Howell (the Good) was a friend of King Arthur and inspired Arthur’s Laws. Perhaps William Marshall, a Welshman had something to do with the writing of the Magna Carta, the Great Charter of British Liberties. It is stated that Wm. Marshall, Earl of Pembroke from West Wales forced King John to sign the Magna Carta. Peter Jefferson, the grandfather of Thomas Jefferson, was a Welshman. Richard Price, born in Wales, was the man who in 1776 wrote “Observation of Civil Liberty and the Policy of Justice and War with America” which with Tom Paine’s “Common Sense” roused the people against the iniquity of George the Third of England.

William Penn, also, came from Wales and he was a great lawgiver in the United States of America. Of the first thirty-one Presidents of the U.S.A., seven were Welshmen. This is of interest in the Anglo Israel population of the New World. It is perhaps stated truly that Wales is the “Cradle of Liberty”.

